Second Floor: Housewares, Nutcases and Hippies from Outer Space

Disclaimer: This is getting sickening already. If you don’t know the drill by now, it’s a wonder you’re able to read this. Just to warn you, though, this chapter is pretty bizarre. It takes a while for the sex part to kick in…but BOY, when it does…
I don’t want to ruin anything for you, but if you liked “Death By Forest”, you’ll love this.

:::Sigh::: Gay sex. No money. Over 18. Blah, blah, blah. Just read the damn thing already.

Even through my eyelids, I can see a bright white light consume me. It feels for a few moments like I’m falling and spinning around, but I grip onto my bags tightly and keep my eyes shut the entire time. A sharp, cutting pain envelopes my stomach and I feel so incredibly nauseous that I nearly vomit in mid air. Suddenly, my body hits against soft ground, but it hurts anyway. My bags go flying from my grasp and I let out a loud grunt and I go rolling down a steep, rocky hill. By the time I hit the bottom, my insides feel like mush. The sharp pain in my stomach is subsiding, but I quickly open my eyes and retch up my breakfast all over a patch of light gray grass. In between violent heaves, I quickly notice how amazingly hot it is here. I yank off my winter coat, and then my half-buttonless flannel shirt and fling it any which way before heaving again. Now I know how Bola felt after he ate that pizza and twinkie.

After a while, I begin to dry heave a little but I feel better. I take my first good look around. I’m in a large, light gray field with all different colored flowers, some small and some as big as me. Some of them don’t even resemble flowers at all. I notice that the soil is a thick, rich mixture of bright blue and dark gray. The trees are wide and massive with leaves that form tight balls on each limb. The sky is a bright blue and purple with white swirls. Their sun is small and bright, bright yellow with just the slightest tinge of green. My God, no wonder it’s a thousand friggin’ degrees out here. I wonder if these people have air conditioning?

“Gemai yabe ti??” A young, nervous voice growls demandingly from in back of me. I feel a sharp edge poke my upper back. I put up my hands.

“Fey ser mah-yeh.” I repeat what I believe means ‘I’m sorry’. “Fey ser Jarod.”

“Ti…” He pauses. “Haoman?” I’m assuming he means Human.

“Pai. Do you speak my language?” I slowly turn around as he pulls back from me. I notice he’s a rather young, maybe teenaged slender Yaonis with rounded ears. He’s holding a long, broken twig. I smile at him and he gives me an odd expression. “I’m looking for someone named Tuseah…he’s got the long ears.” I gesture to my ears like I’m stretching them out. “Long ears? Like an elf?”

“Tuseah?” He shakes his head. “Fey nai meneh Tuseah. Ti lea telou fur see-kais.” He points in a direction with a half-shrug. Damn, I knew I forgot something. I should have asked Mr. Caldwell for an extra translator. Now I’m screwed.

“Would you be my guide?” I stand up, a little wobbly. The young teenager giggles at me. “Yeah, ha ha. Very funny. Look,” I think for a moment. “Uh...shtook.” I go over to my dufflebag and open it, searching for something that might appeal to this kid. “Here…have a map of Earth. But I need your help.” He takes it and stares at it blankly. “Vunai.” I add.

“Ah, ti meshet vunai.” He smiles wickedly, tossing my map to the side and holding out his hand greedily. I sigh and continue digging. I find a quarter and hold it up, and his dark eyes sparkle with fascination. “Fey nena faun!” His eyes follow the quarter as I plop it into his palm with a smile. “Yawen ti!”

“Hey, no problem. It has no real worth here, but if you like it, it’s yours.”

He points to my things splayed out all over the hill. “Zish ti e’ertah.” I begin gathering my things and he helps me. Then, he takes my arm and shouts “Wamin!” as he drags me further down the hill and across a beautiful stream of sparkling silver water. Glowing blue fish swim excitedly just below the shallow surface. I lag behind a step or two, glaring wide-eyed at the fish. “Wamin!!” He tugs on my arm urgently.

“Alright, I’m coming, I’m coming.” He drags me to what looks to me a small village with one-level houses made of straw, wood, clay, crude glass and some kind of hard, plastic-like material draped on top. All the houses looked similar, with trees, grass, bushes and flowers intertwining with the houses. There was a well, some sort of pavilion made out of the same plastic-stuff and a few plain huts where small children come running in and out of vibrantly. And this was just what I spotted from afar. There are couples, groups, singles and even odd-looking animals roaming around freely and happily here. Towards the side, where the houses grow sparse, there’s a small market of fresh fruit, grains, herbs, flowers and tree bark.

“Penait!!” The teen yells to an older looking round-eared couple standing at the market purchasing long, thin leaves. “Fau-wa!!” He drags me along, his pace a little too quick for me in my less-than-well state.

“Zari?” The more feminine of the two speaks up, his eyes wide and glaring questioningly at me. “Gemai reis ti na-uf, Zari?”

“Ul Haoman, Fau-wa!” He beams, motioning to me. “Yem meshet vunai.”

“Do either of you speak human?” I hold my hands up to them. They glare at each other and the teen just cackles. “I’m looking for a long-eared man named Tuseah.” I repeat the stretching ears motion.

“Tuseah?” The father answers with a half-shrug. “Fey ser mah-yeh. Nesh nai meneh ul Tuseah. Ti lea telou fur see-kais.” I managed to get ‘I’m sorry, we don’t know a Tuseah’, but the rest is a mystery. Wait, didn’t the kid tell me the exact same thing? I wonder what it means?

“I’m sorry, I…” I sigh. “I don’t understand you. Can you find me someone who can speak Human?” The Fau-ier smiles and takes my arm, looking at his mate.

“Humao veyas meneh.”

“Pai, pai, yur yaon, Humao.” The father smiles in return, putting a hand on the Fau-ier’s slender shoulder. “Wamin, haoman.” They take me further into the village. I get stared at by everyone as we walk by. I must admit, pictures do not do these people justice. They are unspeakably lovely, every last one of them. They take me to a wide, unassuming hut where a tall, deeply tanned and muscular long-eared Yaonis stands, guarding the entrance. His peach-colored eyes meet mine and narrow in suspicion. Zari’s parents plead their case to the guard as Zari himself tries to go into my bag, thinking I won’t notice.

I lean over to the side and widen my eyes at him playfully. “Find anything you like?” I grin wide. He leaps back, exhaling loudly. When he sees me smiling, he does the same. I shake my head at him and look back at the guard, who is letting us in. Zari is made to wait outside for some reason. He doesn’t look too happy about it.

“Gimsheah.” A cool, enchanting voice beckons me further inside the brightly lit hut. It smells wonderful in here, like sweet herbs and sand. There is a beautiful round-eared Yaonis sitting on a thick rug, drawing out odd symbols on the floor. There are all sorts of wind chimes, mobiles and plants growling wildly in here. Short tree stumps and otherwise crude wooden furniture decorate the room. From the moment my eyes meet his, I can feel this amazing power within him. Something about that draws me close and beckons me to sit down beside him. He smiles coolly at me, those sea green pools of knowledge and confidence overwhelming me. They offered an interesting contrast to his crimson hair and sun-darkened face. He wears long off-the-shoulder white and blue robes and his hands are covered in sand and colored chalk dust. His long robes splay out around him where he sits, giving his appearance an air of majesty. Simply breathtaking.

“Please tell me you speak Human.” I breathe softly to him. He merely smiles and takes my hand, putting a small gray root in it. “What is this? What am I supposed to do, eat it?”

“Eneshtai.” He puts two delicate fingertips to his plush pink lips. I glance at it, shrug and take a bite out of it. It’s hard and stark white in the middle, and virtually tasteless. My jaw hurts from chewing on it after two bites. He puts a slender hand up. “T’is enough. You should be able to understand me now.”

“Oh wow, that’s amazing.” I grin childishly.

“I am known as High Seer Humao Threeseas. You have come here seeking assistance, have you not?” As he speaks, he lifts a pouch up high above his head, lowers it, then spills some of it’s dusty purple contents onto a relatively clean spot on the wooden floor in front of me. He strategically places several glass beads in the dust.

“Yes, My name is Jarod. I’m looking for a long-eared Yaonis named Tuseah. He’s the father of my missing mate. I’m hoping he and his family can help me find him.” Humao takes several small twigs from a small basket and sprinkles them over the dust and beads as I speak. I watch him intently. His hand hovers over the whole mess for several long minutes. Zari’s parents and I look on in silent interest. Humao’s eyes seem to glare on into nothingness, nearly glazing over.

