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"A Little Sunshine"

C.J. Ingerson

Verse 1

"It was this peek . . .

at a little sunshine
every now and then
you'd see a smile
almost formed
from a familiar sound
or on hearing a hymn
sung bold and sweet,
but we never knew
for sure if it was us
or Father who the smile
was for just now,
Verse 2

just we had been blessed
to be here when
just now, this moment
the sunlight streamed
into the room with my child
and I can't tell you more
for my tears blinded
my eyes from the angels
sitting and playing near. . ."

Verse 3

"Sometimes I would cry . . .

for hours with no reason
just to sit on the floor
and hold my child
his hands and little arms
stretched round my neck
asleep while I would weep
and ask of Father,
"What more would you have
me do this day,
of what does this child
stand in need?"

Verse 4

Always he would reply,
"My daughter, my son
you are all my child,
this special one needs."
Then I would cease to weep
and notice the room
glowed both warm and bright
as the darkness leaves
the dawn with the rising of the sun,
just now I felt not alone,
but safe and sure
doing what Father would have me do,
so gently I lay my child down
in his crib once more to rest,
and go about his room
making it a place
for those who visit
to know it is blessed. . ."

Verse 5

"A little sunshine . . .

came my way today
at play without a care
I was watching children
seeing them there
they seem protected so
as each knew where
his or her parent
watched them there.

Verse 6

So lovingly I sat my child down
but none came to stare
they just gathered round
letting him see them there
for even though they knew
they didn't treat him unfair
each in turn held him
and tussled his blond hair
letting me see the sunshine
in the world this day . . ."

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