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- Mandy`n`Nick :
" THE ONE " : Forthy Part

The breakfast bar was where we loaded up our plates as much as we could and then sat down. “Yum! These eggs are delicious!” I said as I dug in. “Yes they are!” agreed Brian whole heartedly. I finished my last bite and Nick asked me if I was ready for that tour. I said I was, and he led me outside. ...and over here is the pool.” “Great! I love swimming! Oh, man..” “What?” Nick asked. “I’ll have to get a new swim suit too..! I don’t think I’ve got much space left on my credit card..” “Hey! I don’t want you worrying about the cost of clothes or swim suits. I’ll cover it.” I looked at Nick and out of curiosity proceeded to ask, “Why?” “Well, because you’re with us. If you weren’t, you would be home and you wouldn’t need all this new stuff so... My treat.” “Ok, if you say so.” Satisfied, Nick continued to show me around the hotel. He covered the inside and out. This is nice, just the two of us, sightseeing~ together. A little later we came back to the hotel room. AJ was in there reading some magazines that were laying out on the desk. “Hey Bone, where’s everybody at?” “Oh, they decided to take a drive up to Jackie and Harold’s. It’s not too far from here, so they thought they’d stop by for awhile. I didn’t feel up to going so I stayed back.” They went to Brian’s mom and dad’s! Darn! That would’ve been cool if I could’ve gone.. “So what are you guys up to? Planning to go anywhere?” AJ wondered. “We were gonna go shopping, wanna come along?” “Are you kidding! Of course I do! I love shopping! Plus I want to get out of here! This place is no fun if you’re by yourself! Lets go!” AJ was out the door in no time flat. I waited for Nick as he grabbed his wallet and we walked out together. There was a limo waiting for us outside. AJ must’ve arranged it while me Nick and I were still up in the hotel room. We hopped in, and off we went. We had a blast shopping! Them two are just too hilarious shopping with! They’d go put on ridiculous outfits and come out and show them to me. I wish I had a camera right about now! Camera.. maybe I can get one while I’m here. I think I’ve got enough left on my card.. I looked around and found some cameras ~ TONS to choose from. Film was nearby so I grabbed a couple packs, and a thing of batteries. Just as I pulled out my credit card, Nick came up behind me and gently took the card out of the palm of my hand. “And what do you think you’re doing?” “I was just going to-” “I told you I’d pay for your stuff!” He handed over the amount to the lady standing behind the counter, “There you go.” He put his arm around my neck and led me back to the dressing area. “We were just going to do our finale! You almost missed it!” He grinned histerically and then ran back into his dressing room. He must’ve changed really quickly, because in what seemed like a few seconds him and AJ started screaming. Oh my! What in the wrold..? “Are you ready to experience a show like never before? I said... Are you REEAADDY??!?” AJ yelled. I glanced behind me. People were crowded around, wondering what was going on. AJ continued, “In 5...4...3...2...1...” Pow! Their doors swung open. “Oh my gosh!!!” I couldn’t help but crack up! Nick and AJ came out wearing bikinis! They had grass skirts on too! They came over and started dancing around me! “Oh my gosh! You guys!!!” I laughed the whole time! A little embarrassed I asked them, “Are you guys nuts!!!!? Oh my gosh!!! Look at all the people watchin’!” Nick and AJ were used to others watching them put on shows, (I just don’t think that’s the type of show they’re used to though!) and they didn’t seem to care. Instead they just huddled over top of me, swaying in their grass skirts, and making up crazy dance moves. Knowing they were embarrassing me they continued shouting, “Mandy!” “Mandy, come on!” “Dance!” “Mandy!” I was laughing so hard, I was getting a pain in my stomach and tears came out! “You guys!” I said once again; still not listening. I figured: Well! They’re on a roll! They’re not gonna stop for a while.. might as well enjoy it! So I got out the camera and took pix ~lots of them. They even posed on a few! The crowd grew