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Simply Satisfying Soaps


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My name is Karen Fraser-Upright. Even though I am the owner of Simply Satisfying Soaps it is a family endeavor. My family, New husband, Phil and my 3 adult children: Sean, JT and Shannon have supported me all the way and without them, Simply Satisfying Soaps would not be what is today. They all have contributed to make my dream come true.

What started out as simple soap making, to be able to give my family a better soap in which to use, has now addiction! Not only do I still make soap, but I have now ventured into making lotions, bath products, balms, shampoo, lip gloss, glitter gels, potpourri and candles. I love it!

My goal is to bring my customers the best product I can make. I strive to accomodate their wishes as well as offer suggestions for the use of different carrier oils or essential oils for their different needs. If a customer has extremely dry skin, and is looking for a lotion, I will discuss the various oils and other ingredients that can help that certain condition. Most of the products I offer are custom-made to your preferences. You can choose design, color and fragrance. Or if you prefer, you can have it unscented and with no color (for a more natural product).

I believe in using the highest quality ingredients, which includes exceptional oils, like: Avocado, Sweet Almond, Emu, Hazelnut, Hemp, Grapeseed, Aloe Vera. These oils, known as carrier oils, all possess some of the same and some different qualities, that can help in achieving the best quality products for my customers. I also use Jojoba, Pure Beeswax, Vitamin E and Lanolin. You can read about what qualities each of these oils have on my "Carrier Oils" page. This helps in educating you about what particular oil/oils would be best for you.

My products are further enhanced by using such Essential Oils** as, Lavender, Tea Tree, Orange, Rosemary, Lime, Bergamot, Chamomile, Eucalyptus and Citronella, just to name a few. These are known for having many excellent properties, such as, healing, soothing, relieving stress, pain relief, muscle cramps, and even keeping those summer pests away and much more! Check my "Essential Oils" page to find out what properties these have to offer you.

**Essential Oils have been used for centuries and the knowledge of their properties has been collected for thousands of years. I do NOT recommend use of essential oils or aromatherapy as a subsitute for medical care. Consult your physician before using essential oils and consider his advice, suggestions and opinions. I strive to educate all my customers, so that you have a knowledge of the ingredients used in the products I offer.

I use herbs & botanicals in many of my soaps/products. Herbs & botanicals have many benefical uses. Bath teas are a wonderful way to experience the calming and rejuvenating properties of many herbs and botanicals. I use Chamomile, Lavender, Rosemary, Rose Petals, Spearmint, Calendula to name a few. Click on the "Herbs & Botanicals" link to learn about all their wonderful qualities.

All these wonderful ingredients can be used to make truly superior products. These can also be used for other things, such as room fresheners, carpet deoderizers, bug repellents and much more. Check out the page for "Alternative Uses For Essential Oils". I think you will be as amazed as I was.

**DO YOU HAVE A SHOP? NEED UNIQUE ITEMS FOR A FUND RAISER? We would love to discuss putting our products in your shop or making them available to you for your organizations fund raiser. These are wonderful, unique additions to any shop. They make excellent fund raising items. Please email me at: Simply Satisfying Soaps and we can discuss this idea. Thank you!


God's speed to all those souls who were lost in NYC, DC and Pittsburg. May you live in eternal peace in a far safer, happier and glorious place than the one you left. My heart aches and I send my prayers & deepest sympathy to all my fellow Americans who lost family, friends and loved ones on the tragic day our Nation was attacked.

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