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Angel Gallery

In this area we will be including some pictures of some of the types
of angels that the Artist are creating.


These are the angels that started it all. When I was
in need of a pick-me-up after getting a cut infected,
Bonita Firby of St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba,
Canada sent me these two little angels that were
done on watercolor paper. They still hang over my
computer today to get me through each day.


I am finally getting some more of the angel pictures up. I have my favorites in this bunch, but as you can see, each of us has our own way of making "just" the right angel that is needed. All are so different, yet so wonderful. I can't tell you how much these angels have meant to me during my illness. Every time Mike handed me another one he made the same statement...."just look what how much people care for you...don't you dare give up".

He knew how much that I wanted to give up and not fight the battle any more. Thank God for Angels because each of you carried me through. I don't have thewords to say thank you...that is just not enough.

As you can see, angels come in many different sizes and shapes. The angel on the bottom left is on heavy paper and was mailed as a postcard. Very smart. cheaper to mail, no envelope required, job well done. I don't have names for all these angels because some of you are very sneaky and even mail them out with my address on them.


The angel on the left is made of paper with a button for her face and is a magnet that stays on my fridge. I received her quite some time ago.

The angel on the right was hand crochet by Joy and is on a clothespin. She is beautiful and I sure wish I had the pattern to do one like her (hint).

Sometimes you have no idea as to when the angel
you have sent is going to arrive or just how badly it is
needed at the time. I received this card onto very day
that the decision making was taken out of my hands.
I had began coughing up a lot of blood and the Doctors
said it's now or you are dead.
This card was with me as I had picked it up out of the
mailbox as we had left for the Doctor's office.
The front of the card reads: God has the power to make
dreams come true--It just takes a prayer... The inside of the card said.....There! I said one for you. Then a special person had hand
written the following: Teri, we love you and pray for all you
intentions, you are a special lady and we are all pulling for
you as you make tough decisions.
Pat Kennison

I have never felt that there was anything special about me
but those words and that card I held in my hand while
they put the chest tube in. Thank you Pat.

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