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OOC (out of character) Please Be Paitent, these Pages still under construction.


Our Mother's Sister, Luna, Looked upon the world and saw the Pain of her Sister. With the aid of the Creatures upon Her Sister's Body, she created or gifted The Chosen; They who wear the skins of Beast and Human.

One Group of these Chosen, the Wolf-Man Changers found it Within Themselves the Need to Make the Others know which of Gaia's Choosen truely belonged, as the Warriors, the Claws and Teeth, of their Mother.

They fought a Terrible War, fueled by their Rage and the Lust for Power and Leadership Over the Others. They did not Understand the Places each Child Held within the Realm's Make Up. So They commited the worst of Attoricites. . . The Murder of their Cousins.

So I have traveled great distances to learn Their Stories, and try to spread the word of the Trinity Pack. That We know what We have done, and there is time yet to reconcile past Hurts. . . so we ALL might live through the Last Days, this. . . The Era of The Apocolyspe.

These are my Understandings of them:

Nuwisha Glyph

Gurahl Glyph


Corax Glyph


bastet glyph
Ratkin Glyph
Mokole Glyph
Rokea Glyph
Ananasi Glyph


Naga Glyph

The Werecoyote

A most curious race of skin-changers, a never a more proper term to use as a description. What do I mean? Well there are stories of how they dupped many a Garou into believing they were somethingelse entirely, And making them believe that their own packmates were something or someone else as well.
Of course we'll never know for sure since they almost literally dissapeared into the Umbra. They are the closest to Garou blood by their own birthright of being coyote, and can neatly mimic a Garou. They just know us that well.
I have yet to meet one, that has shown its true idenity, for I'll never know certainly If I've actually met a werecoyote. They, like their trickster Totem 'Father', remain well hidden until they wish to be seen. This is their way, I guess, of keeping tabs on us Garou. Perhaps one late evening, or the next morning, I'll find a strange present, or some-such prank left to me by one who I thought was another. Then I'll know, or perhaps wonder, that I've been visited by our closest Changer-relative.
I shall be watching and waiting my Cousins, for the wisdom you wish to indulge my curious wanderings. Until then, may Gaia keep you and may Coyote never lose his Laughter.

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Gurahl Glyph
The Werebear

These were The First Born of Gaia.
They are our Elder Cousins (or Elder Siblings by the Great Ceslestial Understanding), and we disrespected them greatly, for they were our very first target during the War of Rage. We mistook an ancient Way of theirs for greed and ursurption of Power on their part. We demanded what was not rightfully ours, and 'punished' them, our Elders, for what they withheld. A great tradgey to douse even the best of Shakespere's brillant Plays.
One of my very own Pack Members is a Gurahl. A lucky thing indeed for me. I have learned much from his teachings, young though he may be still. Without his guidance, I may not have seen the coming of the End Times as I do now. I knew we needed to combine our like powers and abilities with the other of the Supernaturals of this Reality, but didn't understand how one might accomplish this difficult task.
He showed me by becoming my friend and teacher, an ally and member of my pack. He place aside the Past to see the Future and reach for its illustrious goals.
He created a Rite to return the Great Elders of his Kind to the Physical embrace of the Mother. Ursa Major guided his hand in this, I believe, for the great Constilation shone brightly the day he first implemented his Rite.
The others of his kind were at first hestiant of my presence for such a fantastic, and powerful Rite. I assured them I would commit nothing of the Rite to memory, and was there to protect those involved in the Rite's Trance from outside intrusion.
Afterward, the Eldest (now present after her awakening) approached me and saw in me perhaps the future. She said almost nothing to me, but she at least acknowledged my presence.
I am all Greatfull to Gaia and Luna for that chance that day, and perhaps my Dream Goal of a united front agianst the End Times will come true after all.
Thank you, ----, May Gaia keep your fur warm and dry, may Luna bless you all, and May Ursa Major see you well into the future.

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The Wereraven

Ah, cousins of blood to my blood, siblings that wear the skins of Raven to that of Wolf. By Gaia's all knowing hand, choosen to learn the Sky-ways and tell the rest of us what they beheld.
The Corax are a strange bunch, but well loved by most members of my Tribe. Of all the Skin-changers that lost much during the War of Rage, the suffered they least from our terrible claws and burning anger. The consequences of their actions of aiding us against the others at times, probably left a sore spot in many another heart amoungst those we fought. They are brethern to me as the ancient and lost Tribe of the Highlands once were, and allies in these Last Days.
I have not yet spoken to Raven's children to great extent, but have gain great knowledge of the Umbra, and of my path ahead on my mulitude of travels. I thank you great birds, may the wind be always at your back. . . and may Gaia, Helios, and the Umbral winds keep you all safe. May your feathers never fall, and luck to you all in your travels.

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Bastet glyph
The Werecat

The Feline Skin-Changers, who gather in tribes much like our own, but Tribes that consist of Great Cat Type rather than by Race as do Garou, are quiet sly, secretive, seductive (yes Ell, I'm talking about you), brillant and warriors in their own right.
They keep secrets and love puzzles of great complexity. They, like that which they are bred, are curious and extremely lucky. (Nine Lives? Sheesh more like Ten or even Eleven) The Cats are picky when it comes to sharing information, but let me tell you what. . .They actually know alot more then what they let on at times. Sometimes though, they pretend to know what they don't, and can get away with it very easily.
In my time I have met not one but Three of the Cat-Skin-wearers. All are of my pack. . .Believe it or not as you will, but Cerebus has included them as his Charges. One was a very rare cat, a mage cat, named Ellwynn. He studied the Magickal Arts more so than his own Gifts. Through him I first learned of the true meaning of Fun, since my husband and son passed on so long ago.
But the first feline I met was Alexandria, a Metis Simba (werelion for those so uneducated). Who came to my Territory seeking Andrew for her own reasons. She never said much of her past to me, nor even acknowledge my being once she realized what I was, but consequences forced us to work together, and I learned much from her actions if not her words. She was a proud Cat, full of rage and sadness. We learned to work together very well, and she and I would go shopping for the most beautiful things. We shared much in the later days. From her I learned that the Cats are proud, regal, quiet, and some of the best warriors I've met (barring the Get's 'kill them all and let Gaia sort our dead bodies out' attitude).
The other Cat I was so privledged to meet was Xaiver's Charge, another mage cat named Krysta. Like all Cats she was shy, at first and scorned me for who I am at first, but she soon learned I ment no harm to her fur or Familiar. She showed me that patience is a learned virtue, and looking before on leaps is the best thing to do in most situations. She is from the were-lynx, or Qualmi Tribe. They are the puzzlers and riddle keepers of the Cats.
I haven't seen many of them recently, and have had minimal contact with Ellwynn. I miss them all so, and wish them well in the future.
For all the Cats, I pray Gaia and Luna keep you safe in the Night, and may they open secrets to you that you've only ever dreamed of as Kits.

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