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       This is Solacia, land where The Brotherhood Of The Rose calls home. Here you will find maps and descriptions of the lands and places of interest.

Population: 35,000.
Temperate-marine along the coastline. Alpine in the mountains. Temperate in the mid-portions of the country. Surrounded by water on three sides, the western border is rimmed by mountains.
Highest point: Mt. Giel- 12,592".
Main river: Red River flowing south from the coast to the foothills of Mt. Giel. Three main roads traverse the land. Yuis Road from the west, Correlon from the east and Kahil from the north to meet in the city of New Dunbouri. Other landmarks of interest include: the Ruins of Evermore, an elven city; Whitewood Forest which appears white in the moonlight; Amon Ossai, a hill where ancient temple lies; and the Rihji Plains in the eastern lands.

Brief History: First people know are the Quel who inhabited and build the foundation of the existing city 2,000 years prior to the Brotherhood of the Rose's arrival. Since then, the city has been briefly occupied by others who have left their mark. The History of the Brotherhood of the Rose's habitation of the city began when they returned the artifact known as the HeartStone to its resting place where New Dunbouri now exists. On their arrival they found a land empty of habitation, and a city that consisted of long deserted ruins. The Brotherhood chose to leave Rhydin to build a new home in this land to protect the HeartStone, but to provide a better environment to live within. To firmly establish the guild in the city, the historical home, Dunbouri Hall was magically moved from its earlier resting place in Rhydin to where it now serves as the focal point of the city, New Dunbouri. Bringing their families, the Brotherhood was soon followed by others who wished a new start under their protection. After nearly 50 years of existence, the city now is a small flourishing metropolis. The canal built to provide connection between two seas has opened the door to increased opportunities for commerce. The sister city of Storm Haven to the southwest looks outwards to protect the canal and welcome those venturing further into Solacian waters. Farmsteads dot the countryside while the coastal villages fish the seas.
Canal Map | Canal Locks
Solacia on 5 Silver a Day ~ A Traveller's Guide
Installment 1 | Installment 2
New Dunbouri
New Dunbouri: Population: 8,500.
Cultures: A diversity of human, elven, dragon and others.
Government: City Counsel headed by the Brotherhood of the Rose.
Climate: Temperate with average summer days approximately 80-85 degrees (F), and winter days 25-40 degrees (F). Average rainfall 48" spread nearly evenly through the year.

Located at the meeting of the three major roads of Solacia, New Dunbouri sets on a large natural harbor protected by tall walls that surround the city. Gates open to each of the main roads going west, north and east. Bright Harbor is protected by massive sea gates that shut in times of danger.

Popular spots include the Dozing Dragon Inn where food, drink, lodging and good companionship can be found, and New Dunbouri Market where shops line the city square catering to the needs of citizens and visitors alike.

A Brief History of Qel'Run | The Dozing Dragon (history) | Dozing Dragon Inn (map) |  Reference Guide
Storm Haven:
Storm Haven: The Port of Storm Haven resides on the western most terminus of the Sutton Canal. The nearly fifteen mile long canal cuts months off a ships voyage around the land mass known as Solacia. The port has a population of 1,500 with another 500 or so in transit. Ships mostly stop for supplies, or to use the Port's small shipyards to repair damage. They are nothing as large as the shipyards available at New Dunbouri, but they will do to fix light damage.
Cliff Facility:
Cliff Facility: Just south of the Sutton Canal, lies Cliff Facility, the Headquarters of the BoR's Navy, Under the control of FoxFire Legion. This is a deep, well defended, cliff lined cove, containing three Caverns, two large, one huge, which harbor the dry-docks, equipment, Sailors and Marines of the Guild's Navy. Repairs are also offered, at cost, to Ships in need. Atop the Cliffs, are support and Training areas.
Ravenshead: Ravenshead is a small but steadily growing and prospering mining community of about 500 Dwarves and Humans. It is about 3 days ride north on Ketil Road from New Dunbouri. A new ore was discovered by some adventurous Dwarves and Humans. The mine was originally thought to produce silver and perhaps some gems. However, the metal ore they found was an incredible discovery. The mine is based under a rock outcropping in the shape of a Raven's head. Hence, the reason for its name. A Human by the name of Harithin Scar learned how to forge the new ore, dubbing it Raven Ore. The original mine shaft was destroyed however, in a Hero's choice to save the settlement from a Shadow Dragon that was awakened by their mining efforts. The words Harithin Scar Rests Here, A Husband, A Father, A Dragon Slayer are carved above the closed off entrance of the original mine shaft. The mining community continues to grow and prosper despite this loss. He would have wanted it that way.
Farm Lands:
Farm Lands: Inhabited predominantly by humans, elves, half elves - Spread through the rolling hills of western and northern Solacia, rich farms dot the landscape. Larger farms provide produce and livestock sufficient to supply the needs of New Dunbouri and Storm Haven while smaller farms are subsistence farming. Villages and small towns provide focal points for the surrounding farms for markets, merchants and community gathering.
Produce includes: Beans, grain, corn, potatoes, rice, and other assorted vegetables, linen, dairy products, meat (cows, fowl, pigs, sheep).
Some textiles: yarn and woven woolen cloth.
Coastal Villages:
Coastal Villages: The Coastal Villages dot the shore lining the area to the north and south of New Dunbouri, consisting of a myriad of individuals and cultures depending on whether you have traveled up or down the coast. The little villages generally are named after a family who settled the area first and consist of anywhere from 10-15 families, making up a total population of around 250-300.

