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Piercings By Lee
Spiritual Guidance

About Lee (thas ME..the dork that is, at this moment, draining you of happiness)

About Me!

My Name is Lee. I live in Titusville/Cocoa Beach, FL. I just moved here from Sanford/Orlando, FL. I live in FL, I hate the sun, I hate Mickey Mouse and I hate the beach for the most part (unless it's night time and people are dying by shark attack *there is piercing in that..teeth puncturing skin*) I am 18 years old, I started a piercing apprenticeship when I was 17 (June of 01') between 11th and 12th grade. I worked in a shop and became the head piercer, my boss left town alot or just didn't come into work so I had run over the shop (by myself) He isn't a very reputible piercer, but he knew what he was doing, and taught me alot, I have also met and befriended many local body piercers from whom I learn new techniques, etc. I have made jewlery, Custom and Mass Quantity pieces. I currently pierce out of my house and other's houses. I am purchasing a new autoclave when my finances become more stable. I am Microsoft A+ Certified for building/repair computers. So if you want a custom computer or a piercing, CONTACT ME (click that contact button). Check out the Victims page for pics, info on victims, etc. I will *attempt* to update this site constantly, but I get lazy (hence the phrase in the beginning of the Source code!) .

*This is Lee's split personality, he's a loser, he can't pierce, he just stabs randomly and gets lucky...sometimes.