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Did you agree that almost all of the programs on the market today are way to complicated for most people to sell or duplicate.

Our Plan, Computerized - Downline Builder, Marketing Literature and Free Tools Makes Duplication EASY. Duplication and Geometric Growth CAN MAKE YOU RICH!

Here is how it works...

UPI will pay you commission on 8th levels. There are 3 business plans of commission payouts. You may proceed to each business plan as your income grows.

When you purchase at least $45.00 of UPI's range of Superior Herbal products within a month, you will get paid on your 1st to 6th level. This is the MSH-1 business plan.

When you purchase at least $90.00 of UPI's range of Superior Herbal products within a month, you will get paid on your 1st to 7th level. This is the MSH-2 business plan.

When you purchase at least $135.00 of UPI's range of Superior Herbal products within a month, you will get paid on your 1st to 8th level. This is the MSH-GOLD business plan. Even without sponsoring in this plan you can make $29,154.00!

The company will mail your commission checks on the 5th of each month...

Here is an example of you participating in the MSH-1 Business Plan with no personal sponsoring, but with the company enrolling 3 distributors under you and each of your downline members:

Level Distributors Commission Profit Monthly Total
1 3 5% $4.50 $7.50
2 9 10% $27.00 $34.50
3 27 10% $81.00 $115.50
4 81 10% $243.00 $358.50
5 243 5% $364.50 $723.00
6 729 10% $2187.00 $2910.00
Total 1092     $2910.00

Three distributors wide by six levels deep will earn you a minimum of $2,910.00 per month!

Here is an example of you participating in the MSH-2 Business  Plan with no personal sponsoring, but with the company enrolling 3 distributors under you and each of your downline members:

Level Distributors Commission Profit Monthly Total
1 3 5% $4.50 $7.50
2 9 10% $27.00 $34.50
3 27 10% $81.00 $115.50
4 81 10% $243.00 $358.50
5 243 5% $364.50 $723.00
6 729 10% $2,187.00 $2,910.00
7 2,187 10% $6,561.00 $9,471.00



Three distributors wide by seven levels deep will earn you a minimum of $9,471.00 per month!

Here is an example of you participating in the MSH-Gold Business  Plan with no personal sponsoring, but with the company enrolling 3 distributors under you and each of your downline members:

Level Distributors Commission Profit Monthly Total
1 3 5% $4.50 $7.50
2 9 10% $27.00 $34.50
3 27 10% $81.00 $115.50
4 81 10% $243.00 $358.50
5 243 5% $364.50 $723.00
6 729 10% $2,187.00 $3,633.00
7 2,187 10% $6,561.00 $2,910.00
8 6,561 10% $19,683.00 $9,471.00
Total       $29,154.00

You probably will think that these numbers are unreachable. That’s the opposite of what people from traditional old network marketing companies believe who got into Amway or Herbalife in the very beginning. They make much more than the example above. Our company is a "New Wave" company and our distributors have a second chance to get at the beginning of the tremendous growth!


2% OF THE COMPANY'S TOTAL GROSS REVENUES WORLDWIDE will be set a side and placed into to A GIANT POOL for three months. The Giant Pool is then equally divided among all those Marketing Executives who will enroll a minimum of 9 distributors in three consecutive months, or if you succeed to enroll 18 distributors in the same time, you will get a double share from the Giant Pool. This incredible pool will be divided between qualified Executives four times a year on January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15.

Company experts project a minimum of 20,000 distributors in the next six months. The Giant Pool Bonus will look like this:

20,000 distributors × $75 average monthly purchase = $1,500,000.00 companies monthly sales volume
$1,500,000.00 companies sales volume × 3 months = $4,500,000.00 total three months sales volume
2% of $4,500,000.00 the Giant Pool will be worth a minimum of $90,000.00

Who wouldn't like to have a share of UPI’s Giant Pool Bonus and this pool may even go as high as $180,000.00 twice the example from above!

We at UPI care about our distributors and have given them an easy task of only personally sponsoring three people a month. With the company's powerful marketing tools and excellent products you don’t have to be a heavy hitter to get your share of the Giant Pool Bonus every three months!!!

You would qualify for Giant Bonus from your first day in the business plan. Our CDB system will record the entry dates of your personally sponsored distributors, and as soon as you have nine on your record in any period of three consecutive months or less, you will automatically receive your share of Giant Bonus on a preceding date (see above).


As an added benefit to our distributors UPI is announcing our Fast-Start program. What this means to you is that you receive ($15.00 for MSH-1, $30.00 for MSH-2 or $50.00 for MSH- GOLD) Fast-Start bonus check with in 72 hours for every person you personally enroll. Sponsor 10 distributors (QUALIFY YOURSELF FOR A SHARE OF THE GIANT POOL BONUS) and make an extra $150.00, $300.00 or $500.00!

Becoming a member is now also fast and easy ONLINE! Our automated online membership service is fast and simple. Make a change and start today!

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