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WARFARE: Fasting Food
February 27, 2001

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This scripture was quickened to me this morning:

"Can plunder be taken from warriors, or captives rescued from the fierce? But this is what the LORD says: Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce. I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save. I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine."

Isaiah 49:24-26

The adversaries against us are fierce. They have, in many cases, laughed at our prayers in the past because we did not come as a unified, organized fighting unit: we came alone. We did not come with our best weapons: we came with half hearted prayers. We quickly gave up and fainted when we did not receive what we were asking for. But God is telling us that this can be accomplished. Plunder will be retrieved from the fierce. Captives will be rescued from these fierce warriors.

While I was reading Kristine's wish that she would have known about this earlier...that she wouldn't have scheduled a lunch for today, the Spirit of the Lord whispered to me to tell her not to be concerned. Fast in whatever way she is able, however she is led of the Lord during this week, for we will be doing this again, and again, and again, until reports begin to come in that enemy positions are giving way.

Then, the Lord showed me a battering ram. It kept pounding at the object it was trying to smash until it was broken into millions of pieces. I believe that the Lord is calling for fasting and prayer that is like that battering ram. Hell has set up some gates on our land. Some of those gates have been there a long time. These gates of hell shall not prevail against us.

It is time for us to take back what has been stolen. It may be a "Battle Of The Bulge". It may last for quite some time before observable results may be seen, but as for me, I have had enough of hanging my head in defeat with regard to these adversaries that have not moved in response to my prayers thus far. We know what has not worked in the past. We know what to do, and we have been assembled together with others who have reached a point of desperate resolve. We have failed so many times alone that we won't go alone anymore.

As for me, I believe that for the next several weeks at least, my times from Monday evening until Wednesday morning are going to be the time when my hand is on the battering ram that we are smashing these fierce adversaries with. Perhaps your times will be slightly different from mine. Nevertheless, I know that Joe Cook and Kristine Carson will be smashing away at the same time. Hollie will be too. James and Kay Lynn Manker are in place. Others have recognized that we are in a fierce battle. Perhaps many more will lay their hands to the battering ram of the Lord.

The battle is not to the swift. The battle belongs to the Lord.

These old and fierce adversaries are not laughing at us anymore. We have their attention. Do not be discouraged if, initially, there is a backlash and things appear to get worse. Just keep it up and do not faint. Let the group know if any of you become discouraged in the battle.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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