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"A Teardrop Fell"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

Was it because of love
or of what someone said
was it because of joy
or sadness felt instead?

Verse 2

"Why is it . . .
you ask for a miracle
when all you need
is a blessing instead?

Verse 3

When the storms
of life ravage
and pillage ones
security and peace
is that when
you call on me?

Verse 4

When you need
another to assist
because you have
fallen and are hurt
is that when you
think to call on me?

Verse 5

When you are depressed
and feeling most alone
with the desertion
of friends and loved ones
why is then you think
only to call on me?

Verse 6

Why is it with tears
upon my cheeks
I lean upon my staff
to say my daughter
oh my son, my son
where are you when
the sun is shining?

Verse 7

Where are you
when all is well
with loved ones
pushing and shoving
to get your attention
why don't you call
or talk to me then?

Verse 8

You always seem
to want a miracle
when all you need
is a blessing instead,
yet you are always
too busy to let me know
of the good things
you've enjoyed,

Verse 9

So this teardrop
can be for joy felt
for love unfeigned,
instead of pain
and anguish instead.

Verse 10

So my child run
and play if you must
but remember, remember
when you need me most
is not when the sadness
surrounds you, but when
you feel joy and comfort,

Verse 11

For then is when
you learn to know me
and not just need me,
and the tears upon my cheeks
for you are shed . . ."

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