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"To the Daughter Most Precious"

C.J. Ingerson, 10/09/98

page 1

"My dearest daughter . . .
I hear your prayers
as you come to Me
to guide, protect
even hold in My hands
your children, your husband
and sometimes even you.
Know that I care
know that I hear
know that I feel
know that I see
of who and what
you are now
and wish to become.
For your desires
are righteous
and full of love
and each will
be addressed
and answered
because of your faith.
But now daughter
My precious child
be patient
be longsuffering
be humble and meek
seek out others
who need your love.
Look always
to serve in ways
others find difficult
look to be a friend
to the stranger
to the widows
to the orphans.
For these are all
My children
even as you
and your family too
so be comforted
in the knowledge
of My love for you.
Now go forth
prune the vineyard
work on your
and their families
who've gone before
that you might be.
Think of what
you need to do
and then of how
and plan according
to the Spirit
for each day
and each moment.
This is of of which I speak
for know as in James
yes you need faith
but faith without works
is dead, and not to be.
So precious daughter
child of mine
listen just now
to the whisperings
of the Spirit
listen just now
to this answer to prayer . . ."

page 2

"Forever my child . . .
be patient with those
who are around you
for they may
not always see
as you will see
or be what
you wish of them
of feel the warmth
that you feel
when the Spirit
comes quickly
then lingers.
Forever my child
is what you have
to work with those
of who you love
just now be patient
do as you've
been commanded
in being My daughter
by the way you dress
by the way you talk
by the way you treat
and love those
who are around you.
Forever My daughter
is what is promised
if you are but worthy
if you are but pure
if you are but patient
for I make no promise
I will not keep
and for this reason
I allowed my only Son
to be spit upon
nailed to a cross
so that all my children
might have the chance of forever . . ."

page 3

"Now my daughter . . .
I know you have
many questions
to ask of Me
and I’ll take
the time to address
each, but remember
daughter each
will be of scripture
not of speculation
not of things to come
not of why
not of how
but of a promise
and with a promise
comes both a blessing
and a penalty
for obedience
in all things
is what is expected
remember the scripture,
"If you love Me,
keep my commandments!"
And remember whether
if be of Me
or my beloved Son
or of His duly
called and ordained
Prophets upon the
Earth today
or yesterday
or tomorrow
it is one,
for our words
are unchanging
and We speak
with one voice
with one mind
with one intent . . ."

page 4

"You ask of first . . .
of 1Peter3:7?
Yes I like that verse
it almost says it all
and yes I know
most forget to read
of the whole verse
or of those
that come before
and follow after
but this one verse
is written for all
to know that
families, your family
can be forever
for how can
a man be without
the woman
or the woman
without the man
if I have promised
that you can be
"...and as being
heirs together of
the grace of life;"
How could I
make this promise
if it were not so,
so my daughter
now you know
of why families
are of so much
importance to Me
and why I allowed
My beloved Son
to serve His mission
so you might be
and your family too
with Me forever,
or as Peter states,
"...heirs together
of the grace of life . . ."

page 5

"Ah next yes another . . .
of my favorites,
you wish to know more
of Proverbs 31:10-31?
"Who can find
a virtuous woman?
for here price
is far above rubies."
Yes this is one
of the best descriptions
of womanhood
of what it means
to be a choice daughter
a choice child
a wife or a mother
or a handmaid
or a teacher
or a doctor
or a settler of disputes.
It places woman
on a pedestal
in a higher sphere
a separate place
of honor, of virtue
of almost reverence.
Yes I know
there are some
who say no women
are to be like men
to be equal
but this is not
of what a woman
should be.
For why should
a woman be less
than as stated,
in verse 28,
"Her children arise up,
and call her blessed;
her husband also,
and he praiseth her."
This is not equality
this is to be cherished . . ."

page 6

"Yes daughter . . .
it is correct that no one
ever said the refiners fire
would be easy, but worth it?
Yes, it will be of great worth.
Let me use Peter 1:7-8
to better explain,
"That the trial of our faith,
being much more precious
than of gold that perisheth,
thought is be tried with fire
might be found unto praise
and honour and glory
at the appearing
of Jesus Christ:
whom having not seen,
ye love; in whom,
thought now ye
see him not,
yet believing,
ye rejoice with joy
and full of glory:
Receiving the end
of your faith
even the salvation
of your souls.
Of which salvation
the prophets have enquired
and searched diligently,
who prophesied
of the grace
that should come unto you:
Searching what,
or what manner of time
the Spirit of Christ
which was in them
did signify,
when it testified beforehand
the sufferings of Christ,
and the glory that
should follow."

