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Calendar of Events

January 2005

8th - Sorority Meeting

17th - Martin Luther King Parade

February 2005

12th - Sorority Meeting

March 2005

11th- Youth SymposiumSigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. will host a Nationwide youth Symposium called "It's In The Bag". The Symposium in Jacksonville, Fl will begin at 10:00 A.M. in the auditorium of a local middle school(TBA).Featured local professionals will provide informative information to the students. Entertainment, prizes and school supplies will be provided by the sorority. This event is free and open to the public.

April 2005

9th - Sorority Meeting

May 2005

14th- Sorority Meeting

June 2005

9-12th-Regional Conference- St. Thomas, Virgin Island. Soror Jennifer Gunn of the local chapter is the Southeast Regional Syntaktes and will preside over the meeting. 16th Sorority Meeting

July 2005

8th- Sorority Meeting and Sigma Round-up/Picnic Location TBA

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