“Tuseah…Tuseah Spearstorm…is not in this village. But I know of whom you speak. A Fighter Yaonis…a warrior, brave and kind…” Suddenly, the few twigs that lie there begin moving towards the beads as if an invisible force were dragging them through the purple sand. Two twigs are drawn to one glass bead and the other glass beads only pull in one. It’s the spookiest thing I’ve ever seen. “There…the Moons Tree village.” He points to that particular bead without even looking. “You will find your guides there. A childhood friend, a new rival and a lifelong dream. The two will lead to the one.”

“What?” I stare at him vacantly.

Humao’s hand suddenly pulls away. “Jarod,” He states, looking startled. “You must brace yourself for the evil that has yet to befall you. Your love is in grave danger, but you cannot reach him. He has made allies that will keep him well for now, but further peril has yet to come.” His gaze traps mine as surely as if he held a knife to my throat. “Certain events must take place in order for Love to prevail. Remember this always.”

Humao, I…I don’t understand…” My brows knit worriedly.

“No, haomans rarely do. The Fighter that Love has chosen for you is a strong and resilient soul. When things look their blackest, that is when the glory of Brother Sun blankets all.” He smiles suddenly and touches the side of my face. His touch is warm and pleasant, and there’s a genuine holiness about him that’s extremely comforting. “Love has a plan, Jarod.” His gaze and physical contact breaks away from me, leaving me feeling almost empty for a moment or two. “Eznar, my dearest?”

“What is it, my love?” The peach-eyed, dark-skinned guard at the door peeks in.

“This haoman is my honored guest. Provide him with a pair of Axiom translators and a willing mount to take him into the Moons Tree village.”

“At once, my love.” He takes off without another word.

“Thank you for bringing him to me.” Humao nods respectfully to Zari’s parents and they take their leave, bowing in respect as well.

“We are at your service, Great High Seer.”

I turn to Humao and grin warmly. “Thank you, Humao, for everything. How long will this root last?” I grip the barely-eaten root in my hand.

“Have two bites every hour, it should last half a day. After that, you must rely on your translator.” He smiles. “However, you should save it for when you arrive. You will be traveling for a whole day. Here, keep it wrapped in this.” He takes a dark cloth and wraps up the root. “Too much sun will bleach it and it will diminish in power.”

“Thank you.” I take both his slim, delicate hands in mine, staring into those infinitely knowledgeable eyes of his.

“Think not of it, Jarod. Travel safe and may Love guide you.” He pulls out of my grasp gently. His mate returns, ducking into the hut past the animal skin that blocks the view from outside. I barely catch a glimpse of some sort of large dark mass.

“My love, the translators.” He bends over to show them to Humao, and I spot something hanging around his neck. It’s a long, arrowhead-shaped necklace with glyphs on it.

“Eznar,” I interrupt him, pointing to the necklace. “What does that necklace mean?”

“This?” He tugs at it. “This is my war tag. All Fighters get one when they enter battle. It has their name, their official title and any special medical information lest they are wounded and need special care.”

“A war tag…like human army tags. My boyfriend has one just like it…wow, but he’s only 10 or 11. How old do you have to be to be allowed to fight?”

“Friend, our people haven’t been in a war for many, many years, so my assumption would be that the tag he wears isn’t his.” Of course…when Bola first showed it to me, he held it close to his heart. It’s probably his father’s.

“Thanks, Eznar. That answers one of the many questions I have.”

He nods and gives me the translators. “It will be dark soon, friend. Will you rest here and leave for your destination next dew?”

“Next dew?” I slip the translators into my pocket. “Uh, no, that’s alright, the sooner I leave, the sooner I’ll get there.”

“Very well, may your journey be safe. Your mount awaits you outside.” He turns towards Humao and nods with a doting smile. “My love.” Humao nods in return and Eznar leaves.

“Hmm. Nice guy.”

Humao grins widely. “He is my essence, my reason for being.”

“Yeah, I know how that feels.”

“Take your leave, Jarod, before it gets too dark. My blessings are with you.”

“Thanks again. Take care of yourself.” I get up slowly, putting the root away and waving as I leave the hut. It’s still light out, but it’s getting hazy and it’s obvious night is on it’s way, so I turn towards my mount—

“What the hell??” I shout out, looking up and seeing this huge, bulbous insect creature uglier than sin and big enough to crush a school bus. And if that’s not freaky enough, it has no wings, but it’s flying. “How is that thing able to fly??” I shout out to nobody in particular.

“She has wings, but you can’t see them until she lands.” A familiar adolescent voice comes from behind me. I turn and see Zari standing there with adventuring gear on.

“And just where do you think you’re going?”

“With you, silly.” He chuckles, fastening the buckles on his backpack.

“And your parents are okay with this?” My brows raise, but an unwanted smile creeps across my face.

“They’re more than okay with it. They want me out on my own for a while. They say I have to burn some energy.”

“If I might ask, how old are you?” I cross my arms, trying to look authoritive.

He stands and beams proudly. “I’ll be eight at the end of this season.” I stand there and give him an indecisive look. “We reach maturity after eight, but I’ve always been an early developer. Trust me, I won’t slow you down.”

“Well, alright…I guess. Did you pack water? I don’t have enough for a whole day for both of us. And what about food?”

“You sound like my Fau-ier, I’ll be fine.” He chuckles, whistling at the insect thing. It hovers over the ground and lands with a clumsy thud. He straps my bags to its back and pats it hard on the buttocks. “Get on!” He leaps into the back bucket seat. I look it up and down with apprehension. Sure enough, almost transparent wings appear, flapping softly, but the wings aren’t nearly big enough to logically be able to hold it up. This is nuts, I could kill myself doing this. “Don’t worry, she’s safe!” He giggles, waving me on. I shake my head and back away.

“Oh no…no, no, no, no…I am not getting on that thing.”

“Don’t worry, haoman, we ride these things all the time! They’re safer than most of the cabs you’ll find clanking around the sectors of Axiom.”

“First of all, my name’s Jarod. And second, I’ve never been to Axiom. Third, I am NOT getting on this creature.”

“Well, Jarod, nice to meet you. I’m Zari, now get on before I call the High Guard over to throw you on and tie you down to the seat!” What a little brat. I give him a defiant smirk and slowly go up to the beast, touching the side of it. It’s breathing softly beneath a thick, almost scaly layer of exoskeleton. If Sydney was watching, he’d tell me to use my better judgment, but right now, I have little choice if I want to get to Bola’s village before next week. I sigh and warily get on. The seats were too close together, and the back of my seat was missing. Zari reaches over with both hands and straps my waist in tightly. “Hang on, Jarod. This is gonna be fun.” I grab the reins and cling on for dear life.

The thing makes a loud whirring sound and jolts up, taking off with little warning. Both of us get tossed around in our seats like rag dolls, and we would have been tossed to the ground were we not strapped in. “YEAAAAAARRGHHH!!” I scream out loudly as the creature buzzes over and past the village at amazing speed. I didn’t know if I was feeling more frightened or thrilled.

“WAAAHOO!” Zari grips onto my waist with both arms, pressing his chest into my back. “This is amazing! I’ll never get used to this!”

“I think…that makes…two of us!” We literally have to yell at each other to be heard over the rushing wind. “Does this thing know where it’s going??”

“Yeah, they told her where to go. She’ll only rest when she needs to, which will probably be sometime during the night!” And so, we ride, with me freaking out and Zari gripping my torso tight the whole way. After a while, he tells me that he doesn’t understand me anymore, even though I can understand him. “You have two translators in your pocket. Hand me one please?” I do, trying not to let it drop to the ground. I hear him clip it onto his belt. “Ahh, that’s better. So, Jarod, tell me. Who’s your mate?”

“A Fighter named Bola. We’re not formal mates yet, but we will be.”

“You came all this way to join with him? How romantic.” He sighs.

“Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that, but he’s not exactly here. I need his family’s help to find him. If I don’t marry him before the Proxidas put him in cryogenic prison, he’ll die.” I put my head down. The grip on my chest tightens.

“Hey, don’t worry, you know, my people have a saying: ‘Love has a plan’.”

“Yeah, your seer, Humao told me that. I have a plan too. Get to him before those Proxidas do, hide him out on my planet and live the rest of our lives together.”

“But you have to formally mate, and all the Ritemasters are here on Shpyre. Besides, you can’t run from Proxidas. It may take them a while, but they’ll find him. What do the Jectors want him for?”

