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"I've Checked Every Known Source"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Where could it be
I know it was here
but now just can't see
quiet mind don't act in fear.

Verse 2

My daughter so young
it was for you this gift
a hymn to be sung
your special spirit to lift.

Verse 3

I know that bright lights
and fancy music is fun
but think of misery's plights
when it is dark and the music done.

Verse 4

The Gospel is not to restrict you
but to allow you to grow, flower
and to help learn to tell what is true
so for the moment from my love borrow.

Verse 5

As others entice you away from me
what is their motives for doing such
please let your spiritual eyes open and see
for what they are offering isn't very much.

Verse 6

Just now let us bow our heads in prayer
see what you feel in your heart now
then when you visit over there
see if the feeling is the same somehow.

Verse 7

You're one of Father's lovely daughters
why would you want to be less than this
you're loved by your sisters and brothers
a price to pay the Celestial Kingdom to miss?

Verse 8

Do you feel the spirits' warmth touch
as Father embraces you now?
Or is all of this for you just too much
and forgotten you've agency to allow?

Verse 9

Then as you go to bed tonight
and in prayer privately kneel
just as you're to turn out the light
ask Father about this in silent appeal.

Verse 10

I'll to pray for you and your friends
not to restrict your agency but the instead
for you to a happiness that never ends
a life full of the joys of the Masters bread.

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