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About Me
My name is Catherine Dorman and I operate a Family Child Care Home known as Miss Cathie's House.  Miss Cathie's House is a Florida State Licensed Family Child Care Home (Lic. #150599).  I have been licensed since January 1999.
I have nearly completed the acquisition of the CDA (Child Development Associate credential).  I am also working towards accreditation by the National Association of Family Child Care  (should be completed in yr. 2000).  I am also a member of the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), and a member of the Florida Family Child Care Home Assn.
I believe in the theory's of the great developmental psychologist
Jean Piaget, in that children develop through experience and play.  
I feel privileged that you are considering giving me the opportunity to touch your young child/rens life.
Some reasons you might consider a Family Child Care Home over a Center are:
1.  Lower child/provider ratio.
2. Smaller Group/more personal attention for your child.
3. Continuity of Care.  This means your child will have the  same provider from infancy through elementary school.
4. One to One Parent/Provider Communication.
Please see my brochure for additional reasons.
Contract - Handbook
Jean Piaget