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If you follow Rikku’s grid carefully, you will attain the ability Bribe – a very useful ability that allows you to, for a sum of money, bribe a fiend into leaving battle and giving you items. Sometimes Bribing creatures is the only way to get a particular item (I certainly found this). You do need to have a lot of Gil though, so be warned. I recommend having a weapon equipped with Gillionaire (which allows you to receive twice as much Gil after a battle), to recover lost Gil quickly.


Here are some of my favorite fiends to bribe, their location, and what you can receive from them, organized by how much you must pay them.


       3 600 – Ipiria (Old Mi’hen Highroad; Mushroom Rock Road) = Petrify Grenade x 3

       4 000 – Raptor (Mushroom Rock Road; Djose Highroad) = Petrify Grenade x 2

       5 100 – Vouivre (Old Mi’hen Highroad; Mushroom Rock Road) = Silver Hourglass x 10

       5 300 – Melusine (Thunder Plains) = Petrify Grenade x 4

       7 400 – Iguion (Macalania Woods) = Petrify Grenade x 5

       8 000 – Alcyone (Sanubia Desert) = Mega Phoenix

       8 000 – Bunyip (Djose Highroad, Moonflow) = Hypello Potion x 16

       8 900 – Kusariqqu (Thunder Plains) = Silver Hourglass x 20

     10 800 – Funguar (Djose Highroad) = Turbo Ether

     13 600 – Mushussu (Sanubia Desert) = Gold Hourglass x 5

     18 000 – Yowie (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth) = Petrify Grenades x 12

     29 960 – Larvae (Thunder Plains) = Shining Thorn x 10

     36 000 – Dark Element (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth) = Return Sphere x 3

     40 500 – Basilisk (Djose Highroad) = Petrify Grenade x 24

     54 000 – Xiphos (Macalania Woods) = Mega Elixir

     55 000 – Mech Scouter (Calm Lands) = Door to Tomorrow

     58 000 – Ahriman (Mt. Gagazet Cavern, Zanarkand Ruins, Inside Sin) = Farplane Wind x 6

     74 000 – Mech Leader (Mt Gagazet) = Door to Tomorrow x 2

     74 000 – YAT-97 (Zanarkand Dome) = Ether x 16

     80 000 – Garuda (Mushroom Rock Road) = Smoke Bomb x 99

   102 000 – Achelous (Mt. Gagazet Cavern) = Healing Spring x 16

   105 000 – Chimera A (Macalania Woods) = Mana Tablet x 10

   116 000 – Anacondaur (Calm Lands) = Healing Water x 16

   124 000 – YKT-11 (Zanarkand Dome) = Elixir x 12

   134 000 – Floating Death (Omega Ruins) = Gambler’s Spirit x 10

   190 000 – Grendel (Mt. Gagazet Cavern, Zanarkand Ruins) = Mega Potion x 60

   196 000 – Chimera Brain (Calm Lands) = Level 4 Key Sphere x 2

   199 980 – Ghost (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth) = Mega Phoenix x 38

   120 000 – Coerl (Calm Lands) = Friend Sphere x 2

   148 000 – Exoray (Inside Sin) = Turbo Ether x 30

   200 000 – Spirit (Omega Ruins) = Twin Stars x 10

   260 000 – Halma (Omega Ruins) = Supreme Gem x 20

   260 000 – Master Coerl (Omega Ruins) = Warp Sphere

   270 000 – Tonberry (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth) = Amulet x 2

   340 000 – Bashura (Mt. Gagazet) = Stamina Spring x 80

   360 000 – Machea (Omega Ruins) = Chocobo Wing x 60

   360 000 – Zuu (Sanubia Desert) = Skill Sphere x 2

   400 000 – Puroboros (Omega Ruins) = Shining Gem x 36

   444 000 – Wraith (Inside Sin; Omega Ruins) = Farplane Wind x 60

   540 000 – Marlboro (Calm Lands) = Wings to Discovery x 4

   620 000 – Mandragora (Mt. Gagazet Cavern; Omega Ruins) = Return Sphere x 24

   720 000 – Red Gemini (Inside Sin; Omega Ruins) = Stamina Tonic x 10

   720 000 – Blue Gemini (Inside Sin; Omega Ruins) = Mana Tonic x 10

   900 000 – Sand Worm (Sanubia Desert) = Winning Formula x 15

   960 000 – Master Tonberry (Omega Ruins) = Pendulum x 3

1 088 000 – Adamantoise (Omega Ruins; Inside Sin) = Special Spheres x 6

1 120 000 – Varuna (Inside Sin; Omega Ruins) = Megalixir x 20

1 280 000 – Great Marlboro (Inside Sin; Omega Ruins) = Wings to Discovery x 8

1 350 000 – Behemoth King (Inside Sin) = Three Stars x 14

1 400 000 – Ultima Weapon (Omega Ruins) = Pendulum x 99

1 600 000 – Land Worm (Inside Sin) = Dark Matter x 2

1 900 000 – Barbatos (Inside Sin) = Teleport Sphere x 20