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LairLoot of the Affiliates: Where You're Paid to Paste Up Pretty LairLink Banners and Stuff

Millions of people use the Internet as a money-making machine these days. Which is probably why Affiliate Programs tend to be Worse than Useless to newcomers (that link is an affiliate text link itself!): who will bother clicking on their site's Affiliate LairLinks when said LairLinks can be found on 837,229 other websites on any given Google shot? But, of course, most of these programs are not going to rip down their shingles and stop signing up people after the 223 millionth customer, now, are they? At present, the Lair is participating in several Affiliate and Commission-earning programs, and making absolutely Nothing on them. Zilcho. But we're sticking with them for now because it's fun to decorate the LairPages with colorful LairBanners. So, for all you artistically Inclined LairLurkers, here are LairLinks to those programs, and a handful of others that we've researched so far. We will not, of course, promote any outfits that promise to make you Rich and Famous by doing nothing but putting up your own Subcontractor webpage that's supposed to bring you loads of "residual income streams", Multiple or Otherwise. Only a complete doofus would even read the intros on that Crapola...


Affiliate and Commission Lairs that We Got Sucked Into Ourselves
Apollo's Axes Online Affiliate Program
Amazon Associates: Where You Can Promote Darn-Near Everything, Up To and Including the Kitchen Sink... Where We Got Our LairShops Write Reviews on Commission


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