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I have reason to believe that there is a security leak in "The Company".
From: Enegromatica
I have good reason to believe that there is a security leak, but I need to know how I can contact certain mods that I can trust in this endeavor. I fear that if I contact the wrong mod, trouble can brew.

I hope that a non-corrupt mod can help me with this.
From: Help Board User 1
Dude, what's wrong?
From: Enegromatica
I think that a mod is befriending a certain user, and giving out other user's information, among other things.
From: Company Moderator 1
(((Posted Email Address)))
From: Help Board User 2
You deleted it because you saw the "non-corrupt" part after you posted, didn't you? (j/k, of course)
From: Help Board User 3
If I were a mod I wouldn't want every person seeing my personal E-mail address, probably just gave enough time for the topic creator to see it.
From: Help Board User 2
I know, I know... I wasn't serious.
From: Help Board User 3
I know :)
From: Enegromatica
Ok, I emailed The All Mighty Administrator. Does anybody know how long it would take to get a reply over something so serious?
From: Help Board User 4
In most cases... it takes eternity...
From: Help Board User 5
You'd need some evidence it was happening of course...

Honestly though, I'm surprised stuff like this didn't crop up earlier. Can you tell us the nature of the information though? Don't need to tell us the information itself, just what it was that was revealed, like "so-and-so's usermap" or something.
From: Enegromatica
There's been a certain user that has information about other users that he isn't supposed to have, among other things. He is a troll, trying to get attention, and he leaked out some info to somebody, threatening to have his mod friends ban him if he told anybody. I have it all saved and I'm going to be emailing the rest to The All Mighty Administrator. I didn't think The All Mighty Administrator would want to open an attachment in an email address unless I warned him in a previous email...
From: Help Board User 6
He won't actually accept it as proof. As that stuff can be easily faked.
From: Enegromatica
This isn't from just one source. Besides, if you worked your fingers off maintaining this site, wouldn't you want to be sure that it stayed a non-corrupt place?
From: Help Board User 5
It would all be from one source though: you. Who's to say that you didn't fabricate the evidence that came from the other sources?
From: Help Board User 7
There's been a certain user that has information about other users that he isn't supposed to have
Just deny that his information is correct and mark him
for harrassment.
Even if a mod IS telling him something like your user map, moderation history whre you post excetera if you deny it he may start to think the mod is just messing around with him.
If you make him dought himself he will crumble and be uneffective in doing...... well whatever is making you upset.
From: Help Board User 8
I think that a mod is befriending a certain user, and giving out other user's information, among other things.

No offense, but tell me something I don't know >_>
From: Otis
Yeah, just Email The All Mighty Administrator about it and he'll get around to it whenever he gets time. He is busy closing on the CNET deal at the moment though. So I believe it will take some time indeed. {*_~}
From: Help Board User 9
I'm sure The All Mighty Administrator will believe you (sarcasm)
From: Help Board User 10
Mods can't ban people. Only The All Mighty Administrator can do that.
From: Help Board User 11
Hey Enegromatica, sorry, but I don't think The All Mighty Administrator's going to trust those screenshots. It's very, very, VERY easy to edit a screenshot of a "The Company" topic list. I've done it many times. It's so easy that you can even say that you hacked a moderator just by taking a picture of Message Board Help, then changing it around a little, and eventually you can say you saw the Moderator Discussion board.
From: Help Board User 7
If you think you know what mod it is then try to engage them in arguing (don't break the rules) and if they get mad they might slip up or show off to impress there buddies. If they actualy post something they shouldn't they'll get in trouble. Even if they delete their post The All Mighty Administrator can still see it if you send a Board issues mail about it. The problem is keeping the topic up long enough so it wont be purged until The All Mighty Administrator can see to post.

If they catch on they might delete the whole topic to cover them selves. Just like when a couple mods got themselves modded for flaming and trolling me a few days ago. The topic myseriusly was deleted although then topic was not a rule violation. They wouldn't have gotten in more trouble but it might have been emberesing to them.

Also one time a mod moded me for harrassment and when I contested it they didn't uphold/overturn it and by the time The All Mighty Administrator got to it the topics that I had linked to in my modded topic where purged so then The All Mighty Administrator couldn't see what I was talking about at all. So then he took the mods side over mine sence all my evedince was gone.

In short, it's hard to get mods in trouble, either for their posts or for bad-moderations.

