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"Just a Little String"


Not only is spring
a time of year or season
but an attitude, too.

You have brought spring
back into my life
to give me
breath to live.

Thus the love for you
that I express just now
for a myriad of reasons
other reasons, too.

This may sound strange
but we are glad
you went and worked
out in the yard.

We're sorry about how
you are feeling since
but we've found that
when there is something.

We really want to do
we have the energy
to do it at the time
by the example you've set.

Then we go do it!
We know we'll pay for it
but life is not to die
or playing it safe to survive.

Life is the serendipity,
we all need now
a break from norm
our usual life's we lead.

We will do what needs
to be done routine,
bringing a breath
of fresh air now.

Thus a little spring
back into our step
(even though we may
only be able to limp).


Our minds and our hearts
and souls need to do this
even when the body
thinks it isn't very wise!

We have got to be
the epitome of the scripture:
"the spirits willing...
but the flesh is weak"

It puts a whole our life's
into a different context!
Which means to be alive
is not merely to live.

Aromas can be quite
effective forms of therapy
to soothe, to energize, to relax
to be another for a while.

We can see the twinkle
in your eyes
and the chuckle on your lips
but hear me out!

In fact give it a try
what have you got to lose?
Next time you get out
go to the candle section
and sniff of them.

When you find
some fragrances
that you like!
Pick up a few.

The votive types
are the best to use
and put them by
your bed to sit.
When you need a break
or even when
you are working at the
computer...light one.

See if the aroma
doesn't help;
and what do you
have to lose?

Except some tension?
but please be careful
to remember not to do this
when somehow like me.

You happen on oxygen
to breathe may need.
For the results
far different could be.

They make the house
smell wonderful just now,
so who can complain?
Unless you blow it up.

What triggered this string
of thoughts which flowed
into the being of words
was the spring poem!

It set a flood
of memories into motion
for as long
as I can remember.

When the seasons
turn at the beginning
of fall and spring,
the end summer and winter.

I could always
smell this particular odor;
I always thought
it was something in the air.

As the temperatures
changed or from
how the seasons affected
the trees and plants and earth.

Imagine my surprise
when I realized
that for weeks
after I had a new baby.

I could smell that sweetness
in the air about me
obviously it is something
subconscious and sublime.

I have no idea
how it works
but I have found that
various things can trigger it.

And it is very pleasant
and soothing when
I recognize that
it is with me now and then.

Maybe from time to time
memories of heaven?
I don't know or even care
this is just some string to share.


We hope you are feeling
a bit better by the time
you read this
you are forever in our prayers.

We love you
not the poems
nor the good works
those are side benefits.

It's all the important
things that you do;
whose spirit has been able
to endure so many trials.

To rise above so much
We love the person
who is fighting
so valiantly to the end.

To come forth
out of the darkness
that tries to suppress
all living things known.


We love the gentle
tender person of God;
that isn't afraid to show they
care and shares with others.

We especially love
the strength you allow
for us to know
sometimes you're hurting.

Then you let us
try to comfort
and love you in
our own special ways.

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