“They think he killed a Proxida, but he’s innocent.”

“Yikes. Well, I’ve been to Axiom a few times myself, and it would be wise for a virgin like you to have a seasoned guide…”

“So I’ve been told. Is it really that bad?”

“It’s worse, actually. People there live like barbarians. They use up all their precious recourses, build things that bellow out black smoke into the air, they raise animals just to slaughter them, they trade slaves, sell poison to children, sell their bodies to people they don’t even love and commit horrible, terrible acts like killing another for no reason…*raping*…another being…you know, here, if it’s proven you’ve raped someone, we cut your circles off.” He grins. I didn’t have to ask what ‘circles’ meant.

“Ouch.” Is all I can reply. “You know, that sounds frighteningly like my planet.”

“Come live here, Jarod.” He snickers.

“I love your planet, don’t get me wrong…but it’s weird for me here. Alright, let me explain. You know when you walk into a stranger’s house and you feel really out of place and almost embarrassed, like you’re not supposed to be there? That’s what it’s like for me being here…all the time. Like I don’t belong.”

“I understand.” He hugs into my back and I can feel him shiver in the chilly night air. To me, it’s just getting comfortable. Without even asking, he pulls out my flannel shirt from the back and slips it on, cuddling into it and me at the same time. I don’t mind. The view from up here is breathtaking. They have three of the biggest, most beautiful moons I’ve ever seen. As for the planet itself, blue and all shades of gray landscape as far as the eye can see, undisturbed and natural. No cities, no factories, nothing, just exotic, alien wilderness. If I look hard enough, I can even see herds of small, white alien beasts with many rows of eyes stalking around down there.

“Zari?” I finally realize that his breath has been slow and steady against the back of my neck for some time now. “Zari, are you asleep?” His lack of response confirms my suspicions. I simply smile and continue to enjoy the view in silence.

The next thing I know, I wake up and we’re still flying. Shit, did I fall asleep too? I can’t even look at my watch because the old man took it. My sudden jolt stirs Zari, and he yawns and grabs my shoulders. “What’s going on?” Just then, the insect descends on smooth gray, rocky plains and goes in for a landing.

“Houston, we may have a problem.”

“Who’s Houston?”

“Never mind. The creature is landing.”

“That means she’s tired and needs rest. We can also rest here too for a while. I know I need to find a bush or something.” He wiggles in his seat. The thing lands awfully hard, thrashing us around helplessly. It finally whirs again and rests. It almost sounds like a sigh. “Alright, I’ll be back.”

“First help me out of this thing.” I struggle with the straps. He gets out and reaches over my lap, helping me undo the straps.

“Alright, alright, you big infant. But if I have an accident and ruin my clothing, you’re weaving me a new outfit.” I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but his knuckle brushes heavily against my crotch. My eyebrow arches up considerably.

“Uh…I can get the rest myself. Go ahead.” He nods and runs off. I get myself out of the tangled mess and jump down. The creature whirs out at me once more in annoyance. “Oh, quit your bitching. At least when I fly, I can pull off a decent landing.” You know, now that I’m standing, I realize I need to find a bush as well, but all I see are groups of ten to fifteen foot spikes jutting out from the rocky surface. When I enter them, it’s like a maze of rock. I twist and turn, trying to find my way out once I’m in, but I find myself almost instantly lost. I turn a corner and spot Zari trying to urinate on one of the rocks with a fierce hard on.

“Blarx, Jarod!” He jumps, turning his fully erect member away from me, spraying a path before him.

“Sorry…I’m…I’m sorry!” I back away slowly, then turn fully and walk quickly away. I perform my business as well, wondering how and why he could have gotten so aroused. Did I say something provocative? Was I sending signals I wasn’t aware of? Before I know it, I’m experiencing the joys of trying to pee with a hard on as well. It’s not as easy as I thought it would be. I have to wonder, though, why am I so aroused now too? Was it the thought of him being aroused? Maybe his erection had nothing to do with me. He is an adolescent, after all. Or maybe it was the fact that he’s been wrapped tightly around my chest all night. That thought alone makes my cock throb and ache.

What’s wrong with me? First I shamelessly cheat on Bola with a guy I barely know who’s in college, and now I’m getting hard up for a teenager. I’m beginning to think I didn’t miss Bola himself as much as I missed the sex. God, what an awful, terrifying thought. I finish and zip up, trying to calm my labored breathing down so he won’t notice. I even pull out my shirt so it will cover the all-too-obvious bulge in my khakis.

“Jarod?” His voice comes from behind me. I turn around and he’s standing with a low posture and regretful, downcast eyes, his hands behind his back. “I’m sorry I snapped at you before. You just startled me.”

“Hey, it’s…uh…no problem, you know, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that.” Neither of us are looking at each other. “I just kinda…got lost.” I smile, looking up at the indigo and deep violet sky.

“You’re lost? Just listen for the mount’s breathing.” He points in a direction and his eyes finally meet mine with a smile.

“Sorry, humans don’t have such good hearing.” He can hear that? God, then my heavy breathing should be clear as day to him. Which means that he’s well aware of my awkward predicament. I swallow hard and walk in that direction. He grabs my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

“Hey, relax, okay? I get them all the time, it had nothing to do with you.” I look at him and his eyes are still downcast. I lower my head a bit, catching his gaze for a moment before he looks down again.

“I’ll relax when you stop lying to me, Zari.” I raise an eyebrow at him. He starts laughing nervously and lets go, turning his back to me. He crosses his arms across his stomach and lowers his head.

“I’m sorry, Jarod…I tried to think bad thoughts…but…”

“It’s alright, I’m not offended. But just so it’s clear, I love Bola.”

“I know, I know. I just…you know, I wonder if I’ll ever…you know.” He prattles on nervously, shaking his head. I go up and give him a bear hug from behind. He turns around and hugs me fully, squeezing me tight.

“You are a sweet, caring person, Zari, and you’re also really young. You have plenty of time to worry about relationships. Trust me, they’re not all they’re cracked up to be.”

“Cracked…up…?” His large, dark eyes glare into mine longingly. I could tell he didn’t want me to talk about relationships, he wants me to talk about sex.

“Sorry, human expression. It means it’s not all that great. There are some bad times in dating too, you know.”

“Like being left alone?” His hand caresses my face and it suddenly feels like my crotch is on fire with lust. It’s truly amazing that a being can accomplish that with one halfway innocent touch. My mouth drops open and I take a sharp intake of breath, pulling away from him.

“God, can ALL of you do that??” I turn my back to him, not wanting him to see how incredibly turned on I am for him right now, but my heaving body is more than giving me away at this point.

I hear him chuckle deeply, his voice sounding more now like an adult than a child. “We Common Yaonis can do it better. Fighters are just that, but we’re the lovers.” I feel his arms wrap around my waist again, and it’s then that I realize what it was that got me so hard in the first place: those soft, slender fingers, going on instinct rather than skill, exploring my sweaty body eagerly.

“But you’re so young…and Bola…he…” I’m moaning rather than speaking at this point, feeling this amazing haze of passion overtake me with every subtle brush of his fingertips. He slows down and I feel his hot breath against my ear, making me tilt my head back helplessly toward it.

“I’ll stop if you tell me to, Jarod.” He whispers, his breath uneven and ragged with desire. “Even if you don’t mean it, all you have to do is say the word, and I will.” He goes to pull his hands back and I grab them by the wrists. He gasps sharply in surprise. I turn around, forcing his arms back around me and grab the back of his head, pulling him into me for a long, passionate kiss. He moans loudly against my probing tongue and struggles to keep up with me. I slam him back against the rock and he lets out a pained cry, tearing his mouth away from mine. “I’m not a Fighter, Jarod…do not be so rough with me!”

No sooner does he spit out those words than I assault him with my tongue again, pulling his tender, succulent body into me desperately while pinning him to the cold stone wall with my massive weight. I tuck my hand under him and grab his ass hard, making him cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. I use my grip on his tight, firm ass to lift him up higher so I have better access to his neck. I bite into him viciously, heedless of the nervous and even frightened looks he’s giving me. All I can think about is how amazingly sweet his skin tastes…how plush and welcoming his firm ass feels under the crushing weight of my fingers, and how every cry that escapes his lips is pulling me further and further into oblivion, never to return.

