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Evan's Scifi Page

Welcome to my page. Look around, sign my GB and take the poll. There should be music playing in the background, if there isn't email me. Later this will be used as a message board

Hello and welcome to this wonderful page of mine. You are to access my home page. If you haven't already noticed I am really into science fiction. I have several pages about some of the science fiction movies or shows that I like; below are the links to them. I hope you enjoy my part of the world wide web because I enjoyed making it.

I also have a astronomy page that in my personal opinion is the best page I've made thus far. So if your into astronomy then check it out. My second favorite page of mine is my Star wars page. If your wondering why its my second favorite it's because the HTML design is not very good, but please check it out anyway. I have two web rings connected to the page and this page. Check them out too.

Toward the bottom of this home page I have a link to my guestbook so people who wonder in here can sign it. Please sign it but don't put anything vulgar on it or it will be taken away from me. Click here to vote for my page on angelfires best page award.

Isn't she hot!!!???

Star Wars Trilogy Poll
Which Star Wars Trilogy movie do you like best?

Star Wars: A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi

Current Results

Episode 1 Poll
Do you think that Episode 1 will be better than the other 3 Star Wars movies?

Current Results

My unofficial Star Wars Page

My Lost In Space Page

My X-Files Page

Astronomy Page

Me Page

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

The SciFi Channel on TV, check it out!

The only official Star Wars website

Lost In Space movie web page

BMW, my favorite car company!


This is my friends page on angelfire but he hasn't done much with it!

AAA Matilda United States

These are four of the six web rings I belong to, the other two have a link located in my Star Wars page. Check them out, they're cool!

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This page was last updated Nov. 25, 1998

Most of the pictures I have on my pages are copyrighted and if you are one of the people that copyrighted them please don't sue because they are not mine.I don't know much about law when it comes to the copyright so I may be mistaken about all this. Feel free to take the pictures from my pages but I must warn you they are copyrighted.

Also, If are on angelfire too. The link exchange program is not paid advertising. Look at the rules at angelfires homepage if you don't know what i'm talking about.