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Saddles and Gear

    What Cowboy would be complete without a feisty horse and a comfortable saddle? If you answered John Travolta from "Urban Cowboy" chances are you might not find what your looking for here!

        I have a little experience in leatherwork and saddles from working with my brother in Texas but in no way could I have designed a product as good as Rio Rondos Western Saddle on my own. ( At least not on the first try ) If it aint broke don't fix it.....just rescale it! My biggest hurdle has been resculpting the saddle horn and tree in the correct scale but its practically complete. Between a Rotator Cuff injury and going back to school I have been a little side tracked. I also have to borrow a digital camera so Updates may be slow for a while. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Click here for thumbs

       The click of a six guns cylinder....the sound of a lever action rifle...and the sight of a shotgun bore looking you in the face. Sobering in any dark alley or brightly lit saloon ... but a reality all to many early Americans lived with everyday. Whether bringing home food to the table, fighting off hostile Indians, or enforcing the law these were not just weapons but tools they used everyday. I still to this day don't have many good scale representations but there are some out there. I have made a few of my own with styrene, aluminum, and milliput. I hope to learn to cast in 3 dimensions so my work is easier.
Winchester  My scratch built Rifle
Colt Revolver  Sorry no pictures available yet

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