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The House Of Lawsin

The House Of Lawsin
A Metamorphosis of a Family Generation
A monthly publication of the House Of Lawsin Vol. 1 No. 1 January 2005

The Lawsin Genealogy
Our descendant all over the world.

PLEASE be informed and get involved ....

The primary intentions of this particular page is to explore the humble beginning of the family name " LAWSIN ". Secondly, to meet new family members by giving life to a long lost family relations between the descendants of the House of Lawsin. And lastly, to show to our future generations the legacy of every righteous accomplishments that our families had been made. Let us now set a family standard, an extra mile that we want to pass down - the honor, the glory and the individual success one could be proud of.

Unfortunately, this site is still incomplete and needs a lot of contributions from my family roots. If you feel you belong to our family lineage or you know somebody that bears our lastname LAWSIN or LAUSIN, and you have the urge to be a part of this endeavour please email me at,, if you want to get hold on me on days I am online, you can add me through your yahoo messenger.Their system can instantly notify me of your presence online since my cellphone and palm pilot are always synchronized with this site. You may also check my calendar posted on this site for my schedules. A live online forum with our relatives can be arranged on these days too, using webcam conferencing , audio discussions or realtime chatting using yahoo messenger

In addition to FULL ACCESS to all features of this website, you will also have all full versions of our newsletter, which will will be send through your mail boxes upon request. This newletter, which help everyone stay informed, will provide the latest news, upcoming events and other important tidbits about the whole clan of LAWSIN, all over the world. Updated with fresh content on a quarterly basis, the publication ranges from the latest celebrations and happenings of every family, to features about any thing under the sun. It has also actual transcriptions, family events and photos from our own kin contributors. I hope you will find this newsletter informative and helpful.

By the way, if you plan to submit your family biography on our site, make sure to follow the format provided on the introductory homepage under resources. The names of your parents and their parents' names. Your both parents' brothers and sisters and your brothers and sisters too. Then a short descriptions about each persons in your family including you. Please include birthdays, educations, accomplishments, special talent that makes him/her different from us and other relevant facts. And dont forget to send their pictures too. Thank you very much and wish to hear from you very soon.


The House Of LawsinTM Vol. 1 No. 1 January 2005