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black cow press
Issue #9: "WORM WARS!"

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MONTPELIER - The standoff continues over Vermont's attempts to conceal its nuclear weapons program from the White House and the world. Chaos erupted last week when officials at Entergy's nuclear power plant in Vernon announced that two fragments of a Uranium fuel rod were missing from a spent fuel pool within the plant. The two sections (one seven inches long, the other 17 inches) could be used to build a radioactive "dirty bomb." The highly lethal Uranium could also be sold to terrorist nations such as nearby Canada.

Speaking from his ranch in Crawford, Texas, President Bush explained the threat this way: "Vermont is real close to Canada... suspiciously close. They speak a lotta' French there. It's evildoers." Bush referred to the state's congressional delegation (Sen. James Jeffords, Sen. Patrick Leahy, and Rep. Bernard Sanders,) as a 'green axis of evil.' "We're going to liberate them Vermonters. [spits chaw on ground, smiles.] We'll liberate the hell out of 'em."

Vice President Cheney listed the administration's demands at Friday's emergency press conference: "All we've asked [Vermont] to do is account for the missing sections of fuel rod... well, account for the missing sections of fuel rod, fix the civil union thing, vote for Dubs in November, and stand on one leg, spinning each arm in opposite directions while they chant the pledge of allegiance... with feeling. They refuse to cooperate."

The U.S. is now working round-the-clock to win support from New York and New Hampshire, which will be essential if the Pentagon opts for a ground-based assault. Unnamed sources in the State Department have said that Massachusetts is already on board.

"There are things we know, and things we don't know. There are things I know, and there are also things I know I don't want you to know that I know." Defense Secretary Donald "Tintin" Rumsfeld explained in an enigmatic, exclusive interview with Black Cow Press.

Vermont is a teeny-tiny state in New England, lurking way up next to Canada. The terrorist stronghold is about the size of El Salvador and has a population comparable to that of Bahrain.

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