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There are four hunts in Norfolk, One Fox, Two Harrier Packs (Hares), and a Mink Hunt

Why not found out more about the scum, who killing for fun:

Fox Hunt - West Norfolk Foxhounds

Harrier Packs - Dunson harriers and North Norfolk Harriers

Mink Hunt - Norfolk Minkhounds

A look at the hunted

Every year up to 100,000 wild animals are chased, terrified and brutally killed in the so called name of 'sport'

A look at the hunted on horse back

A look at the hunted on foot

The Dunston Harriers


Norfolk Mink Hounds

The Fox

The Hare


The Stag / Deer

The Mink




Want to help stop any of these so called sports click below


Hare Coursing, Shooting, Angling, Factory Farming, Greyhounds, A look at East Anglia ,

Cruelty in the UK, Sanctuarys, Why Vegan, Direct Action, Links to other groups