bigger and bigger by the minute! “You two are just too funny!” All they did, was stand around laughing. I couldn’t believe them! AJ went back to his dressing room and changed, did Nick? No! He just stood there in his grass skirt, and bikini. Until out of the blue he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in his dressing room, and shut the door. I looked at him. “Are you crazy!” I said still laughing at the way Nick looked in that outfit! It didn’t even come close to fitting him! AJ and Nick found the smallest and tackiest ones they could! “Only about you!” He responded seriously, but still grinning. Did he just say what I think - My thoughts were interrupted as Nick continued, “Your turn!” “What?” “To try on bikinis! That’s why we came here, right?” “Yeah. But I’m not putting on a show!” “Aw, man!” I opened the door and took a look at the swimsuits that were hanging up on the racks. Thankfully as I was doing so, AJ and Nick took those hideous ~ but adorable-and-cute-looking (on them) ~ outfits off! I picked out about 5 different bikinis and tried them on. I narrowed it down to two different ones. I tried them on again and decided the blue one looked better on me. As I put on the outfit that I (well.. Nick) bought a little earlier, I grabbed the suit I favored more and made my way back to the counter. Nick came right up behind me and dashed to the counter before I had the chance. He smiled and paid the lady once again. We walked outside. Where’d AJ go? He was already trying on different hats and go figure (!) ~ Sunglasses! He ended up buying a couple different shades and we walked back to the curb where the limo was waiting. Crowds and crowds of people gathered around wondering who was in it. “Oh my gosh! Look! It’s AJ, and Nick!” replied a very excited girl. “Looks like we’ve been spotted!” yelled Nick, over all the screams. “RRUNN!!!” AJ yelled to me. Nick took ahold of my hand and we all made for a run for the limo. Once we made it in safely, the driver took off already well aware of everyone waiting outside. I looked back. Some were still chasing after the vehicle! “Are us fans, like this all the time?” I asked out of breath and totally exhausted. “Worse!” said AJ. He too was out of breath. “Well, I’ve got to say.. you must really have your exercise cut out for you!” “Definitely! You could say that again!” “Ok... You must really have your exercise cut out for ya!” “Oh ho ho! A smart-elic huh? Very cute!” Nick began to try and find my ticklish spots. “Ha! I’m not ticklish there!” “What about here?!?” He asked while reaching for my side. “No, Nick, don’t!” “So this is where you’re ticklish ‘ey??” “Nick!” I was going berserk! Finally we reached the hotel. I was the first to hop out. I made a run for it once again. Nick chased me, ready to continue tickling. I made it in the room before he could get a hold of me. I glanced back. He was really close! I shut the door and as soon as I did, he came running in after me. I raced to the bathroom and locked the door. “Ha!” I said. “You can run, but you can’t hide!” he said laughing. “Oh so what? Are you the Ginger bread man now?” “Ha ha. Laugh all you want, but you’ll have to come out sooner or later! And when you do..” “Nick, don’t!” After a long pause he promised,“Fine. I won’t.” “Yeah right!” I said still in disbelief. “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we?” I changed into my bikini and threw my BSB shirt on over top of it and slowly walked towards the door and I slowly unlocked it. Just as I peaked out, Nick came flying in knocking me completely to the floor. “Hey! You promised!” “I didn’t promise! I just said I wouldn’t.. and I won’t.” “What’s the catch?” “No catch. Here,” he said reaching down to help me up. “Okay. You’re keeping something back...” “Nope. I just want to get down to the pool! The guys are already down there and I don’t want to keep them waiting long. So.. I’m not going to tickle you.” “Ok, works for me!” He shut the door and changed into his trunks. When he came out I noticed how buff he really was. WOW! Look at those muscles! And his stomach... he’s got a six-pack! It was EXTREMELY hard, but after I had stopped staring; he handed me a towel and we took a stroll