“Oh God…I need to fuck you so bad…” I groan out almost beastially while tearing into his warm, sensitive flesh with my bared teeth. He cries out loudly, gripping my hair and my shoulder, halfway trying to pull me off of him. The more he struggles against me, the more turned on I get. It’s almost as if I’m watching myself from outside of my body. My hips buck and thrash wildly against his, slamming him up against the stone wall with each animalistic thrust. I feel depraved and sex-starved, and he’s my prey. That fresh, firm, nubile body of his was ripe for the picking and offered to me freely, and now I’m cashing in my chips. I’m so far gone right now, it doesn’t even matter if he still wants it, all that matters is that I have little choice but to claim it.

“Jarod…please stop! Ai!” He cries out loudly, tossing his head back. “Oh, Holy Mother, please, Jarod, you’re scaring me!” Blue-tinted tears stream down his face, but I can tell in his voice he still loves it. I let his feet touch the ground again and he grabs my shoulders with both hands, trying to push me away. I tear my shirt off of him, then his brown tunic. “Jarod, please…calm down, please?”

“I can’t...need you…so bad…” I groan against his lips as I kiss him once more. I now have to literally force it upon him, but he’s barely fighting me with his arms anymore. I hold him in place with one hand and tear his remaining shirt off savagely with the other. He begins sobbing openly now. I barely even notice it. I grab his long, silken black hair and yank, forcing his head back. My other hand is tearing his pants down to his knees.

“Jarod…PLEASE!! Don’t do this, please!” He begs, and it’s like fucking music. I grab both of his delicate wrists in one hand and hold them above his head. My other hand struggles blindly to undo my khakis. For a moment, I feast my eyes upon his slender, completely hairless body, shivering in fear before me. His eyes, pleading for me to stop while overflowing with lust, glazes over when I take a firm hold of his fully hard cock. There is thick, beige liquid drooling from his ass and down his quivering thighs. I press myself against him, probing his hot mouth with my tongue and his juicy ass with my finger. The thick, hot juice lubes up my finger quite nicely, and when I press it up against his virgin ass, he tosses his head back and cries out in pure pleasure. I begin working his slender dick dry-handed, running my fingers up the veined shaft and silky crown, making him gasp and swallow, all the while pushing my greased up finger deeper into his unbelievably tight ass.

“Your ass is so welcoming, Zari…admit you need it.” As I whisper this into his ear breathlessly, I nibble and suck on the lobe. Though it’s painfully obvious how badly he wants it, he continues to try and push me away. That only eggs me on further. I push my lubed finger all the way in up to the knuckle, stroking his sensitive cock slowly and teasingly the entire time. He cries out, gripping the hand desperately that’s holding both of his at bay over his head.

“Jarod…ai…ai, oh, please stop, I’m not ready! I…I changed my mind! Jarod, please, I’m not ready for this!” I withdraw my finger and push it all the way in again in one, smooth stroke. He shuts his eyes tight and screams out in ecstasy.

“You do want this, you little liar. Listen to you.” I grin, biting onto his shoulders, jabbing my throbbing cock into his thigh. “Wrap your legs around me.” I grunt into his ear. He shakes his head and struggles against my weight. I pick up my finger’s pace, thrusting it in and out of him quickly, fucking him with it, and he thrashes and squirms around it, screaming and crying out in sheer sexual abandon. “Wrap your legs around me!”

With a loud, defeated sob, he does it. “Don’t hurt me…please…ohhh! That feels so…uhhh!” He moans and my grip on his wrists weaken slightly so that he’s able to pull out of my grasp. He immediately grabs my shoulders and pushes me away again. I pin him back up against the wall and slide my finger out. More off-white goo leaks out and down his legs. He sighs in a mixture of relief and disappointment. I slide the shaft of my cock between his soaking wet thighs and rub that thick goo all over my length. I lean over and shove my tongue into his now open mouth. He groans as my tongue invades him. I begin stroking him off again and with the other hand, I slide my cock up and align the head with his loosened, leaky asshole. I feel him tense up as more tears streak his flushed face. “Please don’t…please don’t…” He chants, his eyed panicked and looking upwards.

“Just relax, Zari. It won’t hurt if you relax.” I pump his cock at a decent pace and wait that extra few seconds for it to really distract him before pushing my purple cockhead deep inside that unfathomably tight canal. He lets out a long, desperate groan and his legs tighten their grip around my hips. His ass is so lubed, I’m able to slide every inch inside him in one sure stroke.

“Oh, Jarod, you’re so big!” He gasps and cries, squeezing his ass even tighter around my throbbing member. I withdraw and thrust back into him slowly. He grunts out his first hint of pain. I work his cock faster and his pain quickly dissolves into more cries of pleasure and growing desperation. I let out my share too, being worked up this hard is getting me too close to completion far too quickly. I buck my hips against him, sending my cock spearing into his now fully welcoming ass deeper and faster. He wraps his arms around my neck and arches his back, thrusting into me in return, sending me deeper inside him with each thrust.

“Oh God, you feel so good!” I cry out, yanking his hips onto my dick wildly, groaning and yelling as I violate his virgin ass. “I’m gonna shoot my load deep inside you! God, I’m so close!” I shut my eyes tight, listening to him cry and scream and struggle against me, still defiant to the bitter end, even though his legs are wrapped tightly around me, pulling me deeper into him with every thrust. “Tell me how much you love this, Zari!” I gasp, barely able to form words at this point. He tilts his head back slightly and crudely spits in my face. My loins roar in renewed arousal at his blatant disrespect, and I just smile and lick his sweet blue saliva off my lips, spearing myself into him harder still. “I get it, Zari, I understand now. You want me to hurt you. You like being brutalized.”

“Fleebnark!” He hisses, gritting his teeth angrily, yet his eyes are still heavy with passion. “I’ll cut your circles off myself!” I push my meat into him deeply, and then keep it there for an extra moment or two. He moans loudly, closing his eyes and knitting his brows. “Ahh...blarx!” He cries, pushing back into me desperately. I just keep my cock idle within him, waiting with a superior grin. “Damn you, Jarod!” He bucks his ass weakly on my dick, urging me to fuck him again, and I don’t. His face tightens with anger and frustration. “What are you doing??”

“Admit you want this, Zari. Tell me how bad you want it.” I even stop stroking him at this point, and he grabs my hand, trying to force me to continue. “No, no. I want you to say it.” I grab both his hands and bind them with my free one. “Say it.” I smile wickedly.

“No!” He snarls. I pump into his tight ass once more, then again…and then I stop. “Jarod! Oh Holy…why are you doing this???” He cries out in frustration and pleasure.

“Say it, Zari!” I thrust in once more, pushing it in as deep inside him as it will go. He screams out, squeezing me with his legs.

He throws his head back desperately. “Damn you, Jarod, I need it! Rape me! Give it to me! Do whatever you want, just PLEASE…I need it SO BAD!!”

“Oh yeah!” I remark proudly as I proceed to ream it into him violently, bucking and thrusting my painfully rigid cock deep inside his greased ass, grabbing his cock and working it just as furiously as before. He lets out a high-pitched scream and completely gives in to me. I let go and he wraps his arms around my chest, digging his delicate fingernails into my back, retracing the huge gashes Bola had given me when we first made love. I close my eyes and I’m taken back to that day, out in the hot tub with his tight, welcoming ass sheathing me completely with each stroke, and with that, I lose all control. I jolt and spasm as the first amazing wave of my orgasm hits me, crying out Bola’s name as I empty my balls deep inside his bowels. Wave after wave assaults me, washes over me, my mind, my body, my very soul. I hear him curse and cry out as well, showering me with his cream-colored seed. The first explosion hits me square on my lips, and the rest, all over my chin and chest. I open my eyes to see Zari staring up at me lazily, panting hard through gritted teeth.

I slide out of him and let him back on his feet slowly. He wobbles and falls to his knees, his long, knotted raven hair falling in his face. “Blarx.” He states, trying to calm down.

“Bladook.” I add with a smile.

“What?” He looks up at me, a little confused.

“Mm-mm.” I shake my head. “Something Bola used to say.”

He frowns, looking down again sadly. “You called his name. You must really miss him.” His brows knit dejectedly. I sigh, suddenly feeling guilty for all this. That Yaonis seduction is a powerful thing. “I didn’t mean to call you a Fleebnark.”

“What does that mean?” I lick his cum from my lips and am pleasantly surprised with its sweet candy-like taste. I scoop up more of it from my chest and lick it off my fingers.

“Malignant child-toucher.” He glances up at me, a little embarrassed. “It’s actually Axiom slang, but many of us have adopted it.”

My face goes blank. “Child-toucher.” I repeat. “God, you’re right.” I hang my head in shame, then burry it in my hands.

