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"It is Sometimes Just a Whisper"
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"Listening now . . .

as the wind blows
freely in the trees
and past my window
I envision thousands
of armies marching
flags flying majestically

Verse 2

for in the wind if one
will but listen to hear
the cries of history
both from the past
the now and here
and the future to come
is portrayed to us
as just a whisper
in the wind . . ."

Verse 3

"We strive for hours . . .

even days, or weeks
months and sometimes
many years to understand
what it is that is whispered
in the wind among the trees
and forest animals know
when to seek cover
and mostly when to run,

Verse 4

so how is it we cannot
also hear the message
carried on the wind
the whispering of the spirit
to help us know when
to run or to hide away
for temptation rides the wind
and fear is its master

Verse 5

for with wind and rain
storm and thunder
lightning and darkness
one must both be alert
and be mindful of the who
and what he is to become,

Verse 6

just as the animals
in the forest know
of coming storms
or of the presence
of man, we too must
listen to the wind . . ."

Verse 7

"Sometimes just . . .

a whisper is all we need,
a simple, "I love you"
when all around waves
are tossing us to and fro.

Verse 8

Sometimes this little voice
which says, "How are you?"
Is enough to fight the day
for one more chance
to come away in tact.

Verse 9

Maybe the whisper
will be one of comfort,
"Please don't cry."
or, "I hope you feel
better, my child."

Verse 10

But always we know
that a whisper will
be soft and not to hurt
if it is from one we love
and who loves us.

Verse 11

But the still small voice
of the spirit from Father
we surely must listen to,
and it is special for us
careful not to miss a word.

Verse 12

But whatever the source
when we are loud and careless
the whisper will not be heard
and we will be left floundering
on the wind and waves of man . . ."

This next was written over 28 years ago:

"I Love You, in a Whisper"

We whisper I love you
but we shout I hate you
how would it have been
if we shouted I love you
and but whispered
I hate you almost audible,
would we not really
then understand the power
of a whisper and a shout
to not regret the one
and never say the other?

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