WHATS UP GUYS This is the all-new I Just want to column! This page is made by Ax M. and cannot be reproduced rebrodcasted or rewritten without the express written consent of “Ax M. Industries tm.” So now that we are finished with that buisinuess we will get to the good stuff. The JUICY TASTY MORSELS AND THE CREAMY CRUNCHYNESS of this Ax Column. So we will start taking fan mail next week at 3:00 so send us you’re love people! Remember guys I work for Freaki so if you have any questions about this weird column you can ask my boss.

First of all I want to get one thing straight bees are cool. Even when they sting. Don’t insult bees. I will make them attack. Now run away before you ANGER them. I warn you now, the Emporor of bees is not happy with you now so you now need to send him gifts. Sacrifice you’re hair for him to make a wig to shade his buttocks from the ultraviolet rays of the morning sun and the evening moon. Help the King Bee get what he wants and you will be rewarded. Greatly. A position of power in the new world. Freaki, My boss, says I’m joking and that I am weird. To her being weird is a compliment. You should already know what the address of the King bee is to send him your hair.


Freaki likes cheese. FreakyDeekyDude I’m sure likes cheese and you should too. As a co-partner guy of this awesome website, I assure you to eat cheese and consume Frozen Beer. Frozen Beer Goes good with Cheese so eat yours all up! Freaki has this quote list its great so check it out. It might have some of you saying something to Freaki. Another great reason to check it out. If you want to be a part of this website contact me at my AIM s/n raptor17axe. Thx people!

Next concept: school many people don’t like it including me so I want to talk about how MUCH I don’t like it. First of all, Teachers. For those of you who went to “Rockets” (because I cant use the real name of the school) and just graduated from 5th grade this year you will know what I am talking about. I was in Ms. K’s (The One with red hair) Class for part of the year but right before we went to OPI we got a new teacher, Mrs. M. Many people hated her (I can see why) but I thought that she was fine. See what peole in my classroom weren’t used to is that Ms. K. was so nice and non-strict that many people didn’t like Ms. M. one student (who will remain unnamed) Asked me where Ms. Kelley got this teacher and she said “ Off the internet or from ****?” Yeah that student didn’t like her very much. In the end she really was a good teacher though. This taught me something. It taught me that you will have all different kinds of teachers in your school life. You should accept them or else your life will suck for the next year or so. That’s all for now so this is Ax a.k.a raptor17axe signing off for now.

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