down to where the fellas were. “Hurry up you two!” Brian continued shouting from in the pool, “We’re about to start a game!” He held a small plastic basketball in his hand and asked us, “Should we count you in?” “You know I’m in Rok!” Nick ran and took a leap into the pool, creating a cannonball right where I was standing. The water hit me and I gasped, “Hey!” I was soaked! And cold! “What about you, Mandy?” “Sure, Brian! But that’s gonna cost you, Carter!” “Eww! I’m scared...” “You should be!” “Why? What are you gonna do, huh?” “You’ll see!” I said confidently, but still very unsure what it was that I was that I was going to do. I pulled my BSB shirt over the top of my head, and laid it along with my towel on the nearest chair. WOW! Mandy had on a light blue bikini, that was accompanied by dark blue flowers that was scattered all over and was outlined in a lime green. The bikini looked amazing on her.. like it was made especially for her! It really brought out her green eyes and her long, nice legs... Brian noticed my staring and yelled to me, “Hey, man! Snap out of it! Are you gonna play or what?” “Oh, umm.. yeah.” The other guys must’ve noticed how good she looked in it too by the expressions on their faces. She slipped into the pool and swam over to me and innocently replied, “I’ve got my eye on you, Carter!” Believe me. I’ve got my eye(s) on you too! “Ok. I’m ready! So, who’s on who’s team?” I asked, enthused about playing the game. “Well, I think you and Nick should be separated for awhile so you don’t get all luvvy-dubby on us! So... how about me, AJ, and you vs. Nick, Howie, and Kevin. Does that work for everyone?” asked Rok. “Works for me Bri! I didn’t want to be on her team anyway!” Nick said sarcastically. “Good. Because I didn’t want to be on yours!” “Gosh. Here we go..” Howie, whispered to the other fellas. “We’re gonna kick your team’s bootie!” shouted Nick. “We’ll just see about that!” I yelled back to him. “You two ready yet?” asked Kevin impatiently. “Yep! Let’s go!.. Who gets the ball first?” “We do. You picked teams,” Nick reminded. “Fine. Lets play.” said Rok. It was challenging! Playing basketball in water! I mean, to run was really tough! I got used to it after a few minutes. The score was 2-3. Nick’s team was winning by one. “I told you we’d kick butt!” “Beating us by one point isn’t kicking our butt, man!” said Brian. “Yeah, and as I recall, we’re playing to 5! Which means the game’s not over yet!” I yelled to Nick. “For real!” said AJ. “Ok, ok. Lets finish this thing!” With the team work and Brian’s MAJOR skills, the score tied up to 4-4 in no time. Things got a little intense as we all tried to make the winning basket. “Time!” “Group huddle!” yelled B~rok. AJ, Brian, and I huddled together for a plan. Nick, Howie, and Kevin did the same. “The reason our shots aren’t making it is because of Nick. He’s great at blocking. And he’s so tall.. which gives him an advantage. Plus it’s their ball since we just scored. D and K aren’t real into it and I hate to say so.. but they’ve got no game by themselves. We can easily score the winning point.. if only we could distract Nick...” AJ and Brian looked over at me sharing the same idea. “No prob!” I said assuringly, “This’ll be fun!” “You sure you can handle it?” “Oh yeah! No need to worry. I’ve got it handled, AJ! So I’m covering Nick- what about you two?” “See, here’s how I figure it. Kevin will probably start off knowing my cuz, and he’ll pass it to Howie, who will then toss it to Nick for the win. But Nick will be distracted and..” “Are you guys done yet?” whined Howie. Brian was right. They weren’t real into it. “And what?” I asked. “Don’t worry. It’ll work. Let’s play before they have another fit. Everyone got it? Alright... BREAK!” We took our spots. I slowly made my way towards Nick. Once Kevin got ahold of the ball, I took my position. As always, Brian was right about his cousin. He passed it to Howie, who then made his throw to Nick. I stood right in front of him. “What? Do you want this?” Nick asked me playfully, moving the basketball around. Distract him. Well, at the time, nothing came to mind so I said, “Nope. I want this.” I leaned forward and bravely planted a kiss on Nick’s