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DEVOTIONAL: Knowing Jesus
January 29, 2001

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I just finished reading an article, written by Francis Frangipanne, sent to me by Laura Kula. The part of the long article that really impacted me is that as one who has been called as an anointed worshipper, I have been more acquainted with sorrows than the average believer.

I have long meditated on the scripture "It pleased the Lord to bruise His son". I was even given a song from the Lord, based upon that scripture. I have found it to be true that in the times of my crushing, I perceived a greater closeness and intimacy with Jesus, and my worship was more intense, yes staggeringly so.

And as I ponder on the mystery of this, the Holy Spirit quietly whispered the words to a recent worship song, that was taken from scripture:

"Knowing you, Jesus, knowing you, there is no greater thing."

"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death, if by any means I might attain unto the ressurection of the dead." Phillipians 3:10-11

I'll tell you now of a prophetess I know. I have blessed her financially. She has stayed in my home. I have prayed for her.

She was alone, ministering before the Lord for many years. Suddenly, she met a man and fell in love. Since they were both over 50, they married after knowing each other only three months. This was one month ago.

This prophetess believes with all her heart that Jesus led her to marry this man. And yet, now, only one month after her wedding date, this man, her husband, does not want to be married anymore. It is as though he has changed into a different man. He has utterly rejected her.

I must say that I was quite shocked. The Lord didn't show me anything negative concerning him, and I wonder why that is? I prayed for her and counseled her. She asked me for my views and insights concerning the marriage. I was joyous with her while she was rejoicing. Now, I mourn with her as she mourns.

For a time Saturday, she was saying that she didn't think that she could go on. This was just too much. But I watched her in worship on Sunday. The intensity...the light of God on her was incredible. The worship that was pressed from this woman was priceless.

What was the price of that worship? That prophetess knows Jesus, and she knows the fellowship of His sufferings, as do I. By virtue of what I have suffered, and the subsequent comfort from the Lord that I have received, I have been able to comfort her and to assure her that everything is going to be alright and God will work even this horror together for her good. What price that worship? It was priceless!

God is seeking worshippers: those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Those who will worship Him when their world has been destroyed. Those who will find their every and only reason for existence in Him when everything they have hoped for in this world has been rendered desolate. How can the worth of worship like that be calculted? It cannot. I scarce can take it in as I try to fathom it.

Knowing you, Jesus, knowing you, there is no greater thing. You're my all, you're the best, you're my joy my righteousness.........and I love you Lord.......and I love you Lord.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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