Other crazy stuff involcing Sciz...
Why I severed the "fiendship" with Sciz. | Stuff Sciz lied about | "Transformers" | Aftermath | In summary... | Satire

WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="146" BORDER="1"> This list could and most likely would be if I could recall 'em all or predict, or see the rest of 'em...miles long. Oh, if you're wondering why Transformers isn't anywhere on here...That one has it's own section.


Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon had just become really popular in the public at that time, and she was fixated on several characters from those shows, all for really crazy reasons.

Dragonball Z: Trunks: Fixated on him because he was long haired, made him into a snake-man and who knows what else. Somebody told me about it on the bus. Also she had drawn this picture of him and given it to some girl I knew and she was showing it to me and saying that it looked strange to her. She went into a scene when she saw this one kid wearing a t shirt with Trunks on it at the cafeteria in the morning...she literally raised up yelling, "THAT IS SO CUTE! OH, THAT SHIRT IS SOO CUTE! ISN’T THAT SOOO CUTE!" or something horrificly embarassing I’ve attempted to block from my memory banks...I know people were giving her wtf looks left and right.

Vegeta: Referred to him as "Weasel." My ownexample. Was afraid of Psyduck from Pokemon. He was also a Vietnamese prostitute on certain occasions. I forget why, exactly. I think it was me who copied the South Park episode where Cartman thought he was a Vietnamese prostitute and turned Vegeta into one and that became a sort of running in-joke gag...I still also have saved comics from our discussion sessions based on this.

- Saiyans were "dumb blonds", as well as all characters with blond hair, like Gourry from Slayers and Cloud from FF7.

- Level 4 Saiyans had disgusting "eyebags." (Their eyes are heavily accentuated with black and red. This, of course, was way before GT came onto US tvs, most of our knowledge of the rest of the series came from the internet.)

- Freiza was a transvestite. (his voice actor was a woman in the dub)

- Broly is blind.

- Cell Cell is an insectiod looking alien who consumes other characters and "evolves" into other forms. She’s pretty fixated with all of those aspects. She also made him into some small bug creature from FF9 I guess.

- Krillin Short, bald. Possibly relating him to Colin Mochrie. She was also obsessed with the remake of the show "Whose Line is it anyway?" And often took jokes straight from there to use constantly.

Sailor Moon: (I'd never especially liked Sailor Moon but I watched it out of boredom anyway.) She was obsessed with most of the entire male cast of the first two series that came out when we were still friends...

- Nephelite was a chain smoker (because of the dub actors gruff voice) and somehow later on, a dog.

- Zoicite, was obviously, flat-chested. (In the original Japanese version, Zoicite is male (and actually secret lover to Malachite, known as Kunzite in that version) I knew this previously through the internet but never dared to mentioned it because she was obsessed with Malachite...The running gag was that 'she' was afraid of rodents, including Pikachus and ect. from other show universes.

There were also some things about Rubious and Diamond from the R series that came later on, but I can't remember any of those clearly enough because that's about the time I stopped listening to her tiresome made-up (or simply ripped off) "logic".

Gundam Wing: Basically, every single one of the male cast. Especially the long spikey-haired guy whose name I don't want to bother with looking up. And, of course, Zecks Marquies. Who she referred to as "Zecksy." I know I really, really started hating this show around that time.

Ronin Warriors: The purple badguy was a Godzilla type monster to her, and the one in red was a "lobster". She even drew him as such and kept saying how she wanted to "Dip him in butter and eat him", or something along that line. I think she was also obsessed with Anubis, possibly simply again because of the voice actor or Anubi type related characters in general. She drew them a lot, apparently.

Akira: Tetsuo and I think Kaneda and Akira himself, possibly. She was usually obsessed with anything 'psychic' and often drew Tetsuo or somebody related to the film as some dragon-rabbit thing. She even made an art project with this version of whoever it was kicking some other dragon-thing in the crotch, with what might have been a DBZ-ish dragon version of Captain Planet in the sky. She also somehow quickly got an Akira t shirt. Random Fact: I was actually the one who told her Akira was on vhs when me and another friend saw her in the local mall.

