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Counseling Services
Victim Compensation
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Welcome!  We're Here2Help, a non-profit organization committed to providing counseling and other assistance services to victims of crime, their families, and friends. 

For over 14 years, our dedicated staff members have offered counseling and other support services to residents of the local community and throughout the state. Our goal is to assist crime victims and their families and friends in coping with issues of grief, loss, anger, depression and other emotions which often follow being victimized.

We offer individualized counseling sessions, group counseling, support groups, and assistance with victim compensation issues and legal and court proceedings.  We also offer a variety of children's counseling services.

In addition, we offer training and education sessions for both counseling professionals and clients who use our services.  Please see our list of upcoming sessions and register online to attend.

Our organization is funded through federal and state grant programs as well as contributions and donations from citizens and businesses.  Our services are free and confidential. 

If you or a loved one have been the victim of a crime and are having trouble coping with the trauma, consider seeking help from experienced professionals who can assist you and your family and friends to take positive steps to recovery.  Contact our office for further information or to schedule a counseling session.

To submit questions,     Here2Help
feedback or other         1234 Helping Hands Drive, Charlotte, NC  28201
comments, please         Office: (704) 889-9999 Fax: (704) 889-9990    
click here                     Crisis Hotline: 704-889-9900; 800-889-9900
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