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I have a good friend who serves
her country north of us, she and
many others make life a little easier and
more peaceful for us to enjoy the
rights of every day, but more importantly
the Sabbath day, to her this is
dedicated, thanks Maggie. Chuck

"It is Raining"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"The rain was falling . . .
hard upon the ground
where stood the frozen
soldiers long forgotten
in this place of war,
for when they fought
no one saw them
or heard their cries
and they were left
all alone to die.

Verse 2

It was another Sunday
and many peered out
to see the falling rain
and thought to themselves
maybe I'll wait and go
to worship my Father
on another Sabbath day.
So they joined others
who before already
have much to do every
Sunday morning too,
thus this Sabbath is pushed
aside as the soldiers frozen
who fought for this freedom
to worship as we please.

Verse 3

So the rain continues
not just in natures way
but from the night always
to another day to follow,
for softened are the footsteps
of those who church do attend,
while those who go to play
make joyous sounds
to drown out the falling rain
the tears of heaven to cleanse
once again, and then again
the bodies of the soldiers
frozen alone in the rain.

Verse 4

Yes it is raining today
even when the sky is light
for when another chooses
darkness instead of right
Father's heart moans
and the angels feel His pain
thus their tears fall to comfort
His soldiers lying frozen alone
for they carried His fight
to the adversary and won
for us to have the right
to chose to obey or not
to honor the Sabbath day . . ."

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