Zeiram: One of the earliest things I can remember upon being first friends with her... Obsessed with Iria's brother Gren. Also went so far as to claim that Iria would be 'hot' too, if she was a guy. (More like a "man-imal")

Some Digimonsters on parade

Pokemon and Digimon: Basically, everything she could turn into a smushed-together version of a Pokemon or Digimon, she did. This kept going on and on (and keeps going on and on, we see) with her taking characters or several concepts and parts of other characters from various things she’s currently obsessed with and smushing them together and calling them a Digimon...She kept obsessing over numerous Digimon characters who had long hair, referring to them as 'hot', and even calling them her 'boyfriend!'

She had bunches of Pokemon toys her parents had actually bought for her, and sometimes she brought them to school to show them off, I assumed. This was high school, mind you. She was obsessed with any Psychic Pokemon, like Mewtwo, Mew, and of course, Psyduck. She had a Psyduck keychain, and Japanese Meowth and Psyduck talking toys which she brought to school on separate occations, one of the times even getting some kids to freak out when they heard it go off in class or something. She had one of those shake-it-up Pikachu toys, which she actually distracted some kids in English class with so badly they asked her to stop and she refused, instead shaking it up more. (I was there.) She had a Pokemon t shirt, too which she wore to school...I think she also obsessed over James a lot because he has long hair. She was also obsessed with insect Pokemon like Scizor and Scyther. She once made meowing noises at the cafeteria table we sat at during mornings before classes started, I think because I’d mentioned Mew. I assume she had various Digimon figures. I had refused to go to her house anymore, so I don't know what she had anymore past that time period. I know she had the figure of Patamon who turned into the Angemon, because it was that she kid-you-not referred to as her 'boyfriend'. I used to kind of like Devidevimon and Myotismon, but promptly stopped when she kept telling me how 'hot' his demonic crotch-faced Venom form was, and that he had "big paws." (I said before at that time I had no clue what "furries" or "furvert" people were, so it just kinda scared me and grossed me out.)

She was most likely obsessed with Flamedramon because I know she drew him as her signature in the Literary Magazine of 2001 or so, which we were in. He appears more like Sonic the hedgehog, of course. (Sorry the picture was markered over by another person and it was the only copy I had...you can still basically make it out, along with her name.)

After the second season, I pretty much stopped liking Digimon all together so I have no clue what else she predictably became obsessed over from it. I started hating Pokemon shortly after it became popular way back in 98 so that’s a thing I have no knowledge of either but I assume she’s still quite obsessed with it...I assume her Digimon fixation is still very strong. I know back in 2000 or maybe 01, somebody I talked to that knew of our extreme falling out had claimed that he’d talked to her and seen some of her "freaky" drawings, one of what he said was "a crucified Goku" with some monster Pokemon or something. (No comment on that one.) He’d also told me he’d tried to give her advice on drawing DBZ characters heads and necks, or something, to which she had become visibly quite angry. Of course.

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Video Games

Possibly too many things here to really account for all of, but here are the ones I do recall...

FF7: Sephiroth, Vincent and Cloud. Sephiroth she had a bizarre obsessive sexual fetish for!!!...often making him into a barely dressed dragon or something along that line or drawing him "naked". Or simply always talking about wanting to see him naked...She developed some theory along the game's storyline that Sephiroth was some sort of demonic canine monster or soemthing...I don’t even remember what else. Vincent of course was a vampire and he was for some reason prone to crying like a baby and sometimes acted like a child, and Cloud was a really dumb blond and a furred creature of various sorts. I participated in several of her comic-world skits, having actually been a real fan of the game at the time, and all those characters. So to go along with her I had to portray Cloud dimwitted and childlike, usually making him eager to have "cake" all the time. Sephiroth was always partner in crime to Jeremiah Surd from RaoJQ, Aeris was a brain-craving zombie bent on getting revenge on Sephiroth, Barret somehow thought he was a Kangaskhan from Pokemon. God only knows what else crap she’d made up that we always talked about I can no longer remember.

FF8: I don't know if she had any real character fetishes other than Laguna and Squall, who she kept saying had the cross on his butt (his belts) Possibly was obsessed with Seifer as well. (Who was one of the games traditional bad guys) At that time I wasn’t paying attention anymore. I assume she was still obsessed with the summons. I know she called Carbuncle her "Magic bunny" or something in art class when we were drawing on the computer. I don’t remember much at all from this game because I hadn’t played it since it came out in 99 and I sold my copy long ago. I think there was some sorceress named Adel who either was supposed to be or just looked like a man that she made jokes about. There also were redish cat-lion creatures with enormous paws called Moombas that I’m sure she had a go at or lifted the design from to smush with other things and then claim she "made up".

