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What The Lord Said To Me Today
God Will Carry Your Words

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I sat down to write tonite and the Lord spoke to me very clearly what He wanted me to write about. It is a personal experience I had three months ago. When the Lord told me to write about it, I started to argue with the Lord. Imagine that: I'm going to tell God what is and what is not right for me to say. My argument, to the Lord, was that this experience wouldn't really speak to very many people, or so I thought. But, I am sure that the Lord wants me to write about it, so it must be intended to encourage someone, maybe to more people than I expected.

Three months ago, I had been writing prophetically, on a daily basis for about one month. I was getting much resistance and attack in the egroup where I was a member. It did not seem as though anybody was being blessed by what I was writing. Well, there were a few people who expressed their appreciation, but the demons of discouragement were all over me at that time, and I felt like I was wasting my time and that the words that I was writing were not getting out.

You know the saying, that if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound if no one is there? Well, the enemy kept saying to me that my words, put up on the internet, did nothing if no one was reading them.

On one particularly dark day, I had an appointment to visit a pastor at a church where I have ministered over the years. I arrived there and sat for awhile, talking with the pastor. It was about 2 PM in the afternoon, and the church was empty except for the pastor and me. After a time, someone knocked on the door of the church and the pastor went to greet them, leaving me alone.

I got up and walked back to the bathroom area to get a drink of water. This area is in the opposite end of the church, but it's the only place to get a drink of water in the building.

When I opened the door into the bathroom area, the first thing I saw was a little stack of papers on the counter that was on my left. I recognized these papers. I picked them up and looked more closely at them. The papers had obviously been copied over and over again on a copier because the quality of the copy had greatly deteriorated.

As I began to read, it became clear to me. I was looking at a word of prophecy that I had sent by mail to the pastor of that church four years ago. The pastor had apparently copied that word, unbeknownst to me, and distributed it to his members. Here, in my hands, I was holding descendant of those original pages.

I stood there in the silence, holding those pages: stunned and speachless. Then the Lord spoke to my heart, telling me that if I would just be faithful to write, He would carry the words to whomever He wanted to and that where they might go would greatly surprise me.

I was greatly encouraged by this and I assure you that the Lord is no respecter of persons. If you have ever received a word of prophecy from the Lord, and have only had the ability to distribute it in a limited way, do not be discouraged. The Lord will carry your words wherever He wants them to go and to whomever He wants to receive them.

Stephen L. Bening
a servant and prophet of our Lord Jesus Christ

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