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Online Text Games that are AWESOME to play!

Telnet 3456 <- Sick of muds that are just too easy? Like Pk? Come join Realmos of Chaos! It's got it all, 8 or 9 classes, alot of races. WARNING PK is not a smart move, I know I am the top Player Killer that is active >:). So I challenge you to BRING IT ON! (Killarim/Vicodin) 3000 <- Mystic Realms! It's a good mud to hop on if you're looking to relax from your current mud. Fewer deaths than most muds, but still has a decent challenge to it. Try it out. (Vicodin)

If you hop on either of those games, give me a shout out and I will hook ya up.

I've also played all the Final Fantasies, Ultima Online, Meridian 59, SWAT...and many more. So if you have a game that you're playing or stuck in, let me know and If I've played it, I can give ya some tips and pointers on how to ROCK it! :)

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