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"Forgotten Not the Words"
C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"When the language . . .

was created to be spoken
many always thought
that nothing more
could or would be said
the great poets came
the authors of renown
the researchers of fame
those who wrote dictionaries
and those who wrote what
the dictionaries had said
and then we have the news
who never know just what
it is they say or report
but as long they say
something it is okay,
or a politician who can
speak for hours and hours
never saying a thing,
yes all the words
have been said, but why
do we then try for more
to say, to be understood?

Verse 2

Is it forgotten not
that this conversation
took place between
the Lord and His Prophet,
"Then said I, Ah, Lord God!
behold, I cannot speak:
for I am a child. But the
Lord said unto me,
Say not, I am a child:
for thou shalt go to all
that I shall send thee,
and whatsoever I
command thee thou
shalt speak." Do we
not remember who
it is that has sent us,
is Father forgotten
or have we forgotten not?"

Verse 3

"When shadows fall . . .

upon the land and sea
is it another day past
or was it another chance
to learn more and retain
for yet the next day
to come enhanced
better prepared now
by the one just past?

Verse 4

Do we learn anew
each day what already
we know, or do we
learn more and more
to add to our knowledge
precept by precept
line upon line new ideas
to grow beyond ourselves
becoming someone new
sometimes even a stranger
to those who know us well?

Verse 5

Or do we dwell alone
in natural mediocrity
forgetting of who we are
and of our royal blood
do we go as strangers
forever held in the actions
and the motives of others
afraid to grow to become
like the children lost
in never-never land
to be a child forever?

Verse 6

Where are we when
the shadows fall ending
each and every day again
with those who have climbed
tall mountains and tasted
the pure clean spring water,
or are we somewhere else
beyond the sight of others
safe and sound, secure
from new thoughts and ideas
far from the wind and rain
which uproots trees
or floods the land starting
new life and plans and gains?

Verse 7

Have we forgotten all
the prophets have taught,
to go toward the light
to put on the amour of God
to fight the fight again today
and into the next night
when shadows fall
and the darkness surrounds
us all, are we heard to cry
or to sing with delight
because as sons and daughters
of God the Father and His Son
we have forgotten not we are His
and no else's to have dominion
lest we fail to remember Him. . .?"

"For Once"

For once I wanted
so desperately
to know thy will
yet for hours
my mind sat blank
and my paper empty
while yet had I
but listened just once
to the still small voice
my mind would've
been full to overflowing
and my pen unstopped
of the wonders of you
my Father's eternal
love of me.

C.J. Ingerson
27 March 1988

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