Fishing, of course, is the mainstay of the residents, supplying their own food as well as providing the delicacies of the near coastal waters to the city in order to supplement their purses and shop the markets in New Dunbouri. Some of the residents have small garden plots and a few have managed to cultivate a few fruit trees which line the roads leading into the villages.
Silvershield Mountains:
Silvershield Mountains: This Mountain range extends along the length of the western coast of the continent of Solacia. It runs, roughly, north to south, and contains among it some of the highest peaks on the continent. The tallest of these are located near the northern edge of Solacia, where the peaks are almost constantly covered with snow, and massive glaciers reside. The further south you head, the smaller the mountains become, until several weeks ride south of Storm Haven they are nothing more than foothills. The Canal crosses through one of the few large passes that traverse these somewhat forbidding mountains. They are, however, not as devoid as life as it would first seem. A clan of dwarves, numbering over five hundred, mines under the mountain range a few days travel north of the city of Storm Haven. The Silvershield dwarves, as they have come to be called, export most of the steel, gems, and occasionally mithril that they mine through Storm Haven and often to New Dunbouri. A clan of Avariel, a few hundred strong, and a clan of Aracroka, live among the soaring peaks of the Silvershields as well. They share the mountain range in an uneasy truce with the dwarven clan. One that was mediated by the BoR and upon which they will not hesitate to call upon for aid if the truce is broken by either side.
Brotherhood of the Rose:
Brotherhood of the Rose: The beginning of the guild that founded the land of Solacia are lost in history, though it is believed they approach their first centennial. Formed to fight the Darkness for the Light, they were born in Rhydin and their home has always been Dunbouri Hall. For many years they existed in Rhydin until a darkness fell on the land that heralded the loss of the HeartStone that kept shut a rift that opened to the lower planes. The members found and returned the HeartStone to its rightful place in the ruins of an ancient city. But they were intrigued by the land and did not want to leave the stone undefended again. They moved the guild to the new land, by ship and by dragon back. But it was not home without Dunbouri Hall and so it too was moved to the new land. Since their arrival they have established the security of the land and cities. Serving as the governing force of the land of Solacia, they are the caretakers of the people and the land.

CS Members - Key Political Figures

Jean Sutton of Clan Cloudkill (jean sutton)
Commander, Chief of Staff, and Governor of the port of Storm Haven. Jean is a Silver dragon originally from the Io's Blood Isles. He joined the BoR over forty years ago, and since has held many positions, among which was spending several years as Grand Commander of the BoR. Since then he has gladly handed over the reigns of command and taken up his current position as Governor of the port city of Storm Haven. He has three children, Arielle, Rhylin, and Aman Cartel, by a wife, Rhianna, who later died. He resides in Cloudkill Manor, a manor which was built upon a large floating stone held up in the clouds.

Kia Keldasa: (kia keldasa)
Commander, Chief Ambassador, Guild Counselor: Born the daughter of a king, she left to eventually find her way to Rhydin and the Brotherhood of the Rose. She first joined the BoR more than 70 years ago, and worked her way through every position in the Brotherhood to become the Grand Commander for sixteen years. She left the Brotherhood for nearly twelve years but returned to the land and people she loves. When not in Solacia, she spends time with her companion Sorone Lanchester in the Shangberian land of Morwood with their children Annalia and Kelandra. Her older children, Edrahil, Tathlyn and Kanstar have left to find lives of their own.

Haltirith Dragondgrimn: (halrtirith drgrin)
Commander General, FoxFire CO, Guild Security Chief. Origin; ClanWorlds, a Realm far from this one. Weapons Master, Storm Sage, Battle Chief of Clan na'Tirith. Hybrid; Born with three bodies, Half-Elven, Bronze Dragon and living Crystalline which he calls his Juggernaut body, Halt can move his "essence" into any of the three, at will, in mere heartbeats. Approximate age...550 Solacian years. Has been with the Brotherhood of the Rose for apparently fifteen years...but that is uncertain as he "lives" along a different timeline. Channels Natural Energies through his body, like all ClanWorldsers, primarily Air and Fire, but also Earth though to a lesser extent....he has no Affinity for Water.

Shaerl WillowStar (shaerlwillowstar)
Head Recruiting Officer
Archivist for the guild.
She has been with the BoR for almost 20 years and has a home just outside the walls of the city where she lives with her toddler son, Merc. She has recently been betrothed to Aldagon Embar. She is adept with several weapons, but would much rather see a disturbance quelled with mediation rather than bloodletting.

Elisa Lioness-Starblade (lioness456)
General-Phoenix Regimen, Chief Medical Officer of the Brotherhood of the Rose. Owner and Keeper of the Respite. As a well trained magess, she often uses her skills to aid the BoR and enhance healing techinques. She is a feline shapeshifter as well, her true form being that of a lion. She is married to Kayin StarBlade, a former Grand Commander of the Brotherhood and mother to Katya. She holds a long past with the Brotherhood of the Rose, being one of the older members. In her spare time she can often be found at the Fire and Ice Lake spending time with her family or baking insane amounts of cookies for certain memebers of the Brotherhood.

Vale (kittenstaz)
Major Head Morale Officer, FoxFire Legion Medic

Dragon Legion Barracks | Dunbouri Hall | New Dunbouri

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Created ( with the exception of the theme interface artwork ) by and for: The Brotherhood of the
Rose. ©  Copyright 2001