“No, I’m not. I was an adult from the moment I used my seduction on you. You don’t understand…we’re not born with that gift, Jarod. It’s part of puberty. When we can pull it off, that means we’re physically ready to have sex.” He smiles, trying to comfort me.

“Human women menstruate during puberty, but that doesn’t make it okay either. You may have been ready physically, but…oh God, you said you weren’t ready, didn’t you? And it was like I just didn’t care. That’s how far gone I was.”

“I’m sorry, Jarod, I really am. I’ve never used seduction on anyone before, I had no idea how powerful its effects were.” He stands up, pulling his pants up. “I guess in a way, I raped you.” He laughs, making his way over to me. “But you were right, I DID want it. Wow, was that amazing. Now I understand what the fuss is all about.”

“Zari…” I trail off, feeling absolutely awful about myself. What I wouldn’t give for a shower right now, or at least a lake. “Are there any lakes or streams around here?” I hug myself tight, feeling utterly criminal. Maybe they should cut my balls off, then I wouldn’t be tempted to sleep with every damn Yaonis I come in contact with anymore.

He takes a good look at me and frowns. “Aw, Jarod, please relax.” He walks over and hugs me, and I push him away. “You aren’t to blame here. I knew how vulnerable you were and I took advantage of that, now would you please stop being a child about it? It happened, now get over it.” He crosses his arms, obviously a little miffed.

“I…just need to clean up.” My voice is hushed and reserved, and I can’t even bare to look at him. All I see right now is a child who I just violently had my way with. He has cuts and bruises all over him, the kind of cuts and bruises you don’t need to ask where they came from. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Some genius you turned out to be, Jarod.

He sighs, his arms go limp at his sides in resignation. “Very well, we’ll ride the Wirzir for a bit until we find some water, then we’ll take her down and bathe so you can feel clean again. Okay?” He walks over to pick up his torn clothing. He begins getting redressed, and then realizes that his brown tunic is ruined. He doesn’t say a word, he just folds it up under his arm and waits for me to get ready.

“Thanks, Zari.” I suddenly feel like I want to cry. We walk around a little bit until we find the beast. We climb on her again, strap in and take flight without another word. It isn’t long until we find a small lake and Zari whistles for her to land again. It’s a bumpy ride, but she lands right next to the water and starts drinking as we climb off.

“Alright, do what you have to do.” He yawns.

He stays on land with the creature as I strip and climb into the luke warm silvery water. I can feel the moderately sized glowing blue and green fish bump me as I swim further out, cleaning off. One of them even goes to nibble at my feet, tickling the crap out of me. I chuckle and glance over towards Zari. His back is turned to me. Suddenly, it all hits me at once. What the hell am I even doing here? Bola’s family can’t help me, I’ll only upset them with my presence here and the news of what will happen to their son. Even if I see him again, I won’t be able to hide him from the Proxidas forever. What if I get trapped here? What about my promise to Miss Parker? What if this was all a big mistake and all that resulted from it was me cheating on Bola with a god dammed fucking child?? A CHILD, for God sakes!! What the hell is wrong with me?! I haven’t been myself since I got here and now all I want to do is go home. I want to find Bola, go home and hope that The Center and the Proxidas forget all about us. And then Sydney’s words pop back into my head, drowning out everything.

“I’m so terribly sorry, Jarod, but you have to accept the possibility that Bola won’t be coming back.”

All this swirls in my head as I tread water in the middle of the lake. I cradle my face and burst into tiny, silent sobs.


Daybreak. The creature slows down considerably, and I notice that we’re coming up to more of a small city than a village. “That must be it!” I shout to Zari, pointing down to it.

“I guess so. I’ve never been here before.” He shouts back. Things have remained awkward between us since last night, and we’ve hardly said a word to each other. I haven’t eaten much since I got here, only a half a sandwich while we were riding, and my stomach is killing me. When we land with a loud thud, my belt snaps and I go flying off the creature, hitting the ground several feet away. The few people nearby gasp in horror at the accident and come running over to see if I’m okay. Zari leaps off the beast and gets to me first. “Jarod! Oh no, are you alright?” He turns me over on my back, wiping the dark gray dust from my hair and face.

“Ow.” I cringe, trying to sit up. “Yeah…I know how to fall.” I quickly reach into my pocket and pull out the gray root, taking two quick bites out of it.

Zari laughs. “You’re too funny.” I smile back at him, chewing and swallowing the now bitter root. I guess it gets bitter with time.

“Are you well, stranger?” A large, dark Fighter Yaonis walks up in front of the others and offers me his clawed hand. The first thing I notice is that his eyes are blood red and he’s got red tattoos all over his body.

I smile and take a firm hold, letting him help me up. “Yeah, I’m fine, thanks.” He hoists me up with little effort. I almost forgot how strong the Fighters are.

“Most welcome, stranger. What is your business here?” He lets go and gives me a cool stare, waving a tuft of stark white hair out of his face.

“My name is Jarod, and this is my guide, Zari. I’m here in search of a Fighter named Tuseah Spearstorm. Is this the Moons Tree village?” I gather my bags from the creature.

“Yes, t’is, friend of Tuseah. You have indeed reached the right place. I am Captain Argotam Crimsongaze of the High Guard. You and your young friend look as though you’ve had a rough journey. Come and be welcome.”

“Thank you, Captain.” I smile and do a small salute. Zari and I travel close behind him as he walks away. “Your steed will be taken care of.” He glances back casually. “You are Human, are you not? How do you know Tuseah?”

“Yes, and I don’t actually know Tuseah, I know his son.”

“Which son? I am very familiar with his family.”

“Bola.” Zari answers for me in a half-mocking tone.

Argotam stops in his tracks and turns to face me with a bright, wide-eyed genuine smile. “You know Tinjei? I trained with him. Superb warrior, but he had such a mischievous streak…there were times we all wanted to slay him where he stood.” He chuckles, now walking by my side rather than in front of me. “How do you know good old Tinjei?”

“He’s sort of my unofficial mate. I’m trying to find him and I think Tuseah can help me.” I pause for a second. “Tinjei??”

He laughs loudly. “Forgive me. Tinjei is my nickname for him. It means ‘tree sap’. When we were but children, I used to tease him and call him that all the time. He hated it.” Humao’s words to me in the last village suddenly pop into my head. A childhood friend.

“Could you take me to his house? I don’t know my way around…it’s my first time on Shpyre.” I grin sheepishly. “I’d appreciate it.”

“Think not of it. I can find Tinjei’s house blindfolded.” He winks at Zari who is lagging behind looking more than a little miffed. “Glorious Mother knows…I have many times in the past.” He sighs heavily. “Things haven’t been the same since that practical joker moved to Axiom. Why he’d choose a fascination with that horrid place I’ll never know.”

“Have you heard from him lately?”

“Not since he returned two seasons ago for his brother, Nanua’s Naming Day. Why did he go missing? Did something occur?”

“Oh God, you have no idea…” My eyes widen and I rub my mouth for a moment.

“What is it??” He stops and grabs my arm with an intense look.

“Captain, Bola was framed for murdering a Proxida. He escaped before they were able to put him in Cryogenic Prison and now they’re after him.” As I speak, his eyes and mouth grow wider. “That’s how we met. He hopped onto my world and we fell in love, even though we couldn’t communicate. I didn’t find out what he was running from until the Proxidas were ripping him out of my car. By then, it was far too late. I figure he’s hopping around from realm to realm, outfoxing and outsmarting them, always one step ahead if I know him as well as I think I do.” I offer him a small grin, but he turns away in shock and huffs loudly.

“This troubles me greatly.” He manages to grunt out after a moment or two. I glance over at Zari and spot him rolling his eyes.

“His family doesn’t know, do they?” I frown.

“No, they would have told me.” He begins walking quickly. “Come, friend, we must find them and tell them of this grave news.” Zari and I scurry close behind.

This is not just a small city, it is a city. It’s funny how small these towns look when you first enter, and how much bigger they are when you’re actually inside. Here, there are Yaonis and a race of other creatures, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. They’re short and furry wearing hemp-like clothing, four arms and big black eyes, a small snout and large droopy ears. They have six long fingers on each hand, and their fingertips come to really small points. They sort of waddle along instead of walk, and I actually spot quite a few females. This city has everything, from markets to full-fledged huts made into stores, a small inn and even a tavern. Most of the architecture here is stone and wood, and the detail on some of the buildings is so minute, it’s mind-boggling. Every building has that plastic stuff lining the tops, but that’s the only hint of real technology I see here.

