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What Must I do
To be Saved ?

This ministry is committed to continually pursuing excellence in teaching truth. Consistent herewith, the Education ministry purposes to provide complete instruction to members of the River  Road Church of Christ, so that all will be equipped to embrace the doctrines of Christianity, and each is built up in the holy faith

Who We Are

Discipleship & Evangelism
I & II

Part I of the Discipleship  and
Evangelism unit, emphasizes the
critical issues and characteristics of the discipleship process. This class really sparks Christian growth.

* Part II of the Discipleship and  Evangelism component is best
described as a practicum. Successful participants in this eight week
program is given an aggressive
combination of hands-on research analysis, as well as a variety of action projects. Upon favorable completion a certificate of completion is awarded. This preps graduates for immediate participation and/or
leadership in various
Church ministries.

Our Leadership

