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But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.. 1 John 1:7


Welcome! You have reached the page of our online chatroom.This is our area to come together for corporate prayer.

We are in need of volunteer Intercessors to host our online prayer time. You would be responsible for starting the online prayer time, monitoring the behavior in the chatroom, and passing on any additional information as needed.

If you are interested in hosting online prayer time, please contact us using this link (Email Us) with the times and days you are available.

We will have scheduled online prayer. The schedule of prayer times can be obtained by clicking the "Prayer Schedule"link in the left menu bar.You are free to use the chatroom to pray on your own time. I often times just enter the chatroom to pray when there is no one in the room. It is comforting and sometimes someone is just visiting the site and will drop in.

Please note that the chatroom we are using is from a free service and is available to all. From time to time you may find those in the chatroom who are not displaying Godly-like behavior.

If you reach the prayer chatroom and see that the enemy has enter, simply start praying in the chat room. Anything that is not of God will flee.

Click the link below to enter the chatroom.
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