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They who cannot change and are our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, counsins and all. . . Kinfolk. . .are those we should and respect cherish most, for with out them. . .

What consitutes a Kin?

Is it their eye color?, hair?, facial features?

Would it be who they know, or are married to?

Mayhaps it is a style of clothes or a tradition they share ?


A Kin is your Mother and Father, your Brothers and sisters, your Aunts, Uncles and Cousins, related to you and us All by the tie of blood. A Kin are those Gaia has blessed with the understanding of who we are and what we do. Kin are or should be respected members of pack and tribe, not just breeding stock, not just bait or precious objects to be locked away from all harm!
Like the Get, who test all those of their Tribe and Blood, we should include our Kin in many of the activities we share. The Glasswalkers too include their kin when dealing with City Threats, and try to make sure they know that they are special, yet not treat them as spoiled children. The Fianna, my Familal Tribe, also include their Kin in many of their affairs.
This keeps the taint of Wyrm-corrupted Hate from their hearts, and shows them we do care for them, and worry of them, but understand that they can do on their own without our constent coddling and over-protection.
Now there are things in this world so terrible (trust me on this I HAVE Seen Them!) that Garou alone may not withstand them. These things I would try to keep From my Kin, but I would at least tell them about it, for they might have that extra little bit of insight, or perhaps an idea Others of us big furries didn't or pushed aside as 'nah, won't work.'

Kin come from many races of humans and many Breeds of animals. They have a variety of knowledges and understand our world in a different perspective than do we. I'm not saying to send them out to battle the Wyrm in its monstrous Forms, unless they are skilled in such things, But let them help you. As much as we Love and Cherish them, as much as we would see their safety insured, we must realize that they mostly feel the same towards us. Some human kin may be jealous of our being so Choosen, some may feel anger towards those of us who perhaps killed their families, there will be renegades, asassins, Hunters, consipertors, etc counted amoung our very own Kin, but this is only because the Human Understanding of being Garou is so unfinished, and untried. If we explain to them, as adults and individuals not as children, why they must stay behind, and consider wether or not they will really truely benfit us if they join the War, then perhaps more of our Kin will stay loyal, patient, and willing for those things we would have them accomplish.

It is Not our place to tell any-one being what they should or should not do. . .Siblings of the Change. . . Think for a minute when we did just that. . . Remeber THE WAR OF RAGE?

Let us not drive away our last, most trusted Allies in these Final Days. . . Do Not alieninate your Family, your Kin.

Or all will be truely lost

They are our hope for the future, and they carry the Dream of a new Shifter, the Dream of a New Begining.

They are Our True Family.

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