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to Beat


I do not claim to be a veterinarian, and I certainly don't claim to be able to give medical advice. Nor do I claim that the steps contained herein will guarantee that a pup will live through parvovirus, even if they are followed exactly. All I claim is that I have used these methods on my own dogs to treat this disease, and I have only lost one pup - the first pup I bred who came down with parvo, to which I did not administer these procedures.

This information is given solely as an alternative for those people who either cannot afford veterinary care for their pup(s) and/or who do not have access to veterinary facilities. By reading or utilizing this information, the reader agrees to waive any and all rights, claims, causes of action, or any other allegations of injury, property damage, and/or emotional distress against California Jack and/or its owner, affiliated entities, associates, partners, etc. Further, the reader/user of this information agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless California Jack, and/or any of its owners, affiliated entities, associates, partners, etc., against any and all such rights, claims, causes of action, or any other allegations of injury, property damage, and/or emotional distress against California Jack, etc. The purchaser of this information agrees to use this information AT HIS OR HER OWN RISK TO HIS OR HER OWN PUP(S)/DOG(S), with the full and total understanding that parvovirus is a lethal disease which can and will kill some puppies (dogs) irrespective of what kind of treatment the pup (dog) receives, or from whom. By reading, and/or using the material contained herein, the purchaser, reader, or user of this information fully understands the above and again agrees to utilize this information AT HIS OR HER OWN RISK TO HIS OR HER OWN PET.

How Do You Tell If It's Parvovirus?

If your puppy starts looking depressed, or appears listless, you should immediately become concerned, as these are the first signs of parvo (and any number of other similar diseases). It may be nothing and it may go away - or, it may not. The next stage of parvo is your puppy refuses to eat. Puppies will still continue to drink water, so don't be fooled by this. Soon after the puppy refuses to eat, it will begin to vomit - and vomit. After this the diarrhea comes, which is oftentimes bloody. If you let your puppy's symptoms get this far, the chances of saving it are slim. Most people wait and wait, until it is too late to save the pup. You cannot wait for vomiting and diarrhea to occur before you decide to act. If you value the life of your pup, you must act before these stages occur.

If your puppy refuses to eat at its normal time, and it seems depressed, immediately take it to the vet for a microscopic analysis for the following four (4) conditions: coccidiosis, giardia, coronavirus, and parvovirus. It is better to spend $50 on a false alarm - than to have to bury your pup out of laziness and negligence. It is essential to have your pup checked out for all four of these potential diseases. ALL of these conditions have the same symptoms, but the first two are protozoan infections which can be treated with medication [ask your vet about the kinds of medication for each, and then refer to my "Save Money" information on how to get it cheaper]. The first two infections are not usually as severe as the other two (viral) infections because they can be treated with medication, whereas the viral infections cannot. ALL of these conditions can be further alleviated by the following steps: (Take these steps only if you cannot afford competent veterinary care. By the way, if your vet is more interested in how he or she will get paid, than in saving your pup's life, then I suggest you go to a real vet.)



If your pup dies, and you did all of the above, please understand that even under 24 hr. veterinary care, pups still have a high mortality rate with parvovirus, and reassure yourself that you did everything you possibly could. In fact, many vets will tell you that a pup has a much greater chance of survival staying at home, with this kind of treatment, because of the supportive care, and familiar surroundings, that only his home could offer. There are certain things such as jugular IV fluid therapy, and plasma transfusions, which of course you are not set up to perform at home - but remember, this advice is for those who cannot afford to take their pup to a vet.

I invite you to show this advice to your vet and have him clarify, explain, or amend any of these steps until you feel comfortable with all of the procedures. Parvovirus, etc. is serious business, and the better you understand these procedures, and the quicker you act on implementing them when you see the first signs of parvo, the better chance your pup has of pulling through this critical disease. These are important lessons to learn. I hope you never experience parvovirus with any of your dogs; it's a terrible disease. But, if you do, I hope this article will assist you in saving the life of your beloved pup. If not, you can be assured you did everything in your power for your pup. Good luck - and if your pup makes it, CONGRATULATIONS!


California Jack

Take from the website of Vise-Grip Kennel:

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Last Updated: June 25, 2002
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