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grace is stronger than the pull of sin!

This is the link to the Setting Captives Free website that helps people struggling with pornography, masturbation, homosexuality, eating disorders, alcoholism. I strongly endorse it!



This is one of my favorite web sites for cool bible studies by Charles Spurgeon and Oswald Chambers as well as some cool ministers of the gospel. Furthermore its based out of Austin so Keep the Light Shining. Support if you can. - click here to listen

Another awesome site to actually hear great sermons from ministers such as Chuck Swindoll, Hank Hanegraff, Josh McDowell, and Mike Cleveland (founder of SCF).


Relevant Magazine. God. Life. Progressive Culture.

The magazine is a really awesome magazine that does a good job of reaching out to a secular audience. They review secular as well as christian bands and music and feature a lot of very thought provoking articles. Deep stuff. Challenged me in my faith quite a bit.

Comments, suggestions and questions can be sent to me.