“Captain, who are those guys?” I point to the weird four-armed race.

“The Vehgeans, they are a pacifistic race of scholars, artists and farmers. Our worlds are interlinked by a permanent portal further to the west from here. Our races are at peace and we are trusted allies. The last Great War we fought was for their world against the Sachirians who came with their air ships and tried to claim it as their own. Our worlds are under the protection of the Imperial Alliance, and with their help, we were victorious.” He smiles. “Tuseah and my father, Ludran were in that war. They fought bravely and many of those maggots died by their claws.”

“Oooookay…thanks.” I smile awkwardly.

“Oh spare me. Your ‘Great War’ was a farce, Captain.” Zari rolls his eyes again.

“Hold your tongue while you still have it, child!” Argotam growls at him.

“But it’s true! The Gaian hero, Abbaddon and his allies won you that War! The bumbling, corrupt Alliance would have been far too late.” He crosses his arms. “And far too weak to stop such a vast empire.” He turns to me. “The Sachirians attack by swarming and overrunning. Their numbers are incomprehensible. Many planets have fallen to barren husks in the Sachirians’ wake, and these glory-drunk fools think they frightened them away all by themselves. You make me laugh!”

I grab a hold of Argotam as he goes to lunge at him. “Zari, do us all a favor and SHUT UP, will you?? You two can debate history later, but right now, we need to find Bola’s folks, remember?? Jesus…Captain, with all due respect, calm down!”

He points in Zari’s face, positively pink with fury. “Find fortune in being a child, Common, for I would beat you to death for those words were you not!” I yank him away and grab his shoulders sternly.

“He’s just a kid, Captain, relax, okay? C’mon, show me where good ole’ Tinjei lives.” I smile at him suggestively. He gives Zari one last lingering look of hatred before walking off in front of both of us at a much quicker pace. I linger behind and grab Zari’s collar. “Are you nuts??” I whisper harshly. “That guy would have killed you!”

“He’s a fool, Jarod.” Zari grits his teeth, glaring ahead at the Captain with narrowed eyes. “The last generation filled their sons’ heads with such lies and propaganda about that war that it sickens me.”

“Every war spawns lies and propaganda. If you only knew some of the things that happened on my planet…look, just drop it. This isn’t even the issue right now. We have more important matters to take care of so just cool it, okay?”

“Holy Gray Mother, I am so sick of everybody telling me to keep my mouth shut and look pretty like a good little Common. It’s not my style and I will not ‘cool it’. I have my blarxin’ opinions and I refuse to compromise my ideals for anyone just because they can wipe the mountains and glades with my innards!”

“I’m not asking you to compromise anything, Zari, I’m just asking you not to actively seek to pick fights with people! Do you think you can handle that??”

“Fine!” He huffs stubbornly. The anger in his face melts away and he’s left frowning at me sadly. “I’ll be good. For you, Jarod.”

I sigh. “Thank you, Zari.” I put my arm around him and squeeze his shoulder lightly. He looks up at me and displays a weak smile.

“This is it.” Argotam frowns at Zari while addressing me. We’re in front of a moderately large, unassuming house with crude glass for windows and a small pavilion outside. It looks somewhat familiar, and I know I’ve seen pieces of this house in the pictures Bola left me. “I know not if they are home, but you can…” He trails off. “Wait here.”

He storms off into the wide gray yard and plucks somebody from a nearby bush. Another Fighter with fiery red and orange hair, light gray skin and purple clothing struggles limply in the Captains grasp. “I do say!! Release me, you oaf! I demand you release me at once!” The athletically built Fighter yells angrily.

“Ginjam Firecrest, what are your sick, twisted intentions here, might I ask?” He sets him down and the pale Fighter backs away slowly, brushing himself off with a sour huff.

“Well, Tamo, I merely came to see if my beloved has returned. T’is none of your concern, so be off with you.”

Argotam laughs outright. “Mayhaps not, trespasser, but surely t’is this Human’s concern, for he is your ‘beloved’s’ mate.” He looks at me and I frown angrily at Ginjam.

Impossible.” He looks me up and down with distaste. “My dearest Bolaliel and I were mated years ago.” He flutters his hands up dramatically.

“In your imagination, no doubt.” Argotam scoffs.

“He would choose not a weak hoath the likes of that over me. He and I…we’ve got history. We’ve got…oh, you know, that special something.”

“You’ve got something alright, buddy, the way I see it, its something mental!” I growl out at him, getting more and more pissed off at this guy by the minute.

“Hey, Jarod. Cool it.” Zari snickers.

Ginjam walks over to me and gives me a wide-eyed, open-mouthed look that reminded me of an expression Miss Parker would take. He pats my head and smiles mockingly. “Ah, Tamo, how impressive! It can speak! Quite a feat for a race of Neanderthals who can barely walk and crack their knuckles at the same time.”

Humao’s words invade my thoughts once more. A new rival.

I growl and punch him in the face. I don’t know how he managed to get me so insanely angry so quickly. Maybe it’s that innate influence over emotions these people seem to have. “JAROD!!” Zari grabs my arm as Ginjam goes flying backwards into the bush. I glare hatefully down at him and Argotam laughs boisterously and slaps me on the back.

“You just gave him what he wanted, human.”

Arrest this man for assault, Tamo! I insist he be imprisoned at once with the other scrubmoss! He grins wickedly and rubs the wounded side of his face, getting into a sitting position.

“I’m afraid I must oblige.” Argotam grabs me by the arm.

“I told you to cool it, Jarod.” Zari crosses his arms. I grit my teeth at Ginjam as the Captain goes to pull me away.

“Wait! Can I at least see if they’re home??” I motion towards the house. I’m too close to my goal to be interrupted now.

“Fear not, human. Ginjam would dare not stalk this house t’wer there anyone home to spot him. He may like to think himself in others’ favor, but he is but a coward and a sneak…and nothing more.” He frowns down at Ginjam with disgust, getting a firm hold on my arm. “Where have they gone to, Ginjam? Speak forth now and I shall not toss you two into the same cell.”

Well…” He gets up, wiping the dust and dirt from his bottom. “Since you put it that way…” He fixes his hair, dusts off his shoulder, intentionally keeping us in suspense.

“Ginjam, do not test my patience this dew.” The Captain took the words right out of my mouth. Damn that pasty-faced prissy.

“The market.” Ginjam’s emerald eyes narrow. “They went off to the market. I know not where or to fetch what, but surely you will find them there.” He puts his hands on his hips and gives me a final glare of jealous hatred before Argotam yanks me away.

“Be off with you then, Ginjam. You’ve no business here.”


“Are you sure you don’t want anything more to eat?” Zari gives me the puppy-dog look from the free side of my wooden cage. I was stuck in a large cell made of stone and sticks and clay along with one drunk Common and two dangerous looking Fighters. One of them looked sort of like a pirate. Zari sighs when I don’t respond, I just glance down at the bowl they gave me filled with this awful-tasting rose pedal paste. “Don’t worry, I’m sure the Captain found them. He knows what they look like.”

“I’m gonna be sick.” I rub my face.

“You look it.”

Just then, two very familiar faces walk through the main stone corridor. One, a tall, distinct and strong Fighter with long green hair and green eyes, wearing robes of red and gold, and a beautiful Common with flowing (now) silver hair and dark, mysterious eyes wearing long, flowing blue robes walk in accompanied by Captain Argotam. I smile at them as they walk in. They look on at me curiously. Zari glances at them and steps aside.

“Jarod?” Bola’s Fau-ier speaks first.

“Kayuai.” I smile, extending my hands through the bars. “Bola’s Fau-ier. You are lovelier than he’d described. And you must be Tuseah, his father.”

“I am.” Tuseah grins. Kayuai takes both my hands and smiles warmly. She…he’s absolutely stunning. Damn…I almost forget for a moment that I’m looking at a male.

“It’s a pleasure and an honor to meet you both.” I feel as though I’m going to cry.

“Captain, release my son’s to-be mate at once.” Tuseah pats Argotam on the shoulder, his eyes locked fondly on me.

“As you wish, Master Spearstorm.” He bows his head slightly in respect. And just like that, I’m free. The first thing I do is hug him. He grins warmly and hugs back, wiping a little lingering dust from my hair. His mate laughs at what an utter and complete mess I am.

