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This is my Al Snow autograph from when I saw him at The Nutter Center at Fairborn, Ohio

My Website is critically acclaimed. Just read below!

"Every once in a while a website comes along. This is such a website!

-Ben Dover, Palookaville Press

"One of the years most recent websites!"

-Justin Credible, The Justin Credible Newsletter

I can't believe a website like this is possible!"

-Armand Leg, currently unemployed

"Leave me alone I don't know what a website is! Where am I?"

-Melvin Skelnick, a confused man


-Mick Foley, WWF Wrestler.

"If you don't love this website I got two words for ya!!! Suck it!!!"

-Billy Gunn, WWF wrestler

Stuff to look at on my site!

I NEED HELP! I'm looking for someone to write an article about WWF or ECW Wrestling. If your interested e-mail me at

"The Young Report" written by "The Macho Man"

A Wrestling Article by Jeremy Pearson AKA "J.R"

A Wrestling Article by THE MOLEMAN

WWF Monday Night Raw/ Sunday Night Heat Results

ECW TV Results

Add or View sites on my Free For All Wrestling Links Page!

Pictures of The Rock(my favorite wrestler)

Some pictures of DEGENERATION X, the coolest group in the WWF

Some pictures of some other WWF Stars

Some pictures of some ECW wrestlers

Some logos and links to my favorite bands

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Pink Floyd Poll
What's your favorite Pink Floyd Album

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