FF9: The Eidolons, I know of. This was after we weren’t friends anymore but from what I’ve seen, it’s pretty obvious. She made Captain Planet into some crazy story based on this game and wrote some fanfiction a friend had tried to show me with DBZ characters crossed with Digimon, Earthbound, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and who knows what else because I didn’t read much of it. She claimed Scizordramon was Android 17 turned into a moth-angel-insect Digimon...and that’s where her name had come from. I'd have tried to link it, but all the links to it that were found again as of this time period, don't work anymore.

From left to right, Carbuncal, Fenrir, Phoenix, Tritoch

FF6: Espers. I know somebody showed me a picture she’d drawn of some huge duck monster that I guess she claimed was Tritoch version of with Megatron or something. She keeps referring to Captain Planet as Esper or Eidolon during her fixations with him.

Parasite Eve: Fixated on the whole wings-on-head thing Eve and Aya had when they "evolved" amd whatever. Kept referring to things as Mito-Demons. (Mitochondrial creatures in the game) I even have a joke picture I did back then for the gag with an Evee from Pokemon as a "Mito-Demon" dubbing it, "Parasite Evee"...(No, I ain't gonna go track it down to post here) She also dressed for Halloween as her concept of a "Mito-Demon"...and she’s doing the "Eve shush" thing right from the game. No clue about anything she may have obsessed over if she did in fact play the 2nd game, except for maybe Peirce because he kinda has long hair.

Breath of Fire 3: Or possibly the whole BoF series...Ryu (naked Ryu and dragon Ryu at least) half-dragon furrie fetish...dragon in general.She kept saying about how "cute" he was or "hot" or something and "look at all his muscles" when he was naked. I’m pretty sure she lifted much of the games dragon designs for her "own characters" afterward.

Peco the onion guy: I assumed mostly because of his noises he makes while fighting because the game attacks are spoken in untranslated Japanese. It sounded like Peco was saying "Fuckeeee" or something one time or something stupid...she of course thought it was side-splittingly hilarious.

Tales of Destiny: Stan Aliron, Leon Magus. I forget why other than she’s constantly fixated on male cartoon or video game characters of any sort with long hair...As a running gag even though I’d never even played this game, Stan was often a Pikachu and Leon some kind of zombie-Raichu, I guess. I don’t remember that well other than that’s what we drew them as.

Xenogears: Spoiler: They’re naked at the end of the game. OMG. Fixated on the lead guy Fei who had really long hair. And I think the big pink creature, Chu Chu. Made some picture of Fei being naked in his robot. Constantly referred to him as an "exhibitionist" over and over again...

Sonic the Hedgehog: Not really a surprise now that I have more of an understanding of the whole "furry" fandom. (Literally ALL furries are obsessed with Sonic the Hegehog, it seems.) This was in the earliest days of our "friendship" with the Yoshis and ect. Before she fell out of those and began obsessing over the other stuff. She was mostly obsessed with the mecha concepts and "roboticization"...Mecha Sonic was something she constantly drew, way back in 98 when I was just starting to talk more to her and show artwork I know she had this thing where Mecha Sonic was a dragon who "Simply had Pink Eye" because they have red eyes or something. She always, always, depicted him with oversized ears and I think even more of a dragon-ish form.

Example artwork. Something she placed into the Literary Magazine club book of 2001 (when she was stalking me there.) One of my friends actually stood there and looked at it for a while claiming to be "trying to understand it".

Claymates: She had some crazed obsession-fetish with claymation. I remember she kept talking about the one kid character from this game who she thought was so "cute"?! (THIS is what this kid looks like) and how she wanted him to be be an insanely powerful dragon-raptor creature or something along that line and if she could put him into a game she’d give him an insanely high offense but an insanely low defense. Or something. I believe she started drawing that depiction off and on during that time as well before getting tired of it and dropping it or at least not mentioning anymore.

Earthbound/Mother: Mr. Saturn. God only knows what else. Psychic powers? Magic cakes. Giant puke piles. Mr. T looking guy...This game is like one big drug trip anyway.