“Oh, Tuseah, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to meet you.” I pull away, but my hands remain on his broad shoulders. His grip remained on mine as well. The pictures of him barely helped to prepare me for how powerful in appearance he was. He carried himself like he owned the room and everything in it. “I’m afraid I come with bad news of your son.” I lower my gaze.

“I’ve heard briefly of it, Jarod. Come, let us take leave of this place. We’ll go to the salt springs and clean you up. You may then tell us further once you are comfortable and well. Your guide may join us if he so wishes, or we can take him to our Ritemaster and have his wounds healed.” He motions towards Zari, who looks up at me pleadingly.

“Please, Jarod, I ache all over.” He frowns, his raven hair falling in his face once more.

“Of course.” I nod and hug Kayuai too, breathing in his amazingly sweet scent. There’s something so warm and gentle about him, and so comforting to be held close by him. “I have something of his I’d like to return to you.” I smile and remove Bola’s picture album from my pocket, sliding it into Kayuai’s petite hand.

“Oh, Glorious Mother!” He exclaims, placing a hand on his robed chest. “My love, it’s Bolaliel’s Axiom picture toy!” He shows it to his mate, suddenly near tears.

“Before he left, he gave it to me to remember him by. I waited and worried for three months, then decided I couldn’t take it anymore, and so I came here to meet you two, in the hopes you might help me find him.” My brows knit sadly. “But now I see you didn’t even know what had happened, so now I’m back to square one.” Kayuai’s dark eyes well over with tears. Tuseah holds him close, looking troubled himself.

“Let us be off then, Jarod.” He pats Argotam on the back and motions towards Zari. “Take Jarod’s guide to Ritemaster Heuri and get him healed. Meet us back at our residence as soon as you are done.”

“Of course. I will see you then.” He bows and glares at Zari to come along, obviously still bitter about his earlier comments. Hopefully, Zari will keep his mouth shut and I won’t hear about him being beaten within an inch of his life later in the day.

“Remember, Zari, be good.” I whisper to him as he passes me. He nods casually and waves me away in slight annoyance.

(P.O.V. – Zari)

The Captain and I speak not a word to each other the entire way. I rely on him to show me where this Ritemaster was, and I am eager to meet him. My village is far smaller than this one, and Humao has always acted as both High Seer and Ritemaster for our village. We come up to a house, not the humble ritual hut I was used to seeing for a Healer, but Argotam leads me inside despite my reluctance. Once inside, my breath is taken from me. Lush, extravagant surroundings capture my attention. There were two distinct, separate rooms. One appeared designated for those who are waiting for the Healer’s service and the other is the actual ritual area. This one has clean wooden and straw benches where those waiting can sit comfortably. I have never seen anything quite like it.

“Be seated, Common.” Argotam frowns, not even looking at me. I sneer at him in return and have a seat on the comfortable bench.

“Where is this Healer’s protector? Surely he should have a guard posted by the entrance.”

“Our Ritemaster can take care of himself.”

“As can the High Seer of the Deep River village.”

“The Deep River village?” The Captain laughs. “I am familiar with that mudhole. Your High Seer, Threeseas is a cripple and poor of sight. He cannot so much as relieve himself without his mate’s assistance.”

I stand up and point into his face. “Humao may be a cripple, but he surely doesn’t need a pretty waiting room to make up for his lack of wisdom and magic!”

“You slander our Ritemaster, ignorant child. Meet him before you pass such judgment.”

“I will, and we’ll see just what sort of Healer he is then, shan’t we?” I turn my nose up at him, sitting down again.

“You’d better have something of value, or Ritemaster Heuri will not so much as entertain your company.” He states plainly, picking something out of one of his claws.

“What nerve! How can any respectable Healer require a price for such a fundamental need? What if I were dying out in the road? Would he allow me to die if I had nothing to offer him in return for my life?? That’s barbaric.”

“That’s the way things are, child. You have much to learn about the world outside of that small village you come from. I do believe you should set foot outside it more often.” I open my mouth to respond to his insulting remark and stop cold when a tall Common with his son walks in. The son appears about a year or so older than I and he’s groaning in pain. His Fau-ier is carrying him, looking angry and there’s a stream of blood leaking from the boy’s buttocks. Argotam and I both stare on in concern.

“My friend, I hope your child is well.” Argotam frowns as the Fau-ier props the bright-eyed, pink haired boy on his lap.

“Oh, he will be fine. This happens all the time, and though my mate and I wish he would stop, he keeps bringing us cause to rush him here.”

“What, might I ask is his ailment?” I inquire, blinking curiously at the youth. He forces a pained smile at me in return.

“Ah, Rayame.” A baritone voice comes from the doorway into the next room. I glance over and see a slim, pale, handsome Fighter in lavish white robes and long silver hair. “What was it this time, I dare ask?” He chuckles and kneels down, opening his arms for the youth. The Fau-ier gets up and makes his way over, setting his son down.

“A sharp twig, I’m afraid. He never learns.” He feigns a slight, worried smile. Argotam and I glare at each other in shock and realization. “My mate and I have warned and lectured and pleaded with him, but he keeps finding things to stick up there. Anything he can get his hands on. I don’t know what else to do.” The Fau-ier cradles his head and the Ritemaster grins and shakes his head at the boy.

“Come Nuven. Let’s fix you up and have ourselves a little talk.”

“But we already had a talk.” The youth frowns at him, covering his blood-soaked behind with a hand. “And my Fau-wa and me had a talk too.”

“Well, we’re going to have to keep having our talks until you stop this foolish behavior.” The Ritemaster smiles sadly. “Now come and let me take care of you. I fear you might have seriously injured yourself this time.” Nuven sighs and limps over to him. The Ritemaster smiles, takes his hand and leads him inside.

“Blarx, do you believe that kid?” I glance over to Argotam. He just frowns at me.

“Such language from a Common is not looked upon fondly. At your current rate, you will never join with anyone.”

“Hey, I don’t see you with a mating scar on your hand, Captain.” I frown right back and cross my arms.

“I am of eleven cycles. I have plenty of time. Besides, my career comes first.”

“You’re a Yaonis, my friend. There’s only one thing that we deem important: Love. For us, Love means survival. If you want to be a great warrior and die alone in 9 years, that’s up to you, but I plan on living a lot longer than that and being happy.”

“You’ll end up dying a lot sooner with your terrible attitude.” He smirks at me.

“Heh. Alright, I guess you have a point.” I sigh and glance down at my lap. “Hey, listen, about earlier today, I do apologize if I insulted you or your father.” I look over at him and he’s adverting his eyes. “It’s just that I’m very opinionated at times, and well…”

“Yes, I gathered that.” He smiles.

“I’m just sorry. It wasn’t my intention to make you that angry and upset.” I put my hand on his broad shoulder and he shrugs, still not meeting my gaze.

“My father was very important to me. He taught me everything I know. He was my sun, moons and stars when I was a child.” He laughs despite his sadness. “I can remember the exact moment he fell in battle. My Fau-ier was fixing nightmeal with my little brother, and I was right outside. There was this unholy crash.” He shuts his eyes tightly, as if he can still see and hear it clearly. “No scream, no cry for help, just this…crash. I ran inside and my Fau-wa was just lying there on the ground. My brother started shrieking like a lunatic. We were both young then, but we both knew what had happened and why.”

I tighten my grip on his shoulder. “Glorious Mother, Argotam, I am so sorry.”

“Be not sorry for me, child. I was not the only one who lost a family to that war. Luckily, Tuseah and another friend’s father returned with my father’s war tag and news of his ferocity in battle. You see, it doesn’t matter how we won. The important part is that we did win, and my parents didn’t die in vain. Do you understand?”

I lower my head shamefully. “Yes, I do. And for my ignorant comments, I am sorry.”

His gaze meets mine at last and he dawns a warm smile. “Your apology is accepted, and your insolence is forgiven.”

“Thank you, Captain.” I return the smile. Our attention then turns to a fully healed Nuven storming out of the room, flinging the curtain aside angrily. He comes and sits in the seat right next to me, staring ahead and crossing his arms.

“Humph.” He looks over and smiles at me. “Hey, you’re real beautiful, I’ll give you my Fau-ier’s Slaggoth-tooth necklace if you’ll have your way with me.” My mouth drops open with shock and disbelief.

“What??” Argotam laughs outright. “Child, you are positively mad. This dangerous and reckless behavior is going to get you killed.”

“I asked not for your opinion, Fighter.” Nuven scowls defiantly, looking back to me for an answer. “What will it be, beautiful?” He rudely puts his hand on my crotch.

