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How Many Modded Messages/MMA Do You Have?
From: Otis
I don't have any. I did get two but they got overturned.

Having strong MMA is sweet too. In like 5 minutes the violating message is gone. I don't have the MMA with this account...I think it's on the Goobie one...MMA is a cool new feature I was glad to return to the boards with it being strong. {^_^}
From: Musky
The above state ment is false, having good or strong MMA doesn't really matter, sure it gets in the queue faster, but the more different people mark it, with strong MMA, the faster it goes, I've marked something that was CB on a secret board, it didn't get modded for days.
From: Musky
Active Messages Posted 186
Moderated Messages 2
User Level Points 586
Marked Message Accuracy Good

From: No One Important 1
Active Messages Posted 232
Moderated Messages 24
User Level Points 360
Marked Message Accuracy Good
From: FThaMan
I only have one. Its was werid I never knew called someone a fruit is a sexual TOS.
From: MAOnnaise
I have about 6.

I had this bad thing with Censor bypass or whatever.

Anyway, everyoneon this board is a GRIS HEAD >.>
From: Wingz
Active Messages Posted
Moderated Messages
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From: YogiSEAL
Active Messages Posted 708
Moderated Messages 1
User Level Points 326
Marked Message Accuracy Strong
From: No One Important 2
Active Messages Posted 313
Moderated Messages 0
User Level Points 209
Marked Message Accuracy Unknown
i had one but it was overturned, did you know saying "and died" is disruptive posting?