lips. As I had expected, my plan worked. He was stunned alright, and so were the others! Nick dropped the ball and it landed in the water right in front of me. After a sec passed of no movement, I took the ball and threw it to Brian. After he received it, he grabbed ahold and dunked away. “Yes!” I yelled. “5-4! We won, buddy!” Said Rok smiling. “Now, look who kicked who’s butt!” AJ said laughing. “Ha! Alright!” I said, as AJ and Brian came over to give me high fives. “Hey!” replied Nick; seeming to just now snap out of his daze, “You guy’s cheated! It wasn’t fair. There was interference!” “Excuse me..” I said as I looked into Nick’s eyes as I did, just before I kissed him, “So now, I’m interference?” “No, I..” “We’ll leave you two be. C’mon fellas, lets let Mandy convince Nicko here that he lost. He got beat by a girl!” Said Brian laughing, as the others followed him back to their room. Once everyone was out of our view, Nick broke away from our gaze and turned his body the opposite way. “Nick, what’s wrong?” He didn’t answer. I stood there stupidly waiting for him to answer. Eventually he did. “Mandy. Why’d you do that? I mean, really.” “Do what?” I asked innocently. “That kiss, why’d you do it?” “Umm.. I don’t know..” “So it wasn’t planned?” “Oh no! But..” “But what?” “Well, I was asked to distract you... and I couldn’t come up with anything so..” “So you just decided to kiss me?” “Well..yeah..” “That was so..rude!” “Rude?” I asked. “Yeah, I mean, messing with me like that. That was uncalled for!” “Nick I.. I’m sorry..” “And there for a minute, I actually thought you liked me, and -” “Nick..” He was upset, and hurt. I felt so bad, but I didn’t regret kissing him! It was.. nice. Really nice! He kept going on. He wouldn’t listen. “Nick!!!” I screamed. He finally turned to look at me. “I do like you.” “Then why’d you do that?!?” He asked, the hurt in his voice showing. “I’m sorry!” I shouted once more, “I didn’t think it would bother you this much.” “Ugh. I wish you wouldn’t have done that.” “You, you.. you didn’t enjoy it?” This time I was hurt. He looked me in the eyes and softly answered, “I didn’t mean that. I just wish you wouldn’t have kissed me.. for that reason. And in front of all the fellas, I felt like a total fool when you kissed me~ just to get the ball. That hurts. I mean, gosh Mandy. Since I saw you standing outside our tour bus yesterday (he wasn’t even looking at me anymore) I’ve, I’ve just been wondering, well.. what it would be like, me and you lip to lip... and then we are.. and it wasn’t because you wanted to, it was because you were “distracting” me..” “Nick.. I like you, and I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t, or if I wasn’t curious myself...” “So you actually like me? Or is this just another way to distract me from something-” I grabbed Nick’s face with my hands, and placed another kiss on his lips. seemed to get better each time.. I gently let go, and looked up. He opened his eyes, as I did, and we shared a great stare. “What was that for?” “I really like you, Nick. I mean REALLY! And even though the other, umm.. kiss, was just for fun.. it doesn’t mean I didn’t want to or that I didn’t enjoy it. And it took a lot of courage for me to do that. I really didn’t mean to hurt you..” A tear or two, fell on my cheek. “I’m so sorry, Nick..” This time he cupped my face in his hands, and leaned his forehead against mine and said, “I know you’re sorry, I can tell. And I’m sorry. I was too hard on you..” “So you forgive me?” I asked hopefully. “You bet.” “Oh thank goodness,” I said relieved. “ I thought..cause you were so upset.. that you’d stop talking to me, and .. and I’d lose you..” He brought his hand to my face, as a few more tears fell and wiped them away with his fingers. Our eyes locked once again, this time as if in a spell. He leaned over. Instead of our eyes locking, our lips locked. It was a sweet, long, nice, enjoyable kiss. It was nothing like I had ever experienced. I didn’t know what was holding me up from falling.. because I had already fallen. Fallen in love. With Nick Carter.. Wow! What a kiss! It’s like nothing before! ~ and I liked it! A LOT!

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