Ironically, my friend let me borrow this game and play it back in 99 because "he was startled that I had never played it" and then Monica suddenly became all obsessive-compulsive over it. Hmmm. This site, I assume...was the thing she kept raving over during computer lab when we were doing something stupid and had free time. It seems like something she would be raving psychotically about. She also did a bunch of similar style comics with her own added "brand of humor" from later on when we weren't "friends" but a friend of mine found them while searching her name. (Found here)

Zero Wing. Or more importantly, the All Your Base explosion: Good lord. In 2001 or so there was some stupid internet phenomenon involving the Zero Wing horrid English translation that became intensely popular and having the internet now, Sciz jumped on it, of course. She kept writing it over and over again and one of my friends asked her to draw a picture for her (which took 3 months or something, I guess?!) that had some monster trying to kill a cat girl on a bike-plane or something with All Your Base on it. It was in several of the yearsbooks she’d written in of people I knew and visible in this English project she did. (There is also a Mr. Saturn. My friend, of course, scribbled on it but not badly.) This actually became a running joke between me and my friends after a time. (Now you know where the title of this page was based off!) That whole thing pretty much says everything you want to know about Sciz’s personality and re-enforces proof of those fixations. At least the ones she had that year...

Prediction but most likely has a shot at being true:

Grand Theft Auto Vice City.

Simply because...it takes place in the 80s.


ReBoot: Honestly, I really hated this show. (So now I suppose I deserve to be beaten by all the rest of the cult obsessors for expressing my opinion, right?)

Megabyte: Before Surd or Captain Planet, or maybe sort of at the same time, there was also Megabyte. I'm pretty sure she always brought some dragon form of him into her art projects in class I remember doing.

Hexidecimal: I think she was relating her to Eve from Parasite Eve or something...

Bob: He had long-ish hair (and a blue face) and later on, longer hair, I think that was silver.

Mouse: Claimed she was a 'female Myotismon', because of the fangs on her. Mouse has these big canines and acts weird like feral sometimes when she gets angry.

Possibly others mentioned there unless she dropped the fixation.

Beast Wars + Beast Wars Transmetals: (Or whatever it was called. I stopped watching Beast Wars after the original seasons.) I think she was obsessed with mostly t-rex and dragon Megatron. There was a character named Jet Storm she became obsessed with too, I remember. She had some picture of it in a bikini top and bottom that she showed me and made some joke out of. I think it said, "Does this make me look fat?!" Or something traditional.

Captain Planet: This was absolutely horrible to deal with. This was also in the time period in which she became violent about forcing her interests on others, and later on using this as nearly some sort of almost religious basis to attack any who didn't like the show!

She had become obsessed with the cartoon when it started appearing on Cartoon Network. She quickly turned Captain Planet into a variety of dragon things, giving him various items and abilities from vastly different other shows and video game universes...He often was a dragon, a Digimon, an Esper or Eidolon, or some fantastical combination of either or all. I think I recall she even showed me a monster picture of him bleeding out his eyes...She usually depicted him wearing a dragon ball on a necklace.

I had, I believe, developed a joke about FF6’s Kefka trying to capture him for his immense power or something...I have a few images of the original and a joke (done more satirically in anger) where I made him into a more squat dragon version. But it’s nearly the same as the one from 99 I drew when I myself was still adding to her "jokes". Don’t mess with "Esper Planet"... She mentioned something about wanting an action figure of her and to "augment it" with horns, wings, and whatever she went on about imaging him to have to fit her "ideal image" of monster-demon-Esper Captain Planet.

This twisted obsession carried over past the time period when I was no longer friends with her, thus she used it regularly in attacks against us. She had a drawing of the "Monster Captain Planet", as we referred to it, as one of her typical bizarre and ugly looking creatures linked to a journal entry back when she was harassing us in high school and ranting about killing us online. I believe she finally dropped Captain Planet when she became more fully obsessed with Transformers past 2001...but I really have no clue and do not wish to know either.

Dragon Planet example This is a depiction she’d drawn on a birthday card for me in 99 featuring this version of her fixation of Captain Planet...the original card was destroyed, ripped up by a friend of a friend on the bus but luckily it was traced over beforehand and saved. Yeah, I kinda wrote stuff on it in anger.

More old CP related stuff from Sciz my friend gathered while using search engines which prove my damn point:

Sciz’s obsession revealed, evidence of her "furry" version as well.

Gang War?! More of Sciz’s train of thought.

Captain Planet is an Eidolon...or demon. More Sciz logic. I’d say the person below got it right.

Sciz’s crazy fanfic revealed This is pretty much the way it went, as revealed by her right here. Logic, bizarre crossing, fetishes and all.