But if you're strong and smart and they're really out to get you they will become desperate and they will dash themselves into your sword to try to get you, falling like a swallow cut in the wind.

When they're the sea be the moutain. When they're the mountain be the sea.
From: Company Moderator 2
I wish I had a quarter for every user who has threatened to sick me on another user. Especially when I have no clue who either of them are.
From: Help Board User 12
I'm gonna get Company Moderator 2 on you if you don't watch it...
From: Help Board User 12
Sorry I just wanted to see hwo dumb someone saying that would sound
From: Company Moderator 2
Heh. I like it when someone says that.

I usually reply with:
Who are you again?
From: Enegromatica
Yeah, just Email The All Mighty Administrator about it and he'll get around to it whenever he gets time. He is busy closing on the CNET deal at the moment though. So I believe it will take some time indeed. {*_~}

Yeah, this is the user that I'm talking about. He is more than likely faking this all, but even thought there is a small hint that he may be telling the truth, I think that The All Mighty Administrator should know.

I have more than screenshots of topics. I have AIM conversations emailed to me by other users, about 20 other board members that all are backing me up on this with info and some things that not even Otis knows I have of him. ;)

On the other hand, he could be just another liar; starving for attention, lying through his teeth to try to get somebody to notice him. Even if he doesn't have the mod-friends, should have all of his 70 accounts closed.

Have a nice day, Otis! {-_-}
Soon after he created this topic at The Land Of Harsh Coolness.
From: Wingz
When we do mark him, nothing happens.
From: No One Important 1
yes all 5000 of otis's accounts need to be banned, he trolls non-stop.
From: stereo
Otis has been trolling our message board for months. He has over 50+ accounts that he uses to avoid being marked for flooding, when our board has tons of his pointless topics all over the place. He trolls constantly in topics, insisting that he superior to everyone else. He does tell us that he has a mod friend that covers for him. Enegromatica is telling the truth.
From: XenaRocksMyWorld
Enegromatica is telling the truth He trolls our whole board and NEVER gets modded for anything.
From: Musky
Modded Messages Topic

I wonder if that means something......His signature is also hinting at how he flooded our board. Hell I mark most of the time, we all do, nothing gets done -_-
From: Musky
Hahaha, Kevin, that was nearly 15 seconds apart, I went to slow o_o

From: YogiSEAL
'tis true. Otis trolls our board rather extensively, and he's told us, multiple times, that he has more than 50 accounts. Doesn't the rules section about multiple usernames say "acceptable within reasonable limits"?
From: Help Board User 13
what exactly is MMA?
From: Help Board User 14
I know of a few users like that. There's a group of a few who do easily 5 times as many things violating the rules as what gets other users axed, and the worst they come away with is a suspension. Then it's back to harassing other users.
From: Otis
Okay let me point out a couple of things here:

I have more than screenshots of topics. I have AIM conversations emailed to me by other users, about 20 other board members that all are backing me up on this with info and some things that not even Otis knows I have of him. ;)

Yeah the 20 that you are friends with...incase no one else has noticed, when these people make posts here saying "yeah I agree Otis is a mean man" they all post one right after the other (when in the message board in question hardly gets 3 posts in an hour). So in other words, they know each other and converse through an instant messaging service to get prepped for defaming my character on the board I frequent in attempts to make me look bad.

Hahaha, Kevin, that was nearly 15 seconds apart, I went to slow o_o;_;

See? They know each other on first name basis.

The creator of this topic is the one that is really trolling in making this topic, as you can see he is trying to incite flames...or at least spam so all of his friends can come here too and slander me.

Enegromatica is telling the truth He trolls our whole board and NEVER gets modded for anything.

When we do mark him, nothing happens.

Well, if I never get modded and nothing happens that could only mean I have befriended a mod...orrrr.....my messages do not violate the rules in any way shape or form. You are safe to assume what you wish, but I claim no responsibility to any AIM conversation or screen shots of me admitting to any sort of wrong doing.

Otis has been trolling our message board for months. He has over 50+ accounts that he uses to avoid being marked for flooding, when our board has tons of his pointless topics all over the place. He trolls constantly in topics, insisting that he superior to everyone else. He does tell us that he has a mod friend that covers for him. Enegromatica is telling the truth.

1: I never trolled anything.

