Pallet Town

What the? Where am I? Ok, I'm starting this right after you give Oak your Info. Your in your room when you start. Go down the stairs on the top left corner of the room. When you get downstairs, a lady is waiting there. You later find out that she's your mom! Talk to her and walk out the door. Ok, your outside and boy do the graphics suck! No, I'm just kidding. You can take the long way and go from house to house in the small town but if you just want to cut to the chase, walk into the tall grass. Your walking...your walking. Ok, your in the tall grass and some old guy is coming towards you. He's Oak. If you have blue or red version, he just comes to you and tells you it's not safe, but in yellow version a Pikachu attacks and he catches it. He then brings you to his lab. What's this? Gary? What are you doing here? I think he wants a Pokemon too, the nerve of that guy! Ok, bla bla. After Oak says what he needs to say, he lets you choose a Pokeball. If you have blue or red then he gives you the oppertunity to choose one of three Pokemon-Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander. If you have yellow, Gary takes the Eevee and you get the Pikachu(Yellow-Pikachu Version! Did you know that? I hope you did). Ok, so pick any Pokemon you want in red or blue and what's this? Gary wants to battle? In a way the first battle with Gary is just as fair as it can be. He chooses the Pokemon that is best at beating your Pokemons brains out. But on the other hand Gary will half of the time use the stupidist moves possible. Fight him and try to only use moves that actually hurt his Pokemon(don't use Leer). Ok, you won, YaY, or you lost, YaY. Anyway you put it you get out of that small little town, and that's the best thing no matter if you won or lost. Ok, now just get back into the tall grass and click here.
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