More Sciz logic Sounds like her.

Even more Sciz logic Indeed.

Sciz apparently invents her "own shows" in her head while watching I’m pretty sure CP is amazingly tame and G rated, minus some dealing with real life issues like deforestation and killing animals, drugs, and at one point gang+gun violence. It overall typically was crude and downright corny. If you count never ending bad puns as satire...Otherwise I have no clue what to make of what she’s inventing there. The one episode where there was "gushing" blood of any large amount that I remember was "Mind Pollution" in which Linka’s cousin jumped through a window, cutting his arms (and bleeding a somewhat ridiculous exaggerated amount) and later on was actually killed. And that episode was from Season 2.

The 80’s Ownz Sciz’s ex-friends...1 Sciz rants on her horrid "ex-friends" who hate the 80s, so she believes. The 80’s Ownz Sciz’s ex-friends...2 Bunch of people she hates? 2 is a bunch? That hate her for liking 80s cartoons...way off.

Hot Cup ‘O Truth: We disliked her because she forced her fixations on us and then tried to scream us down if we didn’t obey. Also, Sciz is really a hypocrite. You’d swear us choosing to NOT like the show (for what it really was, not the crazy dragon-monster she was going on about) insulted her! Which, ironically, it DID! Or she wouldn’t have stalked and screamed and actually (YES, THIS IS REALLY TRUE. I DON’T CARE IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IT! IT HAPPENED!) gone down to our high school security office and reported one of my friends for saying stuff about Captain Planet. Yes. It happened. We were 17 years old at the time or so, I believe. The officers themselves had laughed about it afterwards. My friend who worked in the office confirmed this after school because I was there with her while she was talking to the office lady. They even referred to Sciz as, "Quite strange." And told us not to worry about the incident. I think Scizzy paraded around school and online forums how "we all got suspended" or something.

Also, she kept up this wrath over 80s cartoons and whatnot and us hating them or whatever she made up, because it’s not true at all. (I love numerous 80s cartoons myself, for actual valid reasons, I might add. That's one of the biggest reasons I got sooo ticked off with the whole "Transformers" incident crap) I’m pretty sure she got a big fat shock and had a nice time covering it up (as evidence here...The 90s are the 90’s, honey. Give it up.) that Captain Planet is in fact an early 90s cartoon and that she’d been screaming at us for something that wasn’t even known to her until then!!!

2 cents: Somebody should teach ‘ol Scizor-claws to respect other people’s damn opinions herself, first.

Real Adventures of Jonny Quest: Jeremiah Surd. He became some sort of magical god avatar, or something crazy in her world. This was about the earliest regular fixation I remember her having. At first he was the yoshi with the Jenova tatoo, later on he became a black chocobo (which ironically again, I came up with.)

He had the ability to do random crazy things (Like drop pianos or meteors from the sky) and often had to take pills for a heart condition, which if he did not get, caused total apocalyptic chaos to happen to all other characters involved. It was a running gag to have other characters (such as Sephiroth from FF7, who was often partnered with him in his made-up schemes) misplace or steal his bottle of heart pills. There was also a Questworld non-3d cartoon version of him


which she referred to as "ugly" constantly and was "scared of". (I always preferred that version of him to the crappy CGI the show always used.)

I even drew him on a t shirt with fabric paint and gave it to her for a birthday present...hopefully it went into the trash after out falling out because it would be almost creepier if it didn't. She'd make up Jerry Springer type skits featuring him. Several of which we actually acted out...via action figures and other toys at her house. She referred to it as "The Game." Read more on this here:

Other crazy stuff involving Sciz...

and other weird things because it’s more than a little creepy and I gave this crap it’s own little section!

She only began obsessing over him due to his voice actor, Frank Welker, who, suprise, surprise...is also Megatron-Galvatron from Transformers. That’s a whole ‘nother section in itself...

Again, Sciz’s fetishes one by one. Surdramon was so predictable, even I was using it when referring to her way back in 2000, when talking to other friends about these fetishes she harassed me with. My friends knew she hated my guts and was after me and they had this dumb joking thing about her "creations" killing me and ect. So I used to joke back to them, "Yeah, if Monster Captain Planet doesn’t get me, Surdramon will."

Chocobo Jerry and Psyduck Old birthday card she gave to me with my chocobo version of Surd encorporated, and Psyduck...