2: I do have over 50 accounts, yes. This is not against the rules in any way. I don't flood at all...if you look at the times of any of my posts you will see that my messages are well apart from each other. Me having a high level account means I have no posting restrictions, hence I CAN post with multiple accounts at my choosing (just as so I don't post a message every 2 minutes or more than 5 topics in a single day on that board).

3: Calling all of my topics pointless is trolling.

4: Please give a valid link showing me where I claimed to be superior to everyone else.

5: I told you nothing of such, please restrain yourself from defaming me as I have done nothing wrong and do not deserve this. {*_*}
From: Help Board User 15
it doesn't matter how much "proof" you have, or where it came from. Bottom line is that it is easily faked. And thus can not be taken into consideration.

Here's a chat I had with a certain user on aim:

dude1: I'm gonna kick you dude2 >:(
dude2: What!? Why are you being mean to me?
dude1: I got suspended because of that petition of yours >=(
dude2: I'm really sorry. Don't do nasty stuff to me again!
dude1: *kicks dude2*

See. So easily faked. Sorry little...
From: Musky
Umm....we're all friends, we happen to have been at The Land Of Harsh Coolness for quite some time, and as for XenaRocksMyWorld(Kevin) I knoww him IRL. All you're topics are pointless. They're usally just lame polls, that no one cares about, or a poll to start a riot. I'd be glad to point out examples, over and over, but I have things to do, mainly sleep.
From: Enegromatica
No, Help Board User 15, I have proof that can not be faked. If there would be some way that I could fake some of the info that Otis doesn't even know about, I wouldn't waste my time getting The All Mighty Administrator to take action - I would.
From: Otis
Well good luck with that whole thing, hope it works out for you.

Here's the email (((posted email))) no need to whine any further here...
From: Enegromatica
Thanks Otis! But, I already emailed him.


To everybody else in the world, here's something for you:

(((Linked to a topic))) He tries to start an argument on Christianity..and what do you know?!?! He denies it!

(((Linked to a topic))) He asks what Kurt Cobain died of, like he didn't know, just to make certain board members angry.

(((Linked to a topic))) Yet another worthless topic, just to annoy.

(((Linked to a topic))) He makes a topic about his thousands of his accounts...but nobody seems to care.

(((Linked to a topic))) The topic about his MMA,and how he seems to be an "untouchable".

(((Linked to a topic))) He asks a question that belongs on another board. He does this often just to flood us with his "brilliance".

(((Linked to a topic))) Belongs on another board. He knows it doesn't belong here, and that he doesn't belong here either.

(((Linked to a topic))) Trolling. He knows that nobody cares and that everybody hates him, yet he posts "innocent" things like this just to annoy.

(((Linked to a topic))) He asks how many guns we own. The message after his shotguns is a troll about his Kurt Cobain topic.

(((Linked to a topic))) Yet more worthless stuff. This was a troll against a topic that I had a while ago about my neighbors dog.

(((Linked to a topic))) Poll: what is your favorite insect? ... nobody cares.

(((Linked to a topic))) Last but not least, this is a troll against a user named "Asellius" on our board. He tries again and again to contact her, but she ignores him for some apparent reason. This is his troll to her.

Otis is a very annoying person in our Social Board, and EVERYBODY wishes he were never there again.


Otis, I hope you feel loved!
From: Otis
I feel fine thanks, everything you just stated there was not made to troll anyone...mark it if it displeases you.
From: Otis
Notice in the Kurt topic where he deleted his messages so no one would find them to be trolling...hmmm..... {o_O}
From: Enegromatica
Had it been trolling, why didn't you mark them?
From: Help Board User 16
maybe he did...and the other guy deleted them...
From: Otis
My befriended mod was sleeping at the time. =P
From: Otis
Wait...you aren't going to send that to The All Mighty Administrator too are you? {-_-}

Well Company Moderator 3 I guess you'll have to cart me off soon, he's got me pegged.
From: Help Board User 15
Once again, unless that proof comes from a mod, The All Mighty Administrator won't accept it. You're not a reliable source.
From: Company Moderator 3
this topic has now become...pointless. You got proof, send it to The All Mighty Administrator, if not, then go away. If you two have a beef with each other, find somewhere else other than The Help Board or "The Company" for that matter to have your dumb argument.

I doubt Otis has a pocket mod, and if he does, then prove it to The All Mighty Administrator. Noone here can help you.
The Topic Was Then Closed. {*_*}