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Welcome to Spiritual Enlightenment

Again I say Welcome, as you can probably see this site is just being built. Not only that I am just learning HTML, so if this site seems a little thrown together and lame, that is why.

This site will not lead you to Spiritual Enlightenment, but it will hopefully help you out along the way. I myself do not have any set belief or religion. I choose to learn, not believe. In "learning" I keep myself open minded and non-biased to various religions and beliefs. In the following pages you will find all of the information that I have, and am still finding, found through out my studies. This includes, Herbal remedies and cures, magic and magick and magik, religous beliefs, dead languages, and anything else i may find pertinent.

Please enter if you are ready to help yourself find your way.

Or if you want to learn about some of the darker things in life, go to this web site.

Ehynne H

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