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"To the Child Within the Heart"


Verse 1

Born with a will so strong
to defeat odds insane made
yet everyone one was wrong
even gamblers made the mistake.

Verse 2

You see the child within a heart
was born to be a winner forever
it is always the missing part
of the equation to say never.

Verse 3

Yet a child doesn't know to quit
and be a loser has to be taught
which is what many admit
they teach when they are caught.

Verse 4

Adoptive behavior comes from another
certainly not from a loving Father above
but someone we might call a brother
for at birth we come with winners love.

Verse 5

So to the child within our hearts
when time change or get bad
we've been admonished to be part
"To become as a child," not sad.

Verse 6

The wisdom of the scriptures is this
to find the happiness in earthly life
is to remember our childhood bliss
to get us through the times of strife.

Verse 7

Thus when on our knees we pray
do we ask to remember this child
deep within our hearts this day
to lead us, guide us, keep us mild?

Verse 8

Just remember we winners came
to moralities probationary test
life would not every be the same
if we didn't reflect on this in rest.

Verse 9

When you are out today notice all
and soon you will recognize those
who understand this scripture call
to the child in the heart so close.

Verse 10

Then when you do and can see
remember you too this can learn
to the winner be in all adversity
our child needs to be our main concern.

Verse 11

The difference between the winner
and the loser is how one thinks;
winners remembers to love the sinner
while the loser is the sinner who sinks.

Verse 12

So call to this child deep within your heart
allow them to come out and play and love
stop tearing and ripping yourself apart
remember your royal bloodline is from above.

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