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Capitulito XI

Sometimes after doing a concert, Nick found himself unable to perform, in bed, I mean.

It was like he had just spent the past two hours making love to all those thousands of fans and he just couldn’t do it any more.

I like to think I was very understanding. I mean, I knew it wasn’t his fault. Just something that happens.

Nick just got frustrated.

“Why does all this shit happen to me, Amber? I’ve been working all night and now I just want to enjoy myself.”

Nick’s eyes would cloud over and lay in bed staring at the ceiling until he finally drifted off into a troubled sleep.

Sometimes he would wake me up several hours later, and we’d try again. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn’t.

But on the road it was all different. It was like Nick had not a care in the world, so he was that much hornier.

Not to be crude or anything.

It’s just that he would pull over in the oddest places. Gas stations. Malls. Anywhere there was a decent bathroom or a private place to park.

Sometimes we would check into a hotel room only to leave two or three hours later.

It was thrilling, and amazing, and disgusting at the same time. Part of me wanted him to pull over here, here, HERE. Part of me wanted to stop all of this. To vomit when I thought of the different places we had been.

Nick didn’t seem to notice either sides of this, and pulled over wherever and whenever he wanted. The shameless grin on his perfect mouth, those white teeth shimmering. “Is this a good place?”

And I would always nod.

Chapter Twelve--->