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"Questions Children Ask"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Daddy where is tomorrow
if today is today, right
and yesterday it was not
but you said tomorrow
would be today, with me
then why is today, today
not tomorrow, like you said?

Verse 2

Mommy is this tonight
going to be last night
or will it be morning
today, or is it tomorrow
or yesterday, when you
kissed me, had prayer
and then said 'I love you'
good night or last night?

Verse 3

Daddy I know you are you
but why are you daddy to me
and Mister or Donald, not
to others, who are like me
or are you someone else
when you are away from me
or are you always my daddy?

Verse 4

Mommy I love you as mommy
but Jimmy calls you mom
and Linda call you mother
yet daddy calls you honey,
are you my mommy too
or are you someone else
when you are with others?

Verse 5

Is it sunshine, or sun bright
is it moon glow or star light
do we say raining or showers
some say snowing or storm
while others say bad weather
is a good day or a bad day
why isn't it just today, today?

Verse 6

When do we get to go home
from where we came before
coming here to live today
or tomorrow, when will we go
back to yesterday and home
where I was before being born?

Verse 7

So let me ask you once again
together you are my parents
but separate you are a mommy
and a daddy, but father and
mother, or husband and wife
and I'm a daughter or son
a child when I really am nice?

Verse 8

When do we find out all this
about yesterday, tomorrow
or today, being a child or son
a daughter or a niece or nephew,
when is an aunt, not an ant
why or what is an uncle to me
just to you a brother now?

Verse 9

When will I go home again
from where I lived long ago
when will I see Father now
for I miss Him when he's away
will you take me to His home
or is too far away from here
when will I go home again?

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