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The Edwards Family of New Jersey


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Published in the New Jersey Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1971 is an article on the Edwards' family originally published in the 18 February 1878 issue of the Courier. " The Edwards family in the sourthern part of Ocean county, with brances elsewhere, are descended from James Edwards, who was with Braddock at the time of his disastrous defeat in the Old French War. After that war he settled in Pennsylvania, and thence removed to Little Egg Harbor, thence to Barnegat. The article goes on to state, " Mrs. Leah Blackman in her Egg Harbor sketches, states that James Edwards was wounded in the battle and received a musket ball in the leg which he carried to his graves " and she adds, " he lived to an advanced age and was buried in the Methodist Church yard at Tuckerton. He was a soldier in the revolution and fought under Washington, who he loved with undying affection "

Additionally the article states, "James Edwards was one of the first, probably the first, adherent to Methodism in Barnegat and vicinity and continued until his death as a strict, faithful member or the society. His two son, James and Thomas, do not seem to have united with any religious body. "

Also "James Edwards and Elizabeth (Heady) Edwards had 9 children and 51 grandchildren. Among James' neighbors, he was called Captain. Authorities all agree that James settled in Pennsylvania before the Revolution and must have served with the troops from that state. Certified proof comes from the archives of PA record that he was a Captain with the Colonial troops, and afterwards,in the Revolution, belonged to Colonel Thomas Proctor's celebrated artillery regiment. "

James Edwards being in the Fourth Regiment of the Continental Line under Col Thomas Proctor. As stated earlier, James Edwards, was a private soldier in the Continental Line, Fourth Regiment of Artillery from Feb 6, 1777 and in service to Nov 3, 1783. This is giveon on page 22I, vol. xi, Penna Archives, edicition of 1896

Emails received regarding the Edwards family