I stand up with a start and shake my head, balling my fists with rage. “I will NOT! I don’t even know how you could cheapen yourself this way, you foolish, suicidal whore! It’s…it’s…improper! Repugnant! Revolting!” I glance down at the swell in his lap and the pink blood stains still evident on his light blue clothing. “And with the way you’re tearing yourself apart, no one will EVER want to be with you!”

“Ha.” Nuven chuckles at me, grabbing the bulge in his pants suggestively. He nudges Argotam with an elbow and arches a brow, looking me up and down hungrily. “Your friend is quite delicious when he’s angry.”

“You’re disgusting!!” I scream at him and storm out. Argotam quickly follows, calling after me. I keep walking a moment or two, and then stop, not turning around.

“Wait, child, what of the Ritemaster? Do you not wish to be healed?”

“Forget it. I will put up with that worthless trash no longer. And besides, I have nothing I wish to part with.” I hear him sigh in back of me and I feel his strong hand grip my shoulder. Both of us fall into silence.

“That boy was mad. He will stick himself with something sharp and puncture an organ or cause an infection, and no healer will be able to help him. At best, he will never bear children or be able to make love, and he will die alone. That is the price he will pay for his foolishness. Just look upon him with pity and that will help sate your anger.”

“Why me? Why couldn’t he have advanced on you?” I slowly turn around. “I mean…you’re much better looking than I am, with a better figure too.”

He chuckles. “It flatters me that you feel this way, but I do believe he propositioned you because you were around his age.” We both turn around as Nuven and his Fau-ier come walking out of the house. Nuven winks and waves at me and my cheeks flush with fury. “Come, let us return. The boy is gone now. Worry not about the price, I will take care of it. Your wounds are minor and will not be terribly expensive to fix. I have a few things with me I do not mind parting with.”

“Oh, Argotam, I cannot accept…”

“We are going and that is final. I will hear not another word on the matter.” He grins and takes me by the arm, guiding me back inside. We aren’t even seated yet before the Ritemaster emerges once more, inviting us into his back room.

This room is completely white, lined with a soft piece of furniture and many pillows. Even the chimes and sculptures in here are white. It was rather eerie. “Hello there, child. What is your name?” Ritemaster Heuri smiles at me.

“Zari.” I glance around nervously.

He seats me down on the soft cushiony long chair and takes a seat across from me on a smaller chair. “And what is the problem, Zari? What can I help you with?” I glance into those cold, silver irises and a shiver runs down my spine. There’s something about this Fighter than makes my innards twist and my skin crawl. I can’t quite but a nail on it.

“I’d like you to heal his wounds, though they be minor.” Argotam speaks up for me. “I will handle the price.”

Heuri grins brightly and glances up at him. “Very well, Captain. I will heal your friend, Zari and then you and I will come to an arrangement. Is this acceptable?”

He pauses for a moment, and his brows knit ever-so-slightly. “Yes, t’is.” He closes his eyes and lowers his head. Heuri merely smiles, his silver eyes linger on Argotam for a moment longer before turning sharply to me. A subtle gesture, but it was enough to tip me off to what this so called “healer” expected of Argotam as payment, and I suddenly want to go home. I miss my parents, I miss Humao and I miss the simple, pure, good nature of the people in my little mudhole village. All I seem to find here are lunatics, oddballs and sexual opportunists.

Heuri puts his hands flat against my shoulders and lays me down flat on the soft white cushion. I don’t fight him, but every nerve within me wants to. He smiles and glances at me up and down with a slight, unreadable smile. “Now I want you to relax so I can properly assess the extent of your damage.”

“Alright.” I inhale sharply, my dark eyes fixed on his long, slender fingers probing lightly over my chest. I glance up at Argotam with a frightened, nervous look and he places one of his strong dark hands gently on my head in comfort.

“No wonder you’re pained, child. You have a cracked rib. All these other wounds are cosmetic, but it’s that rib I worry for.” He flashes me a wicked, knowing smile. “Tell me, Zari, was this your first time?”

My eyes widen to the shape of saucers. “That is none of your concern, Ritemaster. I am of age and I will do what I wish.”

“No need to be defensive, child. I was merely asking. Now lie still and relax.” Heuri closes his eyes and mutters healing chants under his breath. Argotam begins stroking my hair and scalp to comfort and distract me. I take a deep, shaky breath and he presses his fingertips into my wound hard. I let out a loud cry of pain. There’s a swelling numbness and then a soft click coming from inside me. The pain subsides, yet a slight numbness lingers within my chest. I sit up quickly and grab where the wound was. Heuri grins wide at me once more and takes a step back. “See? No more pain. The numbness should be gone by duskfall.”

I sigh in relief. “I thank you, Ritemaster.” I dig through my pockets for something I could possibly have to offer him as payment. The thought still sickened me that he would even ask for payment, but the deed was done and now I have little choice. I wasn’t going to let this perverted opportunist take advantage of poor Argotam.

Heuri nods gracefully and the smile fades from his face. “Now wait outside, if you don’t mind. Argotam and I have our payment to discuss.”

“No wait, I think I might have something!” I pull out the small flat shiny thing Jarod gave me. “Here, it’s not white, but it’s cute. Take it. Please.”

“T’is a mere piece of metal, child.” Heuri chuckles condescendingly. “And I’ve no use for it. Besides, your friend and I have already made an agreement, now please wait outside.” His tone is measured and growing short of patience. I glance helplessly over to Argotam and knit my brows sadly at him.

“All is well, Zari. Go. I will not be far behind.” Argotam forces a slight grin, closes his eyes and nods once at me. I sigh and reluctantly take my leave, only going as far as the separating curtain in the other room and looking back in at them.

Heuri’s grin widens and becomes devious, briskly walking up to Argotam with his hands up hungrily. Argotam frowns and backs away. Heuri pins him up against the wall. “Oh, how long I’ve waited for this, Captain.”

“Stay your hands, Healer. We’ve not agreed upon anything of the sort.”

“Oh? I thought I’d made myself quite clear.” He grips onto Argotam’s broad shoulders and leans over to lick the side of his neck with the very tip of his tongue. Argotam exhales and swallows audibly, his brows knitting in anger.

“And to think…I defended your honor. What has become of you, the Healer I knew when I was a child? You were a Fighter to be trusted and admired then.”

“Mating with a Vampire changes a person, Argotam.” Heuri’s breath becomes ragged and heavy with lust, beating against Argotam’s exposed neck. “T’is true, I am gifted with immortal life and immortal beauty, but there are certain basic needs that he cannot fulfill, which I am forced to find elsewhere. You do understand, do you not?”

“You will not find what you seek with me, Heuri.” The Captain sneers in disgust. He goes to push Heuri away and the Healer traps both his wrists and holds them on either side of his head against the wall. Argotam’s eyes widen briefly, then narrow again.

“I will not accept no for an answer, my dear warrior. I have been dreaming of this moment for far too long. Your soft tanned flesh has haunted my dreams for years and my longing shall end this dew.” Heuri’s hands lower to Argotam’s sides, feeling his muscular torso up and down shamelessly. Once released, one of Argotam’s hands reaches for his belt and draws a slender bone-hilted dagger, and in one quick, fluid motion, the blade is pressed against the Healer’s throat. All movement ceases.

“Unhand me, you foul, corrupted thing. I will not be your whore, now or ever.” Argotam quirks the blade backwards, turning it towards himself and offering it hilt-first to Heuri. “This is my brother’s dagger. It shall be your price. You will accept it or you shall receive nothing.” Argotam’s tone cuts deeper than any blade, and his crimson eyes bore relentlessly into Heuri’s silver ones.

Heuri grunts and takes a graceful step back, accepting the dagger. “Very well, warrior, but you will need my services again in the future, and next time, no dagger will suffice.” Their eyes linger on each other in a silent feud before Argotam slides past him and walks out. I quickly scurry over to a nearby seat and act like I’ve been there waiting the whole time. He comes out and walks right past me.

“Come, Zari. Our business here is done.” His tone is base, gritty and livid. I follow him out, struggling to catch up. I don’t dare speak of it, for I fear his reaction. All I know is, I would have to get to work on finding a nearby town with a halfway respectable Healer we could go to instead. Maybe I’ll surprise him. Who knows?

The entire trip back, he and I walk in silence. His mind probably toiling over recent events, and my mind occupied on trying to figure out how anyone with their senses intact could with good conscience mate with a Vampire. How would that even be possible? All I know for sure is that my adventures in this strange town weren’t over yet, not by a long shot: for me or for any of us.

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