page 7

"So daughter . . .
You see suffering
the refiners fire,
suffering even as the Savior
has suffered so that glory
might be yours someday,
is it not difficult
to imagine a life
in which to learn
where there were
no tests, no trials
not one of your faith,
how then would
you know of
if you had faith?
So now you see wisdom
nothing of value
in the worlds to come
is easily attained
on this earth,
but those things
of great value
on this earth
are of a small moment
and then rust and moth
doth corrupt them,
but things of God
things eternal
require longsuffering
require understanding
which can only
be gained and received
by first the refiners fire
and then follow
the blessings
which put to shame
the gold and silver
of this world
for all the eternity
that is yet to come. . ."

page 8

"Oh daughter . . .
you ask of the thief
who like My Son was
crucified on a cross,
and he rebuked
his accomplice to silence,
"And he said unto Jesus, Lord,
remember me when thou
comest into thy kingdom.
And Jesus said unto him,
Verily I say unto thee,
to day shalt thou
be with me in paradise."
(St. Luke 23:42-43)
Was he then saved?
Was he redeemed
at the end of his mortal days?
Or was it as the scriptures
go on to state,
that, "For for this cause was
the gospel preached
also to them
that dead, that they
might be judged according
to men in the flesh,
but live according to
God in the spirit."
and it was said
and taught that
for three days
My beloved Son
went and taught
those who had died
under the law of Moses
and now the law
was fulfilled
and this thief too
would be where
my Son would be,
so now he too
could be taught . . ."

page 9

"Once long ago . . .
men said they needed
no God, for they
were indeed men
to be feared.
But the scriptures
say to those who
are not ordained
of God have not
the powers are of God.
So when you ask
of Romans 13: 3,
you are asking
about authority
and whose authority
would you fear,
man or God,
man can kill or main
rape or pillage,
but God, God
is over all and
can give eternal life
or eternal damnation,
so my daughter
fear not rulers
chosen of men
and called by men,
"For rulers are not
a terror to good works,
but to the evil.
Wilt thou then not
be afraid of the power?
do that which is good,
and thou shalt have
praise of the same."
For that which is good
cometh from God
for He can do no evil.
But that which is evil
is of Satan,
who can do no good . . ."

page 10

"And now my . . .
daughter most precious,
I know you desire more,
you desire to know
of Ezekiel and others,
be content that Ezekiel
knew of Me and My power,
he knew of the harmony
of all My dominions
of all My creations
of what I wanted
and needed him to know,
that is enough
for you to know
to live in harmony
with those around you . . ."
"Remember always . . .
what you've been
taught in James,
especially in James 1:27,
"Pure religion and undefiled
before God and the Father
is this,
To visit the fatherless
and widows in their affliction,
and to keep himself
unspotted from the world."
Do these things my daughter
you’ve been called
to be special
above diamonds and rubies
to have honour
in your home
and when you walk
upon the streets
of your towns and cities,
know this that you are
special, precious
beyond value
in Mine eyes. . ."

page 11

"Again I remind . . .
you of that
which is also
found in James 1:5,
"If any of you lack wisdom,
let him ask of God,
that upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him."
So my precious child
don't fear to come
unto me in prayer
as now this day
you've done,
but remember, verse 6,
"But let him ask in faith,
nothing wavering.
For he that wavereth
is like a wave
of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed."
But be firm in your
testimony of Me
and of My beloved Son.
Know always that
I love you.
Know always that
I am here.
Know always that,
"Blessed is the man
that endureth temptation:
for when he is tried,
he shall receive
the crown of life,
which the Lord
hath promised to them
that love him." James 1:12
And know that those
who love My Son
will keep His commandments
and I who sent Him,
and His prophets
whom He has called.
Farewell for now
my daughter most precious. . ."

C.J. Ingerson, 10/9/98

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