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Ask Prof Oak

Do you have a question about how to play Pokemon? Well here is where you can send any questions to get answered. The questions will be posted and an answer will be sent directly to you. Please sent you questions to with the subject line reading "Ask Prof Oak". I will answer the question as thoroughly as possible and as soon as possible.

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Need more info or one-on-one attention? Look for me on America Online Instant Messenger. My screen name is ProfOak4

How do you catch a Pokemon?

After returning Prof Oak's package to him, you can buy pokeballs at any PokeMart. After buying the balls, you fight a pokemon and weaken it without killing it by attacking it. Then go to the "Items" menu and select the pokeball during the attack. This will throw the pokeball and may catch the Pokemon. Putting Pokemon to sleep, poisoning,paralyzing, freezing or other conditions makes the Pokemon easier to catch. Different levels of balls exist that make catching the Pokemon easier. Master Balls guarantee a catch no matter what, but with Ultra balls, Great balls, and pokeballs, repectivly, the ease of catching decreases.

Submitted by: Anonymous


How do I get Mew/Mewthree/Merril/etc...

All of these pokemon are not available naturally in the Red/Blue/Yellow versions of the game. Mew can be aquired through a Gameshark or Game Genie.

Submitted by: Numerous


What will be the best pokemon card in pokemon Gold and silver (Neo)?

What the best card is will depend on what you're looking for. But I'll tell you what is not the best card in the Neo cards and that is Lugia. I don't care how sparkly or shiney he is, only one attack for three different types of energy? I think not.

Submitted by: Thundo5000


What's a fire Pokemon's most powerful move? a water Pokemon? a grass Pokemon? an electric Pokemon? a ground Pokemon?

Fire: Fire Blast (TM 38)
Water: Hydro Pump
Grass: Solar Beam
Electric: Thunder
Ground: Earthquake

Submitted by: PhuRpLeNurPLe


How do I get to Saffron City?

In order to get to Saffron City, you must go to the very top floor of the Celadon City Department store in Celadon city and use one of the vending machines, buy a drink from the vending machine, any one will do, then go to one of the buildings that has a guard in it that has stopped you from going through before and give him the drink and he will let you pass through. You can now go though other buildings, some of which will take you to saffron city. Use your town map to figure out which cities will give you access to Saffron City.

Submitted by: Lilpikachu9


What is the easiest way to catch a Scyther?

First of all, you must be in the red version to get a scyther. The most traditional way to catch a scyther is in the safari zone, but if you are having trouble, you can use the Safari Zone Cheat on the Cheats Page and that will get you one with just a little bit of work and some time.

Submitted by: PFoxMulder


How do you play Pokemon?

Well, that's an extremely broad question, but here goes. First of all, you must own (or have access to) a gameboy and a pokemon red, blue or yellow game pak. Then you start playing (inserting the game pak and operation can be found by reading the manual provided with the gameboy and the game pak) and you press the "A" button until it comes to a screen that says "New Game" press "A" there and you will be taken to a screen displaying Prof Oak (that's me!) and he will explain the world of pokemon briefly. Once he is finished talking, you start in your room of your house. You must try to go up into the grassy area where you will be stopped by Prof Oak (me again!). Then he will talk some more and you must choose a starting pokemon from the three sitting on the table in Prof Oak's Lab. This will decide the difficultly level of your game. Once you get the pokemon you can venture out of the town and begin your pokemon journey. You must first get a package for Prof Oak from the next town up before you can buy Pokeballs, but once you buy Pokeballs, an old man in the north part of the second town can show you how to use them if you need help. Now your journey has begun.

Submitted by: JennyPn4564


How do you get Mew without a Gameshark/Game genie?

You cannot get Mew without game genie or gameshark in the American Version of Blue, red or yellow. Mew was available, though secretly, in the japanese versions, though I do not know how to get him that way. There is no way to get Mew without cheating. Sorry.

Submitted by: GBAMA5


How do you get from Saffron City onto route 12? There is a Snorlax in the way. Also, I can't go to the Cycling Road, because of another Snorlax. what do I do?

Well, you must get the Pokeflute from Mr. Fuji. To do that, you must go down through the secret entrance behind the poster in the Casino in Celadon city, beat all of the Rockets and get the sliph scope. Once you do that, go to Lavender Town and beat all the Rockets there and rescue Mr. Fuji from the very top. Once you are back at his house he will give you the Pokeflute that you must play in front of the Snorlax in order for him to wake up and attack you. You can kill him, catch him, or just run away from him, but he is a one-of-a-kind Pokemon and you only get those two chances at him. After that, the path will be clear for you to procceed.

Submitted by: Zman

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