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Things I Done Did
Throughout High School, I've done many things, one including computer programming using C++. Here are programs that either I made or my partner and I made. Some are games, some actually do something constructive. I started out with Karel++ which is program designed to un-teach self-taught computer programming. I don't remember what the programs are supposed to do, but when I do, that information will be posted next to the download buttons. Here are some of the programs with their programming as well as some Karel++ programs:


Karel++ This is a zipped file of Karel++. Just unzip it to the folder KARELWIN and it should run just fine.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Problem 5 Program
Chapter 2 Problem 5 World
Chapter 2 Problem 6 Program
Chapter 2 Problem 6 World
Chapter 2 Problem 7 Program
Chapter 2 Problem 7 World
Chapter 2 Problem 8 Program
Chapter 2 Problem 8 World
Chapter 2 Problem 9 Program
Chapter 2 Problem 9 World

Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Problem 2 Program
Chapter 3 Problem 3 Program
Chapter 3 Problem 4 Program
Chapter 3 Problem 7 Program
Chapter 3 Problem 8 Program
Chapter 3 Problem 9 Program

Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Problem 1 Program
Chapter 4 Problem 3 Program
Chapter 4 Problem 4 Program
Chapter 4 Problem 5 Program
Chapter 4 Problem 6 Program
Chapter 4 Problem 10 Program
Chapter 4 Problem 11 Program

Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Problem 1 Program
Chapter 5 Problem 2 Program
Chapter 5 Problem 4 Program
Chapter 5 Problem 5 Program
Chapter 5 Problem 6 Program
Chapter 5 Problem 9 Program
Chapter 5 Problem 10 Program
Chapter 5 Problem 11 Program
Chapter 5 Problem 15 Program
Chapter 5 Problem 15 World
Chapter 5 Problem 19 Program

C++ Programs
Number Guesser This is a number guessing program where the computer "randomly" generates a number and the user tries to guess it. It then tells you how many guesses it took. I know, really impressive, but this is one of the first programs I ever wrote so I was impressed when it worked properly.

Ingredient Converter This program is one that I made for a friend of mine because he mother hates having to do the conversions for food ingredients in her head and so he asked me to make this program. I hope it serves you like it's serving them.

Standard Deviation This program was one that I had to write for computer programming class. It's a little flaky but it's still generates the correct answer (somehow). It calculates the standard deviation in a set of numbers which isn't hard to do, but having to write a program to do it takes a great deal of understanding of the process to make it work properly.

Scanner Switches This is a little like the ingredient converter above but instead, it is for my crystal controlled scanner which I input the frequencies into the machine using switches on the front of the unit. Without the program, I have take the frequency that I want, multiply it, do some subtracting and whatnot and it's very complex to do on paper and for all 16 switches, it takes a lot of paper so this does it in a fraction of the time and with no paper.

GAME! This is a program that my friend and I made (he made it, I gave him ideas) but what you do is control your little character is use the numberpad on the right side of your keyboard (8 is north, 2 is south, etc.)



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