Route 1

Hi. Welcome to Route 1! This place believe it or not is one of the most important places in the game. Here there are two important Pokemon that you abselutely have to catch or else you'll really stink up the game! Most people just use Rattata and Pidgey until they get "better" Pokemon, but really if you spend your time and money(in the game) to teach and train Rattata then he can become the best Pokemon ever! Ok, so your going, your going, what's this? A little box with an exclamation mark in it? Oh, no, i'm blacking out. Your not really, but a Pokemon is attacking you! What to do, what to do, why not catch it? Hold on, you don't have a pokeball. Sorry, but all you can do is fight it. Actually, that's still good. You can raise your pokemon's EXP Points and maybe get it to it's next level which should be six unless your pokemon has already had a level up(probably hasn't yet). Ok, so you beat it(I hope) or your outside your mom's house(damn). Ok, so go to the top of this page if your back at your mom's house or go on if your still where you were. In other news, you have to get to Viridian City(the next city). Just keep battling the pokemon that attack you. Just get to Viridian city using that method. Ok, your out of Route 1 and in Viridian City!
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