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PROPHECY TEACHING: Occupying Until He Comes
March 24, 2001

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Jesus made us Kings and Priests in the Earth, and we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. We have been given power and authority, over all the power of the enemy. And, then also, we are strangers and aliens here, not of this world, and this world will never want us here. When we are persecuted, we are not surprised, because we have been warned ahead of time.

Each of you has to settle in your own minds what these words actually mean: "occupy until I come". What does it mean to "occupy" in this world?

How far do we go with political involvement? How about social activism? Protests against abortion, pornography and the like? You have got to be led of the Lord.

Augustine believed and taught that the Kingdom of God was called to supplant the kingdom of this world. If you will, he was an early "kingdom now" teacher. Then, there are those of us who, like Abraham, are heading toward a heavenly city. We are sojourners and aliens here, and we are totally uncomfortable in this world.

Where is the balance of the truth in this? Obviously, D. James Kennedy, in his big push with "Recovering America", believes that we should be very active in this world in pushing back darkness. I believe with all my heart that Dr. Kennedy knows Jesus. Is he right?

The church of Jesus Christ is a salt in the Earth. Salt purifies and disinfects. It kills weeds. While we are here in the Earth, everything we touch is going to be affected by the salt in us, to the extent that we remain salty.

For this reason, I write letters to the President and the Congress. As for me, I don't believe in hiding in my Holy Ghost shell. I must admit, however, that I don't believe that the Lord wants me doing some of the activism that other believers are doing. I try to let love come through first, no matter who I am dealing with. I perceive that the major problem the world has is not wickedness but that they lack relationship with Jesus.

In writing this, I do not condemn those who are more active or vocal than I in attacking the works of darkness. As I said before, walk the tightrope, with the Lord